Dr. Naladi Ram Babu
Dr. Naladi Ram Babu
Assistant Professor
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A comprehensive review of recent strategies on automatic generation control/load frequency control in power systems
N Ram Babu, SK Bhagat, LC Saikia, T Chiranjeevi, R Devarapalli, ...
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 30 (1), 543-572, 2023
Automatic generation control of a solar thermal and dish‐stirling solar thermal system integrated multi‐area system incorporating accurate HVDC link model using crow search …
N Ram Babu, L Chandra Saikia
IET Renewable Power Generation 13 (12), 2221-2231, 2019
Load frequency control of a multi‐area system incorporating realistic high‐voltage direct current and dish‐Stirling solar thermal system models under deregulated scenario
NR Babu, LC Saikia
IET Renewable Power Generation 15 (5), 1116-1132, 2021
AGC of a multiarea system incorporating accurate HVDC and precise wind turbine systems
N Ram Babu, LC Saikia
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, e12277, 2019
Impact of PLL and virtual inertia on deregulated AGC system integrated with parallel AC/HVDC
SK Bhagat, LC Saikia, NR Babu, D Saha
IETE Journal of Research 69 (5), 2514-2527, 2023
Application of hybrid crow-search with particle swarm optimization algorithm in AGC studies of multi-area systems
NR Babu, SK Bhagat, LC Saikia, T Chiranjeevi
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography 23 (2), 429-439, 2020
A review on various secondary controllers and optimization techniques in automatic generation control
SK Bhagat, NR Babu, LC Saikia, T Chiranjeevi, R Devarapalli, ...
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 30 (5), 3081-3111, 2023
Impact of spotted hyena optimized cascade controller in load frequency control of wave-solar-double compensated capacitive energy storage based interconnected power system
A Saha, P Dash, NR Babu, T Chiranjeevi, B Venkateswararao, ...
Energies 15 (19), 6959, 2022
Optimal location of accurate HVDC and energy storage devices in a deregulated AGC integrated with PWTS considering HPA-ISE as performance index
NR Babu, LC Saikia
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 33, 101072, 2022
Maiden Application of Meta-Heuristic Techniques with Optimized Integral minus Tilt-Derivative Controller for AGC of Multi-area Multi-Source System
SK Bhagat, NR Babu, LC Sakia, DK Raju
Optimal unified frequency and voltage control of multi-area multi-source power system using the cascaded PIDN-TIDF controller
SK Ramoji, LC Saikia, B Dekaraja, MK Behera, SK Bhagat, NR Babu
2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 1-6, 2020
Application of artificial hummingbird algorithm in a renewable energy source integrated multi-area power system considering Fuzzy based tilt integral derivative controller
SK Bhagat, LC Saikia, NR Babu
e-Prime-Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy 4, 100153, 2023
Effect of partial loading on a three‐area hydro‐thermal system integrated with realistic dish‐Stirling solar thermal system, accurate model of high‐voltage direct link …
SK Bhagat, LC Saikia, NR Babu
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 31 (12), e13169, 2021
Coordinated control of voltage and frequency in a three-area multisource system integrated with SMES using FOI-FOPDF controller
B Dekaraja, LC Saikia, SK Ramoji, NR Babu, SK Bhagat, MK Behera
2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 1-7, 2020
Maiden application of coyote optimizer algorithm with TIDN controller in AGC of a multi-area multi-source system
NR Babu, V Narrisetty, LC Saikia
2019 IEEE 16th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 1-4, 2019
Dynamic stability evaluation of an integrated biodiesel-geothermal power plant-based power system with spotted hyena optimized cascade controller
A Saha, P Dash, NR Babu, T Chiranjeevi, M Dhananjaya, Ł Knypiński
Sustainability 14 (22), 14842, 2022
Maiden application of hybrid crow-search algorithm with particle swarm optimization in LFC studies
NR Babu, LC Saikia, SK Bhagat, A Saha
Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and …, 2021
Combined voltage and frequency control of a multi-area multi-source system using SFLA optimized TID controller
NR Babu, DK Sahu, LC Saikia, SK Ramoji
2019 IEEE 16th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 1-4, 2019
Load frequency control of a multi-area system incorporating dish-stirling solar thermal system and coyote optimized PI minus DF controller
NR Babu, LC Saikia
2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and …, 2020
Application of an optimal tilt controller in a partial loading schedule of multi-area power system considering HVDC link and virtual inertia
SK Bhagat, LC Saikia, NR Babu
ISA transactions 146, 437-450, 2024
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