Rich Fiorella
Rich Fiorella
Los Alamos National Lab, New Mexico Consortium, University of Utah
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Isotopes in the water cycle: regional-to global-scale patterns and applications
GJ Bowen, Z Cai, RP Fiorella, AL Putman
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 47 (1), 453-479, 2019
Synthesis, Structure, Assembly, and Modulation of the CO2 Adsorption Properties of a Zinc-Adeninate Macrocycle
J An, RP Fiorella, SJ Geib, NL Rosi
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (24), 8401-8403, 2009
A Global Perspective on Local Meteoric Water Lines: Meta‐analytic Insight into Fundamental Controls and Practical Constraints
AL Putman, RP Fiorella, GJ Bowen, Z Cai
Water Resources Research, 2019
Contrasting strategies of hydraulic control in two codominant temperate tree species
AM Matheny, RP Fiorella, G Bohrer, CJ Poulsen, TH Morin, A Wunderlich, ...
Ecohydrology 10 (3), e1815, 2017
Spatiotemporal variability of modern precipitation δ18O in the central Andes and implications for paleoclimate and paleoaltimetry estimates
RP Fiorella, CJ Poulsen, RS Pillco Zola, JB Barnes, CR Tabor, TA Ehlers
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 120 (10), 4630-4656, 2015
The Role of Plant CO 2 Physiological Forcing in Shaping Future Daily-Scale Precipitation
CB Skinner, CJ Poulsen, R Chadwick, NS Diffenbaugh, RP Fiorella
Journal of Climate 30 (7), 2319-2340, 2017
Modern and long-term evaporation of central Andes surface waters suggests paleo archives underestimate Neogene elevations
RP Fiorella, CJ Poulsen, RSP Zolá, ML Jeffery, TA Ehlers
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 432, 59-72, 2015
Equable end Mesoproterozoic climate in the absence of high CO2
RP Fiorella, ND Sheldon
Geology 45 (3), 231-234, 2017
Seasonal patterns of water cycling in a deep, continental mountain valley inferred from stable water vapor isotopes
RP Fiorella, CJ Poulsen, AM Matheny
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123 (14), 7271-7291, 2018
Biased estimates of the isotope ratios of steady‐state evaporation from the assumption of equilibrium between vapor and precipitation
RP Fiorella, JB West, GJ Bowen
Hydrological Processes 33 (19), 2576-2590, 2019
Detection and variability of combustion-derived vapor in an urban basin
RP Fiorella, R Bares, JC Lin, JR Ehleringer, GJ Bowen
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18 (12), 8529-8547, 2018
Variability and Controls on δ18O, d‐excess, and ∆′17O in Southern Peruvian Precipitation
PG Aron, CJ Poulsen, RP Fiorella, NE Levin, RP Acosta, BJ Yanites, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 126 (23), e2020JD034009, 2021
Isotopic reconnaissance of urban water supply system dynamics
Y Jameel, S Brewer, RP Fiorella, BJ Tipple, S Terry, GJ Bowen
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (11), 6109-6125, 2018
Stable water isotopes reveal effects of intermediate disturbance and canopy structure on forest water cycling
PG Aron, CJ Poulsen, RP Fiorella, AM Matheny
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 124 (10), 2958-2975, 2019
Enhancing understanding of the hydrological cycle via pairing of process‐oriented and isotope ratio tracers
RP Fiorella, N Siler, J Nusbaumer, DC Noone
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 13 (10), e2021MS002648, 2021
Dehumidification over Tropical Continents Reduces Climate Sensitivity and Inhibits Snowball Earth Initiation
RP Fiorella, CJ Poulsen
Journal of Climate 26 (2013), 9677-9695, 2013
A statistical method for generating temporally downscaled geochemical tracers in precipitation
CE Finkenbiner, SP Good, ST Allen, RP Fiorella, GJ Bowen
Journal of Hydrometeorology 22 (6), 1473-1486, 2021
Calibration strategies for detecting macroscale patterns in NEON atmospheric carbon isotope observations
RP Fiorella, SP Good, ST Allen, JS Guo, CJ Still, DC Noone, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 126 (3), e2020JG005862, 2021
An isotopic approach to partition evapotranspiration in a mixed deciduous forest
PG Aron, CJ Poulsen, RP Fiorella, AM Matheny, TJ Veverica
Ecohydrology 13 (6), e2229, 2020
Wintertime decoupling of urban valley and rural ridge hydrological processes revealed through stable water isotopes
RP Fiorella, R Bares, JC Lin, GJ Bowen
Atmospheric Environment 213, 337-348, 2019
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