Prof Aafaf Ouaddah
Prof Aafaf Ouaddah
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FairAccess: a new Blockchain‐based access control framework for the Internet of Things
A Ouaddah, A Abou Elkalam, A Ait Ouahman
Security and communication networks 9 (18), 5943-5964, 2016
Access control in the Internet of Things: Big challenges and new opportunities
A Ouaddah, H Mousannif, A Abou Elkalam, AA Ouahman
Computer Networks 112, 237-262, 2017
Towards a novel privacy-preserving access control model based on blockchain technology in IoT
A Ouaddah, AA Elkalam, AA Ouahman
Europe and MENA cooperation advances in information and communication …, 2017
Security analysis and proposal of new access control model in the Internet of Thing
A Ouaddah, I Bouij-Pasquier, A Abou Elkalam, AA Ouahman
2015 international conference on electrical and information technologies …, 2015
Harnessing the power of blockchain technology to solve IoT security & privacy issues.
A Ouaddah, A Abou El Kalam, AA Ouahman
ICC, 7:1-7:10, 2017
Europe and MENA cooperation advances in information and communication technologies
Á Rocha, M Serrhini, C Felgueiras
Springer International Publishing, 2017
Machine learning in identity and access management systems: Survey and deep dive
S Aboukadri, A Ouaddah, A Mezrioui
Computers & Security 139, 103729, 2024
A blockchain based access control framework for the security and privacy of IoT with strong anonymity unlinkability and intractability guarantees
A Ouaddah
Advances in computers 115, 211-258, 2019
Access control in IoT: Survey & state of the art
A Ouaddah, H Mousannif, A Abou Elkalam, AA Ouahman
2016 5th International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS …, 2016
Access control models in IoT: the road ahead
A Ouaddah, H Mousannif, AA Ouahman
2015 IEEE/ACS 12th International Conference of Computer Systems and …, 2015
Drawing the boundaries between blockchain and blockchain-like systems: A comprehensive survey on distributed ledger technologies
B Bellaj, A Ouaddah, E Bertin, N Crespi, A Mezrioui
Proceedings of the IEEE 112 (3), 247-299, 2024
SOK: A comprehensive survey on distributed ledger technologies
B Bellaj, A Ouaddah, E Bertin, N Crespi, A Mezrioui
2022 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC), 1-16, 2022
FairAccess2. 0: a smart contract-based authorisation framework for enabling granular access control in IoT
A Ouaddah, B Bellaj
International Journal of Information and Computer Security 15 (1), 18-48, 2021
Btrust: a new blockchain-based trust management protocol for resource sharing
B Bellaj, A Ouaddah, E Bertin, N Crespi, A Mezrioui, K Bellaj
Journal of Network and Systems Management 30 (4), 64, 2022
Exploring blockchain-based Self Sovereign Identity Systems: challenges and comparative analysis
BN Eddine, A Ouaddah, A Mezrioui
2021 3rd Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative …, 2021
IoT-Gov: an IoT governance framework using the blockchain
A Sedrati, A Ouaddah, A Mezrioui, B Bellaj
Computing 104 (10), 2307-2345, 2022
DCEA: A reference model for distributed ledger technologies
B Bellaj, A Ouaddah, E Bertin, N Crespi, A Mezrioui
2021 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC), 1-2, 2021
FairAccess: a new Blockchain-based access control framework for the Internet of Things. Security and Communication Networks 9, 18 (2016), 5943–5964
A Ouaddah, A Abou El Kalam, AA Ouahman
Major role of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning in identity and access management field: Challenges and state of the art
S Aboukadri, A Ouaddah, A Mezrioui
International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics, 50-64, 2022
IoT-Gov: A structured framework for internet of things governance
A Sedrati, A Mezrioui, A Ouaddah
Computer Networks 233, 109902, 2023
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