Richard W Stackman
Richard W Stackman
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Managing organizational change
PE Connor, LK Lake
(No Title), 1988
Business-environment attitudes and the new environmental paradigm
L Shetzer, RW Stackman, LF Moore
The Journal of Environmental Education 22 (4), 14-21, 1991
The centrality of communication norm alignment, role clarity, and trust in global project teams
LS Henderson, RW Stackman, R Lindekilde
International journal of project management 34 (8), 1717-1730, 2016
Advancing the scholarship of teaching through collaborative self-study
BY Louie, DJ Drevdahl, JM Purdy, RW Stackman
The Journal of Higher Education 74 (2), 150-171, 2003
Values lost: Redirecting research on values in the workplace
RW Stackman, CC Pinder, PE Connor
Handbook of organizational culture and climate, 37-54, 2000
Why cultural intelligence matters on global project teams
LS Henderson, RW Stackman, R Lindekilde
International Journal of Project Management 36 (7), 954-967, 2018
Sectoral ethos: An investigation of the personal values systems of female and male managers in the public and private sectors
RW Stackman, PE Connor, BW Becker
Journal of public administration research and theory 16 (4), 577-597, 2006
An exploratory study of gender in project management: Interrelationships with role, location, technology, and project cost
LS Henderson, RW Stackman
Project Management Journal 41 (5), 37-55, 2010
Merging reflective inquiry and self-study as a framework for enhancing the scholarship of teaching
DJ Drevdahl, RW Stackman, JM Purdy, BY Louie
Journal of Nursing Education 41 (9), 413-419, 2002
Women project managers: The exploration of their job challenges and issue selling behaviors
LS Henderson, RW Stackman, CY Koh
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 6 (4), 761-791, 2013
Context and sex effects on personal work networks
RW Stackman, CC Pinder
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 16 (1), 39-64, 1999
Myths about teaching and the university professor: The power of unexamined beliefs
BY Louie, RW Stackman, D Drevdahl, JM Purdy
Improving Teacher Education Practice Through Self-study, 193-207, 2004
Emergence and community: The story of three complex adaptive entities.
RW Stackman, LS Henderson, DP Bloch
Emergence: Complexity & Organization 8 (3), 2006
Frond Lake: An environmental policy role-play
LF Moore, L Shetzer, RW Stackman
Journal of Management Education 16 (2), 146-162, 1992
Leadership and “Emotional-Rational” Coherence: A Start? Editor's Introduction
RW Stackman, K Devine
Academy of Management Perspectives 25 (1), 42-44, 2011
Generative Curiosity Introducing JMI’s Newest Section
RW Stackman, DR Hannah
Journal of Management Inquiry 26 (1), 112-115, 2017
The management exercises: A way forward with purpose
RW Stackman, KR Connor
Management 1, 1-2016, 2016
Away from abilene and toward a community of practice ecosystem: developmental peer reviews realized
RW Stackman
Journal of Management Inquiry 27 (2), 169-175, 2018
Values lost: Redirecting research on values in the workplace
CC Pinder, RW Stackman, PE Connor
annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, 1997
Dialogue as Renounced Aggression: JMI and the Case of AOM’s President’s Response to EO13769
RW Stackman, P Martin de Holan, N Argyres, S Cabral, TP Moliterno, ...
Journal of Management Inquiry 28 (3), 268-275, 2019
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