Demographic threats to the sustainability of Brazil nut exploitation CA Peres, C Baider, PA Zuidema, LHO Wadt, KA Kainer, ... Science 302 (5653), 2112-2114, 2003 | 421 | 2003 |
Is beauty in the eye of the beholder? DW Yu, GH Shepard Jr Nature 396 (6709), 321-322, 1998 | 414 | 1998 |
“Made in Brazil”: Human Dispersal of the Brazil Nut (Bertholletia excelsa, Lecythidaceae) in Ancient Amazonia1 GH Shepard, H Ramirez Economic Botany 65, 44-65, 2011 | 254 | 2011 |
A sensory ecology of medicinal plant therapy in two Amazonian societies GH Shepard Jr American Anthropologist, 252-266, 2004 | 228 | 2004 |
Empty forest or empty rivers? A century of commercial hunting in Amazonia AP Antunes, RM Fewster, EM Venticinque, CA Peres, T Levi, F Rohe, ... Science advances 2 (10), e1600936, 2016 | 214 | 2016 |
The sustainability of subsistence hunting by Matsigenka native communities in Manu National Park, Peru J OHL‐SCHACHERER, GH Shepard Jr, H Kaplan, CA Peres, T Levi, ... Conservation Biology 21 (5), 1174-1185, 2007 | 177 | 2007 |
Secondary forests on anthropogenic soils in Brazilian Amazonia conserve agrobiodiversity AB Junqueira, GH Shepard, CR Clement Biodiversity and Conservation 19, 1933-1961, 2010 | 159 | 2010 |
Primates in Matsigenka subsistence and world view GH Shepard Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology, 101-136, 2002 | 150 | 2002 |
Modelling the long‐term sustainability of indigenous hunting in Manu National Park, Peru: landscape‐scale management implications for Amazonia T Levi, GH Shepard Jr, J Ohl‐Schacherer, CA Peres, DW Yu Journal of Applied Ecology 46 (4), 804-814, 2009 | 149 | 2009 |
Game vertebrate densities in hunted and nonhunted forest sites in Manu National Park, Peru W Endo, CA Peres, E Salas, S Mori, JL Sanchez‐Vega, GH Shepard, ... Biotropica 42 (2), 251-261, 2010 | 141 | 2010 |
Trouble in paradise: Indigenous populations, anthropological policies, and biodiversity conservation in Manu National Park, Peru GH Shepard Jr, K Rummenhoeller, J Ohl-Schacherer, DW Yu Journal of Sustainable Forestry 29 (2-4), 252-301, 2010 | 128 | 2010 |
Global importance of Indigenous Peoples, their lands, and knowledge systems for saving the world’s primates from extinction A Estrada, PA Garber, S Gouveia, Á Fernández-Llamazares, F Ascensão, ... Science advances 8 (31), eabn2927, 2022 | 118 | 2022 |
Rain forest habitat classification among the Matsigenka of the Peruvian Amazon GH Shepard Jr, WY Douglas, M Lizarralde, M Italiano Journal of Ethnobiology 21 (1), 1-38, 2001 | 107 | 2001 |
Psychoactive plants and ethnopsychiatric medicines of the Matsigenka GH Shepard Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 30 (4), 321-332, 1998 | 107 | 1998 |
Medicinal plants at Rio Jauaperi, Brazilian Amazon: Ethnobotanical survey and environmental conservation CT Pedrollo, VF Kinupp, G Shepard Jr, M Heinrich Journal of Ethnopharmacology 186, 111-124, 2016 | 102 | 2016 |
Secondary forests on anthropogenic soils of the middle Madeira river: valuation, local knowledge, and landscape domestication in Brazilian Amazonia AB Junqueira, GH Shepard, CR Clement Economic Botany 65, 85-99, 2011 | 100 | 2011 |
Pharmacognosy and the senses in two Amazonian societies GH Shepard Jr Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi, 1999 | 95 | 1999 |
Three days for weeping: dreams, emotions, and death in the Peruvian Amazon GH Shepard Jr Medical Anthropology Quarterly 16 (2), 200-229, 2002 | 90 | 2002 |
The life history of human foraging: Cross-cultural and individual variation J Koster, R McElreath, K Hill, D Yu, G Shepard Jr, N Van Vliet, M Gurven, ... Science advances 6 (26), eaax9070, 2020 | 86 | 2020 |
Spatial tools for modeling the sustainability of subsistence hunting in tropical forests T Levi, GH Shepard Jr, J Ohl-Schacherer, CC Wilmers, CA Peres, DW Yu Ecological Applications 21 (5), 1802-1818, 2011 | 85 | 2011 |