Hani abdallah
Hani abdallah
H. Abdallah,
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Wa-LiD: A new LiDAR simulator for waters
H Abdallah, N Baghdadi, JS Bailly, Y Pastol, F Fabre
IEEE Geoscience and remote sensing letters 9 (4), 744-748, 2012
Potential of space-borne LiDAR sensors for global bathymetry in coastal and inland waters
H Abdallah, JS Bailly, NN Baghdadi, N Saint-Geours, F Fabre
IEEE Journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote …, 2012
The relevance of GLAS/ICESat elevation data for the monitoring of river networks
N Baghdadi, N Lemarquand, H Abdallah, JS Bailly
Remote Sensing 3 (4), 708-720, 2011
Assessment of quadrilateral fitting of the water column contribution in lidar waveforms on bathymetry estimates
L Abady, JS Bailly, N Baghdadi, Y Pastol, H Abdallah
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 11 (4), 813-817, 2013
Improving the assessment of ICESat water altimetry accuracy accounting for autocorrelation
H Abdallah, JS Bailly, N Baghdadi, N Lemarquand
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 66 (6), 833-844, 2011
Spectrum sensing based on cumulative power spectral density
A Nasser, A Mansour, KC Yao, H Abdallah, H Charara
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2017, 1-19, 2017
Spectrum sensing for half and full-duplex cognitive radio
A Nasser, A Mansour, KC Yao, H Abdallah
Spectrum Access and Management for Cognitive Radio Networks, 15-50, 2017
Spectrum sensing enhancement using principal component analysis
A Nasser, A Mansour, KC Yao, H Abdallah, M Chaitou, H Charara
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information …, 2016
Cancelation of LNA distortions in in‐band full‐duplex systems
A Nasser, A Mansour, KC Yao, H Abdallah, H Charara
Transactions on emerging telecommunications technologies 29 (9), e3426, 2018
In-band full-duplex communication for cognitive radio
A Nasser, A Mansour, KC Yao, H Abdallah, H Charara
2017 23rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC), 1-5, 2017
Blind source separation-based full-duplex cognitive radio
A Nasser, A Mansour, KC Yao, H Assaf, H Abdallah
Proc. EEETEM, 86-90, 2017
H.: Full-Duplex Cognitive Radio based on Spatial Diversity
A Nasser, A Mansour, KC Yao, HA Assaf, H Abdallah
International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications 8 …, 2018
On the Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds of Ranging Based on IR-UWB TOA Estimation in Wirelessbody Area Networks
J Hamie, A Hamieh, J Younis, M Ammar, A Ahmad-Kassem, A Skaiky, ...
2018 9th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and …, 2018
Le développement de LiDAR satellitaire multifonctions. Analyse exploratoire du potentiel de capteurs LiDAR pour le suivi altimétrique et bathymétrique des surfaces en eau …
H Abdallah
Université Montpellier II-Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 2012
Human behavior modeling In video surveillance of conference halls
N Charara, H Charara, O Abou Khaled, H Abdallah, E Mugellini
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology; International Journal …, 2017
Spectrum Sensing and Throughput Analysis for Full-Duplex Cognitive Radio with Hardware Impairments
A Nasser, A Mansour, K Yao, H Abdallah, AA Ghani
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Cognitive Communications 3 (11), e4, 2017
(trad auto) The development of LiDAR multifunctional satellite satellite: exploratory analysis of the potential of LiDAR sensors for altimetric and bathymetric monitoring of …
H Abdallah
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: INRAE …, 2012
Sensitivity Analysis of simulated hydrographic LIDAR waveforms
H Abdallah, JS Bailly, N Baghdadi, N Saint-Geours
Sensitivity analysis of simulated hydrographic LIDAR waveforms according to sensor and water parameters variability
H Abdallah, JS Bailly, N Baghdadi, N Saint Geours
AGU 2010, 37, 2010
Sensitivity analysis of simulated bathymetric LiDAR waveforms according to sensor and river parameters variability
J Bailly, H Abdallah, N Baghdadi, N Saint-Geours
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2010, H41K-06, 2010
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