Charles J. Mueller
Charles J. Mueller
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Recent progress in the development of diesel surrogate fuels
WJ Pitz, CJ Mueller
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 37 (3), 330-350, 2011
On the adequacy of certain experimental observables as measurements of flame burning rate
HN Najm, PH Paul, CJ Mueller, PS Wyckoff
Combustion and flame 113 (3), 312-332, 1998
An Experimental Investigation of the Origin of Increased NOx Emissions When Fueling a Heavy-Duty Compression-Ignition Engine with Soy Biodiesel
CJ Mueller, AL Boehman, GC Martin
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants 2 (1), 789-816, 2009
Development of an experimental database and kinetic models for surrogate diesel fuels
JT Farrell, NP Cernansky, FL Dryer, CK Law, DG Friend, CA Hergart, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2007
Methodology for formulating diesel surrogate fuels with accurate compositional, ignition-quality, and volatility characteristics
CJ Mueller, WJ Cannella, TJ Bruno, B Bunting, HD Dettman, JA Franz, ...
Energy & Fuels 26 (6), 3284-3303, 2012
Investigation of the impact of biodiesel fuelling on NOx emissions using an optical direct injection diesel engine
AS Cheng, A Upatnieks, CJ Mueller
International Journal of engine research 7 (4), 297-318, 2006
Effects of oxygenates on soot processes in DI diesel engines: experiments and numerical simulations
CJ Mueller, WJ Pitz, LM Pickett, GC Martin, DL Siebers, CK Westbrook
SAE transactions, 964-982, 2003
Measurements of fuel effects on liquid-phase penetration in dl sprays
BS Higgins, CJ Mueller, DL Siebers
SAE transactions, 630-643, 1999
Effects of oxygenated compounds on combustion and soot evolution in a DI diesel engine: broadband natural luminosity imaging
CJ Mueller, GC Martin
SAE Transactions, 518-537, 2002
Diesel surrogate fuels for engine testing and chemical-kinetic modeling: Compositions and properties
CJ Mueller, WJ Cannella, JT Bays, TJ Bruno, K DeFabio, HD Dettman, ...
Energy & Fuels 30 (2), 1445-1461, 2016
Initial investigation of effects of fuel oxygenation on nanostructure of soot from a direct-injection diesel engine
RL Vander Wal, CJ Mueller
Energy & Fuels 20 (6), 2364-2369, 2006
Vorticity generation and attenuation as vortices convect through a premixed flame
CJ Mueller, JF Driscoll, DL Reuss, MC Drake, ME Rosalik
Combustion and flame 112 (3), 342-358, 1998
Sooting tendencies of diesel fuels, jet fuels, and their surrogates in diffusion flames
DD Das, CS McEnally, TA Kwan, JB Zimmerman, WJ Cannella, ...
Fuel 197, 445-458, 2017
An experimental investigation of low-soot and soot-free combustion strategies in a heavy-duty, single-cylinder, direct-injection, optical diesel engine
CJ Polonowski, CJ Mueller, CR Gehrke, T Bazyn, GC Martin, PM Lillo
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants 5 (1), 51-77, 2012
Glow plug assisted ignition and combustion of methanol in an optical DI diesel engine
CJ Mueller, MP Musculus
SAE Technical Paper, 2001
Early direct-injection, low-temperature combustion of diesel fuel in an optical engine utilizing a 15-hole, dual-row, narrow-included-angle nozzle
GC Martin, CJ Mueller, DM Milam, MS Radovanovic, CR Gehrke
SAE International Journal of Engines 1 (1), 1057-1082, 2009
Ducted fuel injection: A new approach for lowering soot emissions from direct-injection engines
CJ Mueller, CW Nilsen, DJ Ruth, RK Gehmlich, LM Pickett, SA Skeen
Applied energy 204, 206-220, 2017
Using ducted fuel injection to attenuate or prevent soot formation in mixing-controlled combustion strategies for engine applications
RK Gehmlich, CJ Mueller, DJ Ruth, CW Nilsen, SA Skeen, J Manin
Applied energy 226, 1169-1186, 2018
Effect of unsteady stretch rate on OH chemistry during a flame-vortex interaction: to assess flamelet models
CJ Mueller, JF Driscoll, DJ Sutkus, WL Roberts, MC Drake, MD Smooke
Combustion and Flame 100 (1-2), 323-331, 1995
The quantification of mixture stoichiometry when fuel molecules contain oxidizer elements or oxidizer molecules contain fuel elements
CJ Mueller
SAE transactions, 1243-1252, 2005
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