Peter von Dassow
Peter von Dassow
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas
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Citované v
The Phaeodactylum genome reveals the evolutionary history of diatom genomes
C Bowler, AE Allen, JH Badger, J Grimwood, K Jabbari, A Kuo, ...
Nature 456 (7219), 239-244, 2008
The Ectocarpus genome and the independent evolution of multicellularity in brown algae
JM Cock, L Sterck, P Rouzé, D Scornet, AE Allen, G Amoutzias, ...
Nature 465 (7298), 617-621, 2010
Phytoplankton Calcification in a High-CO2 World
MD Iglesias-Rodriguez, PR Halloran, REM Rickaby, IR Hall, ...
science 320 (5874), 336-340, 2008
Green evolution and dynamic adaptations revealed by genomes of the marine picoeukaryotes Micromonas
AZ Worden, JH Lee, T Mock, P Rouzé, MP Simmons, AL Aerts, AE Allen, ...
Science 324 (5924), 268-272, 2009
Pan genome of the phytoplankton Emiliania underpins its global distribution
BA Read, J Kegel, MJ Klute, A Kuo, SC Lefebvre, F Maumus, C Mayer, ...
Nature 499 (7457), 209-213, 2013
In situ tolerance within the central nervous system as a mechanism for preventing autoimmunity
T Brabb, P von Dassow, N Ordonez, B Schnabel, B Duke, J Goverman
Journal of Experimental Medicine 192 (6), 871-880, 2000
The strain concept in phytoplankton ecology
MB Lakeman, P Von Dassow, RA Cattolico
Harmful Algae 8 (5), 746-758, 2009
Genetic tool development in marine protists: emerging model organisms for experimental cell biology
D Faktorová, RER Nisbet, JA Fernández Robledo, E Casacuberta, ...
Nature Methods 17 (5), 481-494, 2020
Transcriptome analysis of functional differentiation between haploid and diploid cells of Emiliania huxleyi, a globally significant photosynthetic calcifying cell
P Von Dassow, H Ogata, I Probert, P Wincker, C Da Silva, S Audic, ...
Genome biology 10, 1-33, 2009
Unveiling the mysteries of phytoplankton life cycles: patterns and opportunities behind complexity
P von Dassow, M Montresor
Journal of Plankton Research 33 (1), 3-12, 2011
In search of new tractable diatoms for experimental biology
VA Chepurnov, DG Mann, P Von Dassow, P Vanormelingen, J Gillard, ...
BioEssays 30 (7), 692-702, 2008
Expression of biomineralization‐related ion transport genes in Emiliania huxleyi
L Mackinder, G Wheeler, D Schroeder, P von Dassow, U Riebesell, ...
Environmental microbiology 13 (12), 3250-3265, 2011
Triggers of autoimmune disease in a murine TCR-transgenic model for multiple sclerosis.
T Brabb, AW Goldrath, P Von Dassow, A Paez, HD Liggitt, J Goverman
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md.: 1950) 159 (1), 497-507, 1997
Life-cycle modification in open oceans accounts for genome variability in a cosmopolitan phytoplankton
P Von Dassow, U John, H Ogata, I Probert, EM Bendif, JU Kegel, S Audic, ...
The ISME journal 9 (6), 1365-1377, 2015
Inter‐and intraspecific relationships between nuclear dna content and cell size in selected members of the centric diatom genus Thalassiosira (Bacillariophyceae) 1
P Von Dassow, TW Petersen, VA Chepurnov, E Virginia Armbrust
Journal of Phycology 44 (2), 335-349, 2008
Response of the calcifying coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi to low pH/high pCO2: from physiology to molecular level
S Richier, S Fiorini, ME Kerros, P Von Dassow, JP Gattuso
Marine biology 158, 551-560, 2011
The role of Ca2+ in stimulated bioluminescence of the dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedrum
P von Dassow, MI Latz
Journal of experimental biology 205 (19), 2971-2986, 2002
Universal Loop assembly (uLoop): open, efficient, and species-agnostic DNA fabrication
B Pollak, T Matute, I Nunez, A Cerda, C Lopez, V Vargas, A Kan, ...
BioRxiv, 744854, 2019
Alteration of sexual reproduction and genetic diversity in the kelp species Laminaria digitata at the southern limit of its range
LV Oppliger, P Von Dassow, S Bouchemousse, M Robuchon, M Valero, ...
PLoS One 9 (7), e102518, 2014
Genome size differentiates co-occurring populations of the planktonic diatom Ditylum brightwellii (Bacillariophyta)
JA Koester, JE Swalwell, E Peter von Dassow
BMC evolutionary biology 10 (1), 1, 2010
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