Jovana Brankov
Jovana Brankov
Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijić" SASA, Belgrade, Serbia
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Citované v
Citované v
The role of rural tourism in strengthening the sustainability of rural areas: The case of Zlakusa village
N Ćurčić, A Mirković Svitlica, J Brankov, Ž Bjeljac, S Pavlović, ...
Sustainability 13 (12), 6747, 2021
The assessment of the surface water quality using the water pollution index: a case study of the Timok River (the Danube River Basin), Serbia
J Brankov, D Milijašević, ANA Milanović
Archives of Environmental Protection 38 (1), 49-61, 2012
Residents’ perceptions of tourism impact on community in national parks in Serbia
J Brankov, T Jojić Glavonjić, A Milanović Pešić, MD Petrović, ...
European countryside 11 (1), 124-142, 2019
Small hydropower plants in Serbia: Hydropower potential, current state and perspectives
M Panić, M Urošev, AM Pešić, J Brankov, Ž Bjeljac
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 23, 341-349, 2013
Assessment of polluting effects and surface water quality using water pollution index: a case study of Hydro-system Danube-Tisa-Danube, Serbia
A Milanović, D Milijašević, J Brankov
Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 6 (2), 269-277, 2011
Water quality assessment of the Borska Reka River using the WPI (water pollution index) method
D Milijašević, ANA Milanović, J Brankov, M Radovanović
Archives of Biological Sciences 63 (3), 819-824, 2011
Sustainable tourism in national park “Đerdap”, Serbia–attitudes of local population
J Brankov, D Jovičić, D Milijašević
Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA 65 (2), 183–199 …, 2015
Tourism as a factor of regional development: Community perceptions and potential bank support in the Kopaonik National Park (Serbia)
J Brankov, I Penjišević, N B. Ćurčić, B Živanović
Sustainability 11 (22), 6507, 2019
Topographic and lithologic controls behind mountain depopulation in Zlatibor District (Western Serbia)
T Telbisz, J Brankov, J Ćalić
Journal of Mountain Science 17 (2), 271-288, 2020
Karst geoheritage of Tara National Park (Serbia) and its geotouristic potential
T Telbisz, J Ćalić, J Kovačević-Majkić, R Milanović, J Brankov, J Micić
Geoheritage 13 (4), 88, 2021
Geothermal energy in Serbia–Current state, utilization and perspectives
AM Pešić, J Brankov, S Denda, Ž Bjeljac, J Micić
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 162, 112442, 2022
Turističke atrakcije-ključni elementi turističke resursne osnove
D Jovičić, J Brankov
Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva 89 (1), 3-20, 2009
Water quality assessment and populations’ perceptions in the National park Djerdap (Serbia): key factors affecting the environment
A Milanović Pešić, J Brankov, D Milijašević Joksimović
Environment, Development and Sustainability 22, 2365-2383, 2020
Water quality estimation and Population’s attitudes: A multi-disciplinary perspective of environmental implications in Tara National Park (Serbia)
J Brankov, AM Pešić, DM Joksimović, MM Radovanović, MD Petrović
Sustainability 13 (1), 241, 2020
The ‘Museum Night’event-the demographic profile of the visitors in Serbia
Ž Bjeljac, J Brankov, V Lukić
Forum geografic 10 (2), 229-234, 2011
Ekološki turizam u zaštićenim objektima prirode u Banatu
J Brankov
Geografski Institut" Jovan Cvijić" SANU, 2010
Valorization of natural and anthropogenic tourist potentials in undeveloped regions of transition countries
Ž Bjeljac, J Brankov, D Jovičić, N Ćurčić, A Terzić
Technics, Technologies, Education, Management 8 (3), 1237-1250, 2013
Residents’ perception toward protected areas—Landscape of exceptional features “Vlasina”(Serbia)
TJ Glavonjić, D Doljak, J Brankov, M Filipović
Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 14 (1), 5-17, 2019
Residents' perception toward protected areas-Carska Bara Special Nature Reserve (Vojvodina, Serbia)
TMJ Glavonjić, JJ Brankov, D Miljanović
Geographica pannonica 22 (4), 2018
Protected natural areas and ecotourism—priority strategies for future development in selected serbian case studies
M Cvetković, J Brankov, N Ćurčić, S Pavlović, M Dobričić, TN Tretiakova
Sustainability 15 (21), 15621, 2023
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