Lisa Buckley
Lisa Buckley
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Psychosocial factors associated with intended use of automated vehicles: A simulated driving study
L Buckley, SA Kaye, AK Pradhan
Accident Analysis & Prevention 115, 202-208, 2018
School-based programs for increasing connectedness and reducing risk behavior: A systematic review
RL Chapman, L Buckley, M Sheehan, I Shochet
Educational Psychology Review 25 (1), 95-114, 2013
The impact of school connectedness on violent behavior, transport risk-taking behavior, and associated injuries in adolescence
RL Chapman, L Buckley, MC Sheehan, IM Shochet, M Romaniuk
Journal of School Psychology 49 (4), 399-410, 2011
The impact of school connectedness on violent behavior, transport risk-taking behavior, and associated injuries in adolescence
R Chapman, L Buckley, M Sheehan, I Shochet, M Romaniuk
Journal of School Psychology 49 (4), 399-410, 2011
School‐Based First Aid Training Programs: A Systematic Review
B Reveruzzi, L Buckley, M Sheehan
Journal of school health 86 (4), 266-272, 2016
A qualitative examination of drivers’ responses to partially automated vehicles
L Buckley, SA Kaye, AK Pradhan
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 56, 167-175, 2018
Young driver distraction: State of the evidence and directions for behavior change programs
L Buckley, RL Chapman, M Sheehan
Journal of Adolescent Health 54 (5), S16-S21, 2014
Peer passenger norms and pressure: experimental effects on simulated driving among teenage males
CR Bingham, BG Simons-Morton, AK Pradhan, K Li, F Almani, EB Falk, ...
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 41, 124-137, 2016
Transportation Research Part F
CR Bingham, BG Simons-Morton, AK Pradhan, K Li, F Almani, EB Falk, ...
The recovery model in chronic mental health: A community-based investigation of social identity processes
T Cruwys, B Stewart, L Buckley, J Gumley, B Scholz
Psychiatry Research 291, 113241, 2020
Assessing the feasibility of the theory of planned behaviour in predicting drivers’ intentions to operate conditional and full automated vehicles
SA Kaye, I Lewis, L Buckley, A Rakotonirainy
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 74, 173-183, 2020
Socio-economic status and the developing brain in adolescence: A systematic review
L Buckley, M Broadley, CN Cascio
Child Neuropsychology 25 (7), 859-884, 2019
The psychological treatment of refugees and asylum seekers: what does the literature tell us?
R Schweitzer, L Buckley, D Rossi
Mots Pluriels 21, 2002
Injury prevention among friends: The benefits of school connectedness
RL Chapman, L Buckley, B Reveruzzi, M Sheehan
Journal of adolescence 37 (6), 937-944, 2014
Adolescent involvement in anti-social and delinquent behaviours: Predicting future injury risk
L Buckley, R Chapman, M Sheehan
Accident Analysis & Prevention 48, 518-522, 2012
Predictors of failure by medical practitioners to report suspected child abuse in Queensland, Australia
RD Schweitzer, L Buckley, P Harnett, NJ Loxton
Australian health review 30 (3), 298-304, 2006
Adolescent protective behavior to reduce drug and alcohol use, alcohol-related harm and interpersonal violence
L Buckley, M Sheehan, R Chapman
Journal of drug education 39 (3), 289-301, 2009
Teachers’ perceptions of school connectedness and risk-taking in adolescence
RL Chapman, L Buckley, M Sheehan, IM Shochet
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 27 (4), 413-431, 2014
Short-term evaluation of a school-based adolescent injury prevention program: Determining positive effects or iatrogenic outcomes
L Buckley, M Sheehan, I Shochet
The Journal of Early Adolescence 30 (6), 834-853, 2010
Short-term evaluation of a school-based adolescent injury prevention program: Determining positive effects or iatrogenic outcomes
L Buckley, M Sheehan, I Shochet
The Journal of Early Adolescence 30 (6), 834-853, 2010
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