Effects of heavy metals on fish physiology–a review M Shahjahan, K Taslima, MS Rahman, M Al-Emran, SI Alam, C Faggio Chemosphere, 134519, 2022 | 266 | 2022 |
Separation and Identification of Volatile Compounds from Liquid Cultures of Trichoderma harzianum by GC-MS using Three Different Capillary Columns S Siddiquee, BE Cheong, K Taslima, H Kausar, MM Hasan Journal of chromatographic science 50 (4), 358-367, 2012 | 207 | 2012 |
Impacts of heavy metals on early development, growth and reproduction of fish–A review K Taslima, M Al-Emran, MS Rahman, J Hasan, Z Ferdous, MF Rohani, ... Toxicology Reports, 2022 | 170 | 2022 |
Sex determination in the GIFT strain of tilapia is controlled by a locus in linkage group 23 K Taslima, S Wehner, JB Taggart, H De Verdal, JAH Benzie, M Bekaert, ... BMC genetics 21, 1-15, 2020 | 37 | 2020 |
DNA sampling from mucus in the Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus: minimally invasive sampling for aquaculture-related genetics research T Khanam, A Davie, B McAndrew, D Penman Aquaculture Research 47 (12), 4032-4037, 2016 | 33 | 2016 |
Species composition in the Molobicus hybrid tilapia strain KL Bartie, K Taslima, M Bekaert, S Wehner, M Syaifudin, JB Taggart, ... Aquaculture, 735433, 2020 | 20 | 2020 |
Embryonic and larval development of critically endangered riverine catfish Rita rita MFA Mollah, K Taslima, H Rashid, Z Hossain, MN Sarowar, MRK Khan EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 5 (1), 110-118, 2011 | 18 | 2011 |
Evidence of two XX/XY sex-determining loci in the Stirling stock of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) K Taslima, MGQ Khan, BJ McAndrew, DJ Penman Aquaculture 532, 735995, 2021 | 16 | 2021 |
Suitability of DNA sampled from Nile tilapia skin mucus swabs as a template for ddRAD-based studies K Taslima, JB Taggart, S Wehner, BJ McAndrew, DJ Penman Conservation genetics resources 9 (1), 39-42, 2017 | 11 | 2017 |
Domestication and observation on induced breeding of spiny eel Mastacembelus armatus MR Ali, K Taslima American Journal of Food Science and Technology 1 (4), 82-86, 2013 | 11 | 2013 |
Sequence analysis of the ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer regions in Termitomyces heimii species S Siddiquee, WY Yee, K Taslima, NHN Fatihah, SV Kumar, MM Hasan Annals of microbiology 62 (2), 797-803, 2012 | 9 | 2012 |
Morphological observation and length-weight relationship of critically endangered riverine catfish Rita rita (Hamilton). MR Amin, MF Mollah, K Taslima Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences: Pjbs 17 (2), 234-240, 2014 | 8 | 2014 |
Induced breeding and larvae rearing of critically endangered riverine catfish Rita rita (Hamilton) K Taslima, MFA Mollah Asian Fisheries Science 25 (1), 85-96, 2012 | 8 | 2012 |
Combined estrogen and elevated temperature treatments induce feminization in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus K Taslima, SLC Selly, BJ McAndrew, DJ Penman Aquaculture Reports 33, 101773, 2023 | 7 | 2023 |
Toxicity of Diazinon on embryonic and larval development of stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis H Rashid, LR Bhowmik, MF Kabir, K Taslima, MR Ali, MJ Alam, ... Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Environmental Aspects of …, 2012 | 6 | 2012 |
Local ancestry inference provides insight into Tilapia breeding programmes A Avallone, KL Bartie, SLC Selly, K Taslima, A Campos Mendoza, ... Scientific Reports 10 (1), 1-8, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
Study on seed production technique of indigenous magur (Clarias batrachus), shing (Heteropneustes fossilis) and pabda (Ompok pabda) through induced breeding K Taslima, F Ahmed Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology & Life Sciences 1 (4), 16-23, 2012 | 4 | 2012 |
Sex determination and genetic management in Nile tilapia using genomic techniques T Khanam University of Stirling, 2017 | 1 | 2017 |
Ontogenic Development of Climbing Perch, Anabas testudineus MR Karim, MT Islam, K Taslima, MK Fatema, H Rashid PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF …, 2012 | 1 | 2012 |
Bioremediation of chromium-induced toxic effects in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) using probiotics MM Zannat, N Islam, MA Rayhan, A Al-Imran, SS Nibir, A Satter, ... Environmental Pollution and Management, 2024 | | 2024 |