Guillaume Delhaye
Guillaume Delhaye
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Tropical tree mortality has increased with rising atmospheric water stress
D Bauman, C Fortunel, G Delhaye, Y Malhi, LA Cernusak, LP Bentley, ...
Nature 608 (7923), 528-533, 2022
Implication of plant-soil relationships for conservation and restoration of copper-cobalt ecosystems
MP Faucon, S Le Stradic, S Boisson, EI Wa Ilunga, M Séleck, B Lange, ...
Plant and Soil 403, 153-165, 2016
Tropical tree growth sensitivity to climate is driven by species intrinsic growth rate and leaf traits
D Bauman, C Fortunel, LA Cernusak, LP Bentley, SM McMahon, SW Rifai, ...
Global Change Biology 28 (4), 1414-1432, 2022
Community variation in plant traits along copper and cobalt gradients
G Delhaye, C Violle, M Séleck, E Ilunga wa Ilunga, I Daubie, G Mahy, ...
Journal of vegetation science 27 (4), 854-864, 2016
Interspecific trait integration increases with environmental harshness: A case study along a metal toxicity gradient
G Delhaye, D Bauman, M Séleck, E Ilunga wa Ilunga, G Mahy, P Meerts
Functional Ecology 34 (7), 1428-1437, 2020
Functional traits of a facultative metallophyte from tropical Africa: population variation and plasticity in response to cobalt
B Lange, MP Faucon, G Delhaye, N Hamiti, P Meerts
Environmental and Experimental Botany 136, 1-8, 2017
Variation in copper and cobalt tolerance and accumulation among six populations of the facultative metallophyte Anisopappus chinensis (Asteraceae)
B Lange, G Delhaye, S Boisson, N Verbruggen, P Meerts, MP Faucon
Environmental and experimental botany 153, 1-9, 2018
Plant community assembly along a natural metal gradient in central Africa: Functional and phylogenetic approach
G Delhaye, OJ Hardy, M Séleck, E Ilunga wa Ilunga, G Mahy, P Meerts
Journal of vegetation science 31 (1), 151-161, 2020
Functional assembly of tropical montane tree islands in the Atlantic Forest is shaped by stress tolerance, bamboo presence, and facilitation
T Christmann, BHP Rosado, G Delhaye, IS Matos, JS Drummond, ...
Ecology and Evolution 11 (15), 10164-10177, 2021
Trait divergence between endemic plants of Aegean islands and their widespread congeners
D Giatzouzaki, G Delhaye, PJ Meerts
Plant Ecology 223 (5), 507-523, 2022
Functional traits of a broad-niched metallophyte along a toxicity gradient: disentangling intra and inter-population variation
G Delhaye, B Lange, MP Faucon, C Grandjean, G Mahy, P Meerts
Environmental and Experimental Botany 156, 240-247, 2018
Ectomycorrhizal fungi are influenced by ecoregion boundaries across Europe
G Delhaye, S van der Linde, D Bauman, CDL Orme, LM Suz, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 33 (6), e13837, 2024
Assessing above and belowground recovery from ammonium sulfate addition and wildfire in a lowland heath: mycorrhizal fungi as potential indicators
J Kowal, R Pino‐Bodas, E Arrigoni, G Delhaye, LM Suz, JG Duckett, ...
Restoration Ecology 32 (3), e14096, 2024
Mécanismes d’assemblage des communautés végétales le long de gradients d’éléments-traces métalliques en Afrique Centrale
G Delhaye
Thèse de Doctorat). Université Libre, 2018
Climate change effects on tree growth are mediated by local average climate in tropical moist forests [poster]
D Bauman, SM Mcmahon, Y Malhi, O Philips, W Farfan-Rios, M Silman, ...
British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2024, 1 p. multigr., 2024
Interspecific trait differences drive plant community responses on serpentine soils
G Delhaye, PG Dimitrakopoulos, GC Adamidis
Journal of Ecology 112 (12), 2887-2900, 2024
Fruitbody and root data infer different environmental niches for ectomycorrhizal fungi
M Qi, LM Suz, MI Bidartondo, CDL Orme, G Delhaye, I Openshaw, ...
Journal of Biogeography 51 (11), 2221-2236, 2024
Spatiotemporal drivers of ectomycorrhizal diversity in Europe
G Delhaye, E Arrigoni, S van der Linde, MI Bidartondo, V Apuhtin, ...
Pantropical tree growth response to climate and the mediation effect of species functional traits
D Bauman, SM Mcmahon, Y Malhi, SW Rifai, G Delhaye, IO Menor, ...
ATBC 2022-58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and …, 2022
Functional assembly of tropical montane tree islands in the Atlantic forest is shaped by stress-tolerance, bamboo-invasion and facilitation
T Christmann, BHP Rosado, G Delhaye, I MATOS, H Roland, Y Moraes, ...
Authorea Preprints, 2021
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