Myles Jones
Myles Jones
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Citované v
Concurrent optical imaging spectroscopy and laser-Doppler flowmetry: the relationship between blood flow, oxygenation, and volume in rodent barrel cortex
M Jones, J Berwick, D Johnston, J Mayhew
Neuroimage 13 (6), 1002-1015, 2001
A model of the hemodynamic response and oxygen delivery to brain
Y Zheng, J Martindale, D Johnston, M Jones, J Berwick, J Mayhew
Neuroimage 16 (3), 617-637, 2002
Negative blood oxygen level dependence in the rat: a model for investigating the role of suppression in neurovascular coupling
L Boorman, AJ Kennerley, D Johnston, M Jones, Y Zheng, P Redgrave, ...
The Journal of Neuroscience 30 (12), 4285-4294, 2010
“Spectroscopic Analysis of Neural Activity in Brain: Increased Oxygen Consumption Following Activation of Barrel Cortex”: Volume 12, Number 6 (2000), pages 664–675 ()
J Mayhew, D Johnston, J Berwick, M Jones, P Coffey, Y Zheng
Neuroimage 13 (3), 540-543, 2001
“Spectroscopic Analysis of Neural Activity in Brain: Increased Oxygen Consumption Following Activation of Barrel Cortex”: Volume 12, Number 6 (2000), pages 664–675 ()
J Mayhew, D Johnston, J Berwick, M Jones, P Coffey, Y Zheng
Neuroimage 13 (3), 540-543, 2001
Spectroscopic analysis of neural activity in brain: increased oxygen consumption following activation of barrel cortex
J Mayhew, D Johnston, J Berwick, M Jones, P Coffey, Y Zheng
Neuroimage 12 (6), 664-675, 2000
Spectroscopic analysis of neural activity in brain: increased oxygen consumption following activation of barrel cortex
J Mayhew, D Johnston, J Berwick, M Jones, P Coffey, Y Zheng
Neuroimage 12 (6), 664-675, 2000
The hemodynamic impulse response to a single neural event
J Martindale, J Mayhew, J Berwick, M Jones, C Martin, D Johnston, ...
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 23 (5), 546-555, 2003
Fine detail of neurovascular coupling revealed by spatiotemporal analysis of the hemodynamic response to single whisker stimulation in rat barrel cortex
J Berwick, D Johnston, M Jones, J Martindale, C Martin, AJ Kennerley, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 99 (2), 787-798, 2008
Measuring neural excitation and inhibition in autism: Different approaches, different findings and different interpretations
A Dickinson, M Jones, E Milne
Brain Research 1648, 277-289, 2016
The effect of hypercapnia on the neural and hemodynamic responses to somatosensory stimulation
M Jones, J Berwick, N Hewson-Stoate, C Gias, J Mayhew
Neuroimage 27 (3), 609-623, 2005
Neurovascular coupling investigated with two‐dimensional optical imaging spectroscopy in rat whisker barrel cortex
J Berwick, D Johnston, M Jones, J Martindale, P Redgrave, N McLoughlin, ...
European Journal of Neuroscience 22 (7), 1655-1666, 2005
Nonlinear coupling of neural activity and CBF in rodent barrel cortex
M Jones, N Hewson-Stoate, J Martindale, P Redgrave, J Mayhew
Neuroimage 22 (2), 956-965, 2004
Increased oxygen consumption following activation of brain: theoretical footnotes using spectroscopic data from barrel cortex
J Mayhew, D Johnston, J Martindale, M Jones, J Berwick, Y Zheng
Neuroimage 13 (6), 975-987, 2001
Changes in blood flow, oxygenation, and volume following extended stimulation of rodent barrel cortex
M Jones, J Berwick, J Mayhew
Neuroimage 15 (3), 474-487, 2002
Further nonlinearities in neurovascular coupling in rodent barrel cortex
N Hewson-Stoate, M Jones, J Martindale, J Berwick, J Mayhew
Neuroimage 24 (2), 565-574, 2005
Hemodynamic response in the unanesthetized rat: Intrinsic optical imaging and spectroscopy of the barrel cortex
J Berwick, C Martin, J Martindale, M Jones, D Johnston, Y Zheng, ...
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 22 (6), 670-679, 2002
A model of the dynamic relationship between blood flow and volume changes during brain activation
Y Kong, Y Zheng, D Johnston, J Martindale, M Jones, S Billings, ...
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 24 (12), 1382-1392, 2004
Retinotopy within rat primary visual cortex using optical imaging
C Gias, N Hewson-Stoate, M Jones, D Johnston, JE Mayhew, PJ Coffey
Neuroimage 24 (1), 200-206, 2005
The neurogenesis of P1 and N1: A concurrent EEG/LFP study
M Bruyns-Haylett, J Luo, AJ Kennerley, S Harris, L Boorman, E Milne, ...
NeuroImage 146, 575-588, 2017
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