Dr. Rafiquel Islam
Dr. Rafiquel Islam
Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Islamic University, Kushtia, BD
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Citované v
The utility of vitellogenin as a biomarker of estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals in molluscs
TKA Tran, RMK Yu, R Islam, THT Nguyen, TLH Bui, RYC Kong, ...
Environmental pollution 248, 1067-1078, 2019
Bioaccumulation and adverse effects of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) on ecosystems and human exposure: A review study on Bangladesh perspectives
R Islam, S Kumar, J Karmoker, M Kamruzzaman, MA Rahman, N Biswas, ...
Environmental Technology & Innovation 12, 115-131, 2018
Chemical composition and antifungal properties of the essential oil and various extracts of Mikania scandens (L.) Willd
SA Siddiqui, R Islam, R Islam, AHM Jamal, T Parvin, A Rahman
Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2013
Lead (Pb) contamination in agricultural products and human health risk assessment in Bangladesh
S Kumar, R Islam, PB Akash, MHR Khan, R Proshad, J Karmoker, ...
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 233 (7), 257, 2022
Coliform Bacteria and trace metals in drinking water, southwest Bangladesh: Multivariate and human health risk assessment
MA Rahman, S Kumar, AA Mohana, R Islam, MA Hashem, L Chuanxiu
International journal of environmental research 13, 395-408, 2019
Pollution assessment and heavy metal determination by AAS in waste water collected from Kushtia industrial zone in Bangladesh
R Islam, J Al Foisal, M Rahman, LA Lisa, DK Paul
African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 10 (1), 9-17, 2016
Accumulation and partitioning of metals and metalloids in the halophytic saltmarsh grass, saltwater couch, Sporobolus virginicus
TKA Tran, R Islam, D Le Van, MM Rahman, RMK Yu, GR MacFarlane
Science of the Total Environment 713, 136576, 2020
In vitro antioxidant potential of the essential oil and leaf extracts of Curcuma zedoaria Rosc.
A Rahman, M Afroz, R Islam, KD Islam, MA Hossain, M Na
Trace metals concentration in vegetables of a sub-urban industrial area of Bangladesh and associated health risk assessment.
R Islam, S Kumar, A Rahman, J Karmoker, S Ali, S Islam, MS Islam
AIMS environmental science 5 (3), 2018
Comparative characterization of lipids and nutrient contents of Pangsius pangsius and Pangsius sutchi available in Bangladesh
R Islam, DK Paul, A Rahman, T Parvin, D Islam, A Sattar
J. Nutr. & Food Sci 2, 130, 2012
Studies on nutritional composition and characterization of lipids of Lates calcarifer (Bhetki)
T Pervin, S Yeasmin, R Islam, A Rahman, A Sattar
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 47 (4), 393-400, 2013
Preparation, characterization, and adsorption kinetics of graphene oxide/chitosan/carboxymethyl cellulose composites for the removal of environmentally relevant toxic metals
MH Rahaman, MR Islam, R Islam, SMN Alam, MS Rahman, MA Rahman, ...
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 257, 128357, 2024
Secondary treatment phase of tertiary wastewater treatment works significantly reduces estrogenic load
R Islam, RMK Yu, M Andrew-Priestley, N Smith, MM Rahman, TKA Tran, ...
Water Research 200, 117257, 2021
Global patterns of accumulation and partitioning of metals in halophytic saltmarsh taxa: A phylogenetic comparative approach
MR Alam, R Islam, TKA Tran, D Le Van, MM Rahman, AS Griffin, RMK Yu, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 414, 125515, 2021
Exposure to estrogenic mixtures results in tissue-specific alterations to the metabolome of oysters
R Islam, SD Melvin, RMK Yu, WA O’Connor, TKA Tran, ...
Aquatic Toxicology 231, 105722, 2021
Parental exposure to the synthetic estrogen 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) affects offspring development in the Sydney rock oyster, Saccostrea glomerata
R Islam, RMK Yu, WA O’Connor, TKA Tran, M Andrew-Priestley, ...
Environmental Pollution 266, 114994, 2020
Pollution status and ecological risk assessment of metal (loid) s in the sediments of the world's largest mangrove forest: A data synthesis in the Sundarbans
S Kumar, PB Akash, R Islam, GR MacFarlane
Marine pollution bulletin 187, 114514, 2023
In vitro control of plant pathogenic Xanthomonas spp. using Poncirus trifoliata Rafin.
SCK Atiqur Rahman, Rafiquel Islam, Sharif M. Al-Reza
EXCLI Journal 13, 1104-111, 2014
Physico-chemical studies of lipids and nutrient contents of Channa striatus and Channa marulius
RIMAS Dipak Kumar Paul
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 13 (3), 487-493, 2013
Characterization of wastewater from Jhenaidah municipality area, Bangladesh: A combined physico-chemical and statistical approach
J Karmoker, S Kumar, BK Pal, MS Sorowar, M Aminur, MHR Khan, ...
AIMS Environmental Science 5 (6), 389-401, 2018
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