Gilead I Mlay
Gilead I Mlay
Associate Professor, Sokoine University of Agriculture
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Citované v
Food consumption patterns, seasonality and market access in Mozambique
S Handa, G Mlay
Development Southern Africa 23 (4), 541-560, 2006
Profit efficiency among smallholder rice farmers in Central Liberia
JL Saysay, DM Gabagambi, GI Mlay
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 7 (14), 94-103, 2016
The structure and trends of public expenditure on agriculture in Mozambique
H Zavale, G Mlay, D Boughton, A Chamusso, HR Gemo, P Chilonda
Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System for Southern Africa, 2011
Policy impact on woodland resource management, use and conservation in Mozambique: A case study of selected sites in Dondo, Nhamatanda, Gondola and Manica districts
G Mlay, M Falcao, I Nhantumbo, G Kowero
Policies and governance structures in woodlands of Southern Africa. CIFOR …, 2003
Farming Systems in Tanzania: Empirical Evidence of Changes in Livelihood Patterns and Poverty Among Smallholder Farmers
NSY Mdoe, GI Mlay, ML Kadigi
Sustainable Intensification to Advance Food Security and Enhance Climate …, 2015
The structure and trend of agricultural public expenditure in Mozambique
H Zavale, G Mlay, D Boughton, A Chamusso, P Chilonda
ReSAKSS Working Paper, 2009
Agricultural policies and forestry development in Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zimbabwe: Complementarities and conflicts
G Mlay, F Turuka, G Kowero, R Kachule
Policies and governance structures in Woodlands of Southern Africa, Godwin …, 2003
Marginal utility of income estimated and applied to problems in agriculture
L Tweeten, G Mlay
Agricultural Policy Analysis Background Paper B 21, 1986
Agricultural commercialisation and the political economy of value Chains: Tanzania rice case study
NSY Mdoe, GI Mlay
The Institute of Development Studies and Partner Organisations, 2021
Rentabilidade da cultura do milho na zona sul de Moçambique: Estudo de caso do distrito de Boane
J Mudema, R Sitole, G Mlay
Relatório Preliminar de Pesquisa, 2012
Análise de Custos e Rentabilidade da Produção Frangos no Sul de Moçambique–Estudo de Caso na Granja da Faculdade de Veterinária
CC Amaral, G Mlay
Fichas técnicas de culturas
C Bias, M Freire, J Mutondo, G Mlay, F Mazuze, E Tostão, M Amane, ...
Instituto de Ivestigação Agrária de Moçambique e Faculdade de Agronomia e …, 2010
Analysis of Income and Poverty Dynamics in Rural Mozambique 2002-2005
G Mlay, C Donovan, D Mather, E Payongayong, B Cunguara
talk at USAID Strategy Workshop, Maputo, 2-3, 2006
Zonas agroecológicas
MI Amane, GI Mlay
Análise Temática do Censo Agro-Pecuario (CAP) de Moçambique 2000, 1999
Comparing costs associated with the utilisation of crop residues and planted pastures in smallholder production systems in the highlands of Hai District, Tanzania
GIM NSYMdoe, NA Urio
The Complementarity of Feed Resources for Animal Production in Africa …, 1992
The Kilimanjaro dairy feeding systems: An attempt at evaluating the impact of on-farm livestock research
NSY Mdoe, GI Mlay
Utilization of research results on forage and agricultural by-product …, 1990
Analysis of policies affecting maize production and consumption in Tanzania
GI Mlay
A report for the Food and Agriculture Organization, 1988
Rural youths' choice of livelihood strategies and their effect on income poverty and food security in Rwanda
A Kangondo, DW Ndyetabula, N Mdoe, GI Mlay
African Journal of Economic and Management Studies 14 (4), 643-662, 2023
Technical efficiency in rice production among smallholder farmers in central Liberia: A stochastic production frontier analysis
JL Saysay, DM Gabagambi, GI Mlay, IJ Minde, C Kikuu
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 9 (20), 47-53, 2018
Profit loss per hectare according to profit efficiency level among smallholder rice farmers in Central Liberia
JL Saysay, DM Gabagambi, GI Mlay
African Journal of Agricultural Research 11 (32), 3012-3019, 2016
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