Emmanuelle Chrétien
Emmanuelle Chrétien
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Citované v
Tropical fish in a warming world: thermal tolerance of Nile perch Lates niloticus (L.) in Lake Nabugabo, Uganda
E Chrétien, LJ Chapman
Conservation physiology 4 (1), cow062, 2016
Increased parasite load is associated with reduced metabolic rates and escape responsiveness in pumpkinseed sunfish
JJ Guitard, E Chrétien, J De Bonville, DG Roche, D Boisclair, SA Binning
Journal of Experimental Biology 225 (15), jeb243160, 2022
Few studies of wild animal performance account for parasite infections: A systematic review
E Chretien, J De Bonville, J Guitard, SA Binning, E Melis, A Kack, A Cote, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 92 (4), 794-806, 2023
Habitat heterogeneity facilitates coexistence of native fishes with an introduced predator: the resilience of a fish community 5 decades after the introduction of Nile perch
E Chrétien, LJ Chapman
Biological Invasions 18, 3449-3464, 2016
Does shelter influence the metabolic traits of a teleost fish?
E Chrétien, SJ Cooke, D Boisclair
Journal of Fish Biology 98 (5), 1242-1252, 2021
Divergence in aerobic scope and thermal tolerance is related to local thermal regime in two populations of introduced Nile perch (Lates niloticus)
EA Nyboer, E Chrétien, LJ Chapman
Journal of Fish Biology 97 (1), 231-245, 2020
Social group size and shelter availability influence individual metabolic traits in a social fish
E Chrétien, D Boisclair, SJ Cooke, SS Killen
Integrative Organismal Biology 3 (1), obab032, 2021
Current and predicted ecological impacts of climate change to Atlantic salmon freshwater productivity in the North Atlantic
A St-Hilaire, NE Bergeron, EC Enders, E Chrétien, JM Matte, SJ Dugdale, ...
Informing a Strategic Approach to Address the Impacts of Climate Change on …, 2023
Reflections on the legends of Canadian fisheries science and management
CT Hasler, GD Raby, E Chrétien, M Stockwell, SJ Cooke, E Rechisky, ...
Fisheries 44 (11), 534-538, 2019
Habitat selection and body size as potential drivers of intraspecific variation in thermal tolerance of Nile perch (Lates niloticus L.)
E Chrétien
McGill University (Canada), 2015
Group size influences individual metabolic traits in a social fish
E Chrétien, D Boisclair, SJ Cooke, SS Killen
bioRxiv, 2021.04. 20.440644, 2021
Integrative Organismal Biology
E Chrétien, D Boisclair, SJ Cooke, SS Killen
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