Manier Marie-Ange, Manier M.-A., Manier MA
Manier Marie-Ange, Manier M.-A., Manier MA
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A genetic algorithm with tabu search procedure for flexible job shop scheduling with transportation constraints and bounded processing times
Q Zhang, H Manier, MA Manier
Computers & Operations Research 39 (7), 1713-1723, 2012
Hydrogen supply chain network design: An optimization-oriented review
L Li, H Manier, MA Manier
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 103, 342-360, 2019
A classification for hoist scheduling problems
MA Manier, C Bloch
International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems 15, 37-55, 2003
Integrated optimization model for hydrogen supply chain network design and hydrogen fueling station planning
L Li, H Manier, MA Manier
Computers & Chemical Engineering 134, 106683, 2020
An advanced GA–VNS combination for multicriteria route planning in public transit networks
O Dib, L Moalic, MA Manier, A Caminada
Expert Systems with Applications 72, 67-82, 2017
A modified shifting bottleneck heuristic and disjunctive graph for job shop scheduling problems with transportation constraints
Q Zhang, H Manier, MA Manier
International Journal of Production Research 52 (4), 985-1002, 2014
Combining VNS with genetic algorithm to solve the one-to-one routing issue in road networks
O Dib, MA Manier, L Moalic, A Caminada
Computers & Operations Research 78, 420-430, 2017
Constraint-based model for the cyclic multi-hoists scheduling problem
M Manier, C Varnier, P Baptiste
Production Planning & Control 11 (3), 244-257, 2000
Memetic algorithm for computing shortest paths in multimodal transportation networks
O Dib, MA Manier, A Caminada
Transportation Research Procedia 10, 745-755, 2015
A hybrid genetic algorithm to solve a multi-objective pickup and delivery problem
Z Al Chami, H Manier, MA Manier, C Fitouri
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 14656-14661, 2017
Control of an electroplating line in the max and min algebras
P Spacek, MA Manier, AE Moudni
International Journal of Systems Science 30 (7), 759-778, 1999
A multimodal transport network model and efficient algorithms for building advanced traveler information systems
O Dib, MA Manier, L Moalic, A Caminada
Transportation research procedia 22, 134-143, 2017
Spectral analysis for performance evaluation in a bus network
A Nait-Sidi-Moh, MA Manier, A El Moudni
european journal of operational research 193 (1), 289-302, 2009
Etat de l'art: ordonnancement de robots de manutention en galvanoplastie
MA Manier, P Baptiste
Automatique-productique informatique industrielle 28 (1), 7-35, 1994
An evolutionary approach for the design and scheduling of electroplating facilities
MA Manier, S Lamrous
Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms 7, 197-215, 2008
Particle swarm optimization for capacitated location-routing problem
Z Peng, H Manier, MA Manier
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 14668-14673, 2017
A genetic algorithm approach for a single hoist scheduling problem with time windows constraints
A El Amraoui, MA Manier, A El Moudni, M Benrejeb
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 26 (7), 1761-1771, 2013
Life cycle optimization for hydrogen supply chain network design
L Li, L Feng, H Manier, MA Manier
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 52, 491-520, 2024
Integrated quay crane and yard truck scheduling problem at port of Tripoli-Lebanon
A Skaf, S Lamrous, Z Hammoudan, MA Manier
Computers & Industrial Engineering 159, 107448, 2021
A hybrid particle swarm optimization for the selective pickup and delivery problem with transfers
Z Peng, Z Al Chami, H Manier, MA Manier
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 85, 99-111, 2019
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