Eduardo González-Sargas
Eduardo González-Sargas
Research Scientist II, Colorado State University
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Restoration of riparian vegetation: A global review of implementation and evaluation approaches in the international, peer-reviewed literature
E González, AA Sher, E Tabacchi, A Masip, M Poulin
Journal of Environmental Management 158, 85-94, 2015
Integrative conservation of riparian zones
E González, MR Felipe-Lucia, B Bourgeois, B Boz, C Nilsson, G Palmer, ...
Biological conservation 211, 20-29, 2017
Forecasting functional implications of global changes in riparian plant communities
JS Kominoski, JJF Shah, C Canhoto, DG Fischer, DP Giling, E González, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 11 (8), 423-432, 2013
Engineer pioneer plants respond to and affect geomorphic constraints similarly along water–terrestrial interfaces world‐wide
D Corenblit, A Baas, T Balke, T Bouma, F Fromard, V Garófano‐Gómez, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 24 (12), 1363-1376, 2015
Conserving small natural features with large ecological roles: a synthetic overview
ML Hunter Jr, V Acuña, DM Bauer, KP Bell, AJK Calhoun, ...
Biological conservation 211, 88-95, 2017
The biogeomorphological life cycle of poplars during the fluvial biogeomorphological succession: a special focus on Populus nigra L.
D Corenblit, J Steiger, E González, AM Gurnell, G Charrier, J Darrozes, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 39 (4), 546-563, 2014
Macroinvertebrate patterns along environmental gradients and hydrological connectivity within a regulated river-floodplain
B Gallardo, M García, Á Cabezas, E González, M González, C Ciancarelli, ...
Aquatic Sciences 70, 248-258, 2008
Drivers of success in 53 cutover bogs restored by a moss layer transfer technique
E González, L Rochefort
Ecological Engineering 68, 279-290, 2014
Recent changes in the riparian forest of a large regulated Mediterranean river: implications for management
E González, M González-Sanchis, Á Cabezas, FA Comín, E Muller
Environmental Management 45, 669-681, 2010
Can indicator species predict restoration outcomes early in the monitoring process? A case study with peatlands
E González, L Rochefort, S Boudreau, S Hugron, M Poulin
Ecological indicators 32, 232-238, 2013
Hydrologic thresholds for riparian forest conservation in a regulated large Mediterranean river
E González, M González‐Sanchis, FA Comín, E Muller
River Research and Applications 28 (1), 71-80, 2012
Regeneration of Salicaceae riparian forests in the Northern Hemisphere: A new framework and management tool
E González, V Martínez-Fernández, PB Shafroth, AA Sher, AL Henry, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 218, 374-387, 2018
Populus nigra L. establishment and fluvial landform construction: biogeomorphic dynamics within a channelized river
D Corenblit, J Steiger, G Charrier, J Darrozes, V Garófano‐Gómez, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 41 (9), 1276-1292, 2016
Is rewetting enough to recover Sphagnum and associated peat-accumulating species in traditionally exploited bogs?
E González, SW Henstra, L Rochefort, GE Bradfield, M Poulin
Wetlands ecology and management 22, 49-62, 2014
Vegetation Response to Invasive Tamarix Control in Southwestern U.S. Rivers: A Collaborative Study Including 416 Sites
E González, AA Sher, RM Anderson, RF Bay, DW Bean, GJ Bissonnete, ...
Ecological Applications, 2017
Long‐term changes in composition, diversity and distribution patterns in four herbaceous plant communities along an elevational gradient
GJ Sproull, MF Quigley, A Sher, E González
Journal of Vegetation Science 26 (3), 552-563, 2015
Abrupt Drops in Water Table Level Influence the Development of Populus nigra and Salix alba Seedlings of Different Ages
H Guilloy, E González, E Muller, FMR Hughes, N Barsoum
Wetlands 31, 1249-1261, 2011
Combining indicator species and key environmental and management factors to predict restoration success of degraded ecosystems
E González, L Rochefort, S Boudreau, M Poulin
Ecological Indicators 46, 156-166, 2014
Seed dispersal, germination and early seedling establishment of Populus alba L. under simulated water table declines in different substrates
E González, FA Comín, E Muller
Trees 24, 151-163, 2010
Species composition and plant traits: Characterization of the biogeomorphological succession within contrasting river corridors
E Tabacchi, E Gonzalez, D Corenblit, V Garófano‐Gómez, ...
River Research and Applications 35 (8), 1228-1240, 2019
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