micaela tosi
micaela tosi
SPUN / UoGuelph
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Rethinking crop nutrition in times of modern microbiology: innovative biofertilizer technologies
EK Mitter, M Tosi, D Obregón, KE Dunfield, JJ Germida
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5, 606815, 2021
It takes three to tango: the importance of microbes, host plant, and soil management to elucidate manipulation strategies for the plant microbiome
M Tosi, EK Mitter, J Gaiero, K Dunfield
Canadian Journal of Microbiology 66 (7), 413-433, 2020
Pyrosequencing reveals changes in soil bacterial communities after conversion of Yungas forests to agriculture
MS Montecchia, M Tosi, MA Soria, JA Vogrig, O Sydorenko, OS Correa
PloS one 10 (3), e0119426, 2015
Short-term response of soil N-cycling genes and transcripts to fertilization with nitrification and urease inhibitors, and relationship with field-scale N2O emissions
M Tosi, S Brown, PVF Machado, C Wagner-Riddle, K Dunfield
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 142, 107703, 2020
Land-use change affects the functionality of soil microbial communities: A chronosequence approach in the Argentinian Yungas
M Tosi, OS Correa, MA Soria, JA Vogrig, O Sydorenko, MS Montecchia
Applied Soil Ecology 108, 118-127, 2016
Genotypic Characterization of Azotobacteria Isolated from Argentinean Soils and Plant‐Growth‐Promoting Traits of Selected Strains with Prospects for Biofertilizer Production
EJ Rubio, MS Montecchia, M Tosi, FD Cassán, A Perticari, OS Correa
The Scientific World Journal 2013 (1), 519603, 2013
Bacterial endophytes: diversity, functional importance, and potential for manipulation
M Tosi, J Gaiero, N Linton, T Mafa-Attoye, A Castillo, K Dunfield
Rhizosphere biology: interactions between microbes and plants, 1-49, 2021
Cover crop-driven shifts in soil microbial communities could modulate early tomato biomass via plant-soil feedbacks
M Tosi, J Drummelsmith, D Obregón, I Chahal, LL Van Eerd, KE Dunfield
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 9140, 2022
Sorption-desorption and biodegradation of sulfometuron-methyl and its effects on the bacterial communities in Amazonian soils amended with aged biochar
DO Alvarez, KF Mendes, M Tosi, LF de Souza, JCC Cedano, ...
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 207, 111222, 2021
Long-term N inputs shape microbial communities more strongly than current-year inputs in soils under 10-year continuous corn cropping
M Tosi, W Deen, R Drijber, M McPherson, A Stengel, K Dunfield
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 160, 108361, 2021
Soil microbial communities influencing organic phosphorus mineralization in a coastal dune chronosequence in New Zealand
JR Gaiero, M Tosi, E Bent, G Boitt, K Khosla, BL Turner, AE Richardson, ...
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 97 (4), fiab034, 2021
Tillage management exerts stronger controls on soil microbial community structure and organic matter molecular composition than N fertilization
M Man, M Tosi, KE Dunfield, DC Hooker, MJ Simpson
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 336, 108028, 2022
Cover crops modulate the response of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to water supply: A field study in corn
M Tosi, CM Ogilvie, FN Spagnoletti, S Fournier, RC Martin, KE Dunfield
Plants 12 (5), 1015, 2023
Shifts in functional traits and interactions patterns of soil methane-cycling communities following forest-to-pasture conversion in the Amazon Basin
DO Alvarez, LF de Souza, LW Mendes, MT de Moraes, M Tosi, ...
Molecular Ecology 32 (12), 3257-3275, 2023
Long‐term legacy of land‐use change in soils from a subtropical rainforest: Relating microbiological and physicochemical parameters
M Tosi, HD Chludil, OS Correa, JA Vogrig, MS Montecchia
European Journal of Soil Science 72 (2), 1054-1069, 2021
Addition of polyester microplastic fibers to soil alters the diversity and abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and affects plant growth and nutrition
E Kanold, SW Buchanan, M Tosi, C Fahey, KE Dunfield, PM Antunes
European Journal of Soil Biology 122, 103666, 2024
Prairie restoration promotes the abundance and diversity of mutualistic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
KA MacColl, M Tosi, PL Chagnon, AS MacDougall, KE Dunfield, ...
Ecological Applications 34 (5), e2981, 2024
Studying soil microbial communities: Culture-dependent approaches
EK Mitter, D Obregon, M Tosi, H Slinn, K Dunfield
Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment (Second Edition) 1, 139-145, 2023
Efecto del manejo agronómico sobre la microbiota de los suelos del oeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires
O Sydorenko, M Tosi, DV Torrez, MS Montecchia, OS Correa, MF Berti, ...
Aportes de la microbiología de suelos a la producción de cultivos. Editorial …, 2013
Estabilización de la eficiencia metabólica microbiana en suelos sojeros del NOA.
M Tosi, MS Montecchia, DG Ortíz, O Sydorenko, MA Soria, OS Correa
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