Sehat ullah
Sehat ullah
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Citované v
A survey on augmented reality challenges and tracking
I Rabbi, S Ullah
Acta graphica: znanstveni časopis za tiskarstvo i grafičke komunikacije 24 …, 2013
Medical image registration in image guided surgery: Issues, challenges and research opportunities
F Alam, SU Rahman, S Ullah, K Gulati
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 38 (1), 71-89, 2018
Review to analyze and compare virtual chemistry laboratories for their use in education
N Ali, S Ullah
Journal of Chemical Education 97 (10), 3563-3574, 2020
The effect of procedural guidance on students’ skill enhancement in a virtual chemistry laboratory
S Ullah, N Ali, SU Rahman
Journal of Chemical Education 93 (12), 2018-2025, 2016
Factors affecting the design and tracking of ARToolKit markers
D Khan, S Ullah, I Rabbi
Computer Standards & Interfaces 41, 56-66, 2015
Interactive laboratories for science education: A subjective study and systematic literature review
N Ali, S Ullah, D Khan
Multimodal technologies and interaction 6 (10), 85, 2022
The effect of learning-based adaptivity on students’ performance in 3D-virtual learning environments
A Alam, S Ullah, N Ali
IEEE Access 6, 3400-3407, 2017
3D interactive virtual chemistry laboratory for simulation of high school experiments
N Ali, S Ullah, A Alam, J Rafique
Proceedings of Eurasia graphics, 1-6, 2014
A generic approach toward indoor navigation and pathfinding with robust marker tracking
D Khan, S Ullah, S Nabi
Remote Sensing 11 (24), 3052, 2019
Integration and evaluation of haptic feedbacks: from CAD models to virtual prototyping
D Chamaret, S Ullah, P Richard, M Naud
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) 4, 87-94, 2010
Indoor vision-based auditory assistance for blind people in semi controlled environments
A Zeb, S Ullah, I Rabbi
2014 4th international conference on image processing theory, tools and …, 2014
The effect of multimodal virtual chemistry laboratory on students’ learning improvement
N Ali, S Ullah, I Rabbi, A Alam
Augmented and Virtual Reality: First International Conference, AVR 2014 …, 2014
Universal playfair cipher using MXN matrix
A Alam, S Ullah, I Wahid, S Khalid
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science 1 (3), 113-117, 2011
Image based recognition of Pakistan sign language
M Raees, S Ullah, SU Rahman, I Rabbi
Journal of Engineering Research 4, 1-21, 2016
Digital-twins-based Internet of Robotic Things for remote health monitoring of COVID-19 patients
S Khan, S Ullah, HU Khan, IU Rehman
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (18), 16087-16098, 2023
Augmented reality tracking techniques—a systematic literature
I Rabbi, S Ullah, SU Khan
IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSRJCE) 2 (2), 23-29, 2012
Haptic guides in cooperative virtual environments: Design and human performance evaluation
S Ullah, P Richard, S Otmane, M Naud, M Mallem
2010 IEEE Haptics Symposium, 457-462, 2010
VEN-3DVE: vision based egocentric navigation for 3D virtual environments
M Raees, S Ullah, SU Rahman
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) 13 (1 …, 2019
Fingertip gestures recognition using leap motion and camera for interaction with virtual environment
IU Rehman, S Ullah, D Khan, S Khalid, A Alam, G Jabeen, I Rabbi, ...
Electronics 9 (12), 1986, 2020
GIST: Gesture-free Interaction by the Status of Thumb; an interaction technique for Virtual Environments
M Raees, S Ullah, SU Rahman
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Systems 1 (1), 125-142, 2019
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