Francesca Romana Dani
Francesca Romana Dani
Biology Department, University of Firenze, Italy.
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Citované v
Beyond chemoreception: diverse tasks of soluble olfactory proteins in insects
P Pelosi, I Iovinella, J Zhu, G Wang, FR Dani
Biological Reviews 93 (1), 184-200, 2018
Soluble proteins of chemical communication: an overview across arthropods
P Pelosi, I Iovinella, A Felicioli, FR Dani
Frontiers in physiology 5, 320, 2014
Nestmate recognition cues in the honey bee: differential importance of cuticular alkanes and alkenes
FR Dani, GR Jones, S Corsi, R Beard, D Pradella, S Turillazzi
Chemical Senses 30 (6), 477-489, 2005
Deciphering the recognition signature within the cuticular chemical profile of paper wasps
FR Dani, GR Jones, S Destri, SH Spencer, S Turillazzi
Animal Behaviour 62 (1), 165-171, 2001
Soluble proteins of chemical communication in the social wasp Polistes dominulus
M Calvello, N Guerra, A Brandazza, C D'ambrosio, A Scaloni, FR Dani, ...
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences CMLS 60, 1933-1943, 2003
Odorant-Binding Proteins and Chemosensory Proteins in Pheromone Detection and Release in the Silkmoth Bombyx mori
FR Dani, E Michelucci, S Francese, G Mastrobuoni, S Cappellozza, ...
Chemical senses 36 (4), 335-344, 2011
Differential expression of odorant-binding proteins in the mandibular glands of the honey bee according to caste and age
I Iovinella, FR Dani, A Niccolini, S Sagona, E Michelucci, A Gazzano, ...
Journal of Proteome Research 10 (8), 3439-3449, 2011
Expression of odorant-binding proteins and chemosensory proteins in some Hymenoptera
M Calvello, A Brandazza, A Navarrini, FR Dani, S Turillazzi, A Felicioli, ...
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology 35 (4), 297-307, 2005
Dominulin A and B: Two new antibacterial peptides identified on the cuticle and in the venom of the social paper wasp Polistes dominulus using MALDI-TOF …
S Turillazzi, G Mastrobuoni, FR Dani, G Moneti, G Pieraccini, G la Marca, ...
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 17, 376-383, 2006
Rapid assay of topiramate in dried blood spots by a new liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric method
G la Marca, S Malvagia, L Filippi, P Fiorini, M Innocenti, F Luceri, ...
Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis 48 (5), 1392-1396, 2008
Cooperative interactions between odorant-binding proteins of Anopheles gambiae
H Qiao, X He, D Schymura, L Ban, L Field, FR Dani, E Michelucci, ...
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 68, 1799-1813, 2011
Identification and composition of cuticular hydrocarbons of the major Afrotropical malaria vector Anopheles gambiae s.s. (Diptera: Culicidae): analysis of sexual …
B Caputo, FR Dani, GL Horne, V Petrarca, S Turillazzi, M Coluzzi, ...
Journal of Mass Spectrometry 40 (12), 1595-1604, 2005
Recognition of social parasites as nest-mates: adoption of colony-specific host cuticular odours by the paper wasp parasite Polistes sulcifer
MF Sledge, FR Dani, R Cervo, L Dapporto, S Turillazzi
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2001
Social hackers: integration in the host chemical recognition system by a paper wasp social parasite
S Turillazzi, MF Sledge, FR Dani, R Cervo, A Massolo, L Fondelli
Naturwissenschaften 87, 172-176, 2000
Social parasitism and its evolution in Polistes
R Cerva, FR Dani
Natural history and evolution of paper-wasps, 98-112, 1996
Conserved chemosensory proteins in the proboscis and eyes of Lepidoptera
J Zhu, I Iovinella, FR Dani, YL Liu, LQ Huang, Y Liu, CZ Wang, P Pelosi, ...
International Journal of Biological Sciences 12 (11), 1394, 2016
Cuticular lipids as semiochemicals in paper wasps and other social insects
FR Dani
Annales Zoologici Fennici, 500-514, 2006
Diversity, abundance, and sex-specific expression of chemosensory proteins in the reproductive organs of the locust Locusta migratoria manilensis
XH Zhou, LP Ban, I Iovinella, LJ Zhao, Q Gao, A Felicioli, S Sagona, ...
Biological chemistry 394 (1), 43-54, 2013
Mapping the expression of soluble olfactory proteins in the honeybee
FR Dani, I Iovinella, A Felicioli, A Niccolini, MA Calvello, MG Carucci, ...
Journal of Proteome Research 9 (4), 1822-1833, 2010
MALDI mass spectrometry imaging, from its origins up to today: the state of the art
S Francese, FR Dani, P Traldi, G Mastrobuoni, G Pieraccini, G Moneti
Combinatorial chemistry & high throughput screening 12 (2), 156-174, 2009
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