Rachid Touzani
Rachid Touzani
Professor of Applied Mathematics, Université Clermont Auvergne
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Citované v
Numerical modeling of induction heating for two-dimensional geometries
S Clain, J Rappaz, M Swierkosz, R Touzani
Mathematical models and methods in applied sciences 3 (06), 805-822, 1993
Numerical investigation of optimal control of induction heating processes
O Bodart, AV Boureau, R Touzani
Applied Mathematical Modelling 25 (8), 697-712, 2001
Numerical modelling of induction heating of long workpieces
C Chaboudez, S Clain, R Glardon, J Rappaz, M Swierkosz, R Touzani
IEEE transactions on magnetics 30 (6), 5028-5037, 1994
Numerical modelling of electromagnetic casting processes
O Besson, J Bourgeois, PA Chevalier, J Rappaz, R Touzani
Journal of computational physics 92 (2), 482-507, 1991
Transport coefficients in thermal plasma. Applications to Mars and Titan atmospheres
P André, J Aubreton, S Clain, M Dudeck, E Duffour, MF Elchinger, B Izrar, ...
The European Physical Journal D 57, 227-234, 2010
Numerical methods for the simulation of a corrosion model with moving oxide layer
C Bataillon, F Bouchon, C Chainais-Hillairet, J Fuhrmann, E Hoarau, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 231 (18), 6213-6231, 2012
On a two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic problem. I. Modelling and analysis
J Rappaz, R Touzani
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 26 (2), 347-364, 1992
Analyse mathématique et numérique d'un modèle de chauffage par induction
S Clain
Verlag nicht ermittelbar, 1994
Mathematical models for eddy currents and magnetostatics
R Touzani, J Rappaz
Mathematical Models for Eddy Currents and Magnetostatics: With Selected …, 2014
Numerical solution of the free boundary Bernoulli problem using a level set formulation
F Bouchon, S Clain, R Touzani
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 194 (36-38), 3934-3948, 2005
Solution of a two-dimensional stationary induction heating problem without boundedness of the coefficients
S Clain, R Touzani
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 31 (7), 845-870, 1997
A multislope MUSCL method on unstructured meshes applied to compressible Euler equations for axisymmetric swirling flows
S Clain, D Rochette, R Touzani
Journal of Computational Physics 229 (13), 4884-4906, 2010
Fast numerical methods for Bernoulli free boundary problems
CM Kuster, PA Gremaud, R Touzani
SIAM journal on scientific computing 29 (2), 622-634, 2007
A Dirichlet–Neumann cost functional approach for the Bernoulli problem
A Ben Abda, F Bouchon, GH Peichl, M Sayeh, R Touzani
Journal of Engineering Mathematics 81, 157-176, 2013
On a two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic problem. II. Numerical analysis
J Rappaz, R Touzani
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 30 (2), 215-235, 1996
Numerical study of the short pre-arcing time in high breaking capacity fuses via an enthalpy formulation
D Rochette, R Touzani, W Bussiere
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 40 (15), 4544, 2007
A Two‐dimensional Stationary Induction Heating Problem
S Clain, R Touzani
Mathematical methods in the applied sciences 20 (9), 759-766, 1997
Optimal control of an induction heating process for thixoforming
A Masserey, J Rappaz, R Rozsnyo, R Touzani
IEEE transactions on magnetics 40 (3), 1664-1671, 2004
Power formulation for the optimal control of an industrial induction heating process for thixoforming
A Masserey, J Rappaz, R Rozsnyo, R Touzani
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 19 (1-4), 51-56, 2004
Un modèle asymptotique en océanographie
O Besson, MR Laydi, R Touzani
CR Acad. Sci. Paris 310 (1), 661-665, 1990
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