Ilja T. Feldstein
Ilja T. Feldstein
Harvard Medical School
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Citované v
A pedestrian simulator for urban crossing scenarios
IT Feldstein, A Dietrich, S Milinkovic, K Bengler
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (19), 239-244, 2016
Egocentric distance perception: A comparative study investigating differences between real and virtual environments
IT Feldstein, FM Kölsch, R Konrad
Perception 49 (9), 940-967, 2020
Road crossing decisions in real and virtual environments: A comparative study on simulator validity
IT Feldstein, GN Dyszak
Accident Analysis & Prevention 137, 105356, 2020
Impending collision judgment from an egocentric perspective in real and virtual environments: a review
IT Feldstein
Perception 48 (9), 769-795, 2019
Effects of simulated mild vision loss on gaze, driving and interaction behaviors in pedestrian crossing situations
C Lehsing, F Ruch, FM Kölsch, GN Dyszak, C Haag, IT Feldstein, ...
Accident Analysis & Prevention 125, 138-151, 2019
Pedestrian simulators for traffic research: state of the art and future of a motion lab
IT Feldstein, C Lehsing, A Dietrich, K Bengler
International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation 6 (4), 250-265, 2018
A simple video-based technique for measuring latency in virtual reality or teleoperation
IT Feldstein, SR Ellis
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 27 (9), 3611-3625, 2021
Urban interaction – Getting vulnerable road users into driving simulation
C Lehsing, IT Feldstein
UR:BAN Human Factors in Traffic, 347-362, 2018
Pedestrians accept shorter distances to light vehicles than dark ones when crossing the street
IT Feldstein, E Peli
Perception 49 (5), 558-566, 2020
Infrared-based in-vehicle head tracking: A prototype for tracking drivers' head movements in real time
IT Feldstein, A Güntner, K Bengler
Procedia Manufacturing 3, 829-836, 2015
A Pedestrian Simulator for Urban Crossing Scenarios. FAC-PapersOnLine, 49 (19), 239–244
I Feldstein, A Dietrich, S Milinkovic, K Bengler
Fußgängersimulation am Lehrstuhl für Ergonomie–Bits und Bytes lernen laufen
C Lehsing, IT Feldstein, A Dietrich
Ergonomie (2015) 16, 2015
Design and validation techniques for highly immersive simulator systems
IT Feldstein
Technische Universität München, 2024
Virtual reality simulators for traffic research: Concept and validation aspects [Poster]
IT Feldstein
Driving Simulation Conference (DSC) 2016, 2016
Validation aspects of virtual reality simulators for traffic research
IT Feldstein, K Bengler
Proceedings of the 2016 Driving Simulation Conference Europe (DSC '16), 223-224, 2016
IR-based in-vehicle head-tracking [Poster]
IT Feldstein, K Bengler, M Bacara, Daniel, Hainfellner
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter 2014 Annual Conference, 2014
Optimal durch den Eiskanal: Rennschlitten: Konkurrenzfähig bleiben durch technischen Vorsprung
IT Feldstein
chemie&more 5 (6. Ausgabe), 32-33, 2014
Driving simulator study evaluating the distraction caused by projections on the windshield [Presentation]
IT Feldstein
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter 2014 Annual Conference, 2014
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