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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2015
1195 2015 Error vector magnitude as a performance measure for advanced modulation formats R Schmogrow, B Nebendahl, M Winter, A Josten, D Hillerkuss, S Koenig, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 24 (1), 61-63, 2011
761 2011 26 Tbit s−1 line-rate super-channel transmission utilizing all-optical fast Fourier transform processing D Hillerkuss, R Schmogrow, T Schellinger, M Jordan, M Winter, G Huber, ...
Nature photonics 5 (6), 364-371, 2011
715 2011 Challenges in QCD matter physics--The scientific programme of the Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment at FAIR T Ablyazimov, A Abuhoza, RP Adak, M Adamczyk, K Agarwal, ...
The European Physical Journal A 53, 1-14, 2017
406 2017 Real-time Nyquist pulse generation beyond 100 Gbit/s and its relation to OFDM R Schmogrow, M Winter, M Meyer, D Hillerkuss, S Wolf, B Baeuerle, ...
Optics Express 20 (1), 317-337, 2011
256 2011 Quality metrics for optical signals: Eye diagram, Q-factor, OSNR, EVM and BER W Freude, R Schmogrow, B Nebendahl, M Winter, A Josten, D Hillerkuss, ...
2012 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 1-4, 2012
255 2012 Data processing method and device M Vorbach, J Becker, M Weinhardt, V Baumgarte, F May
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252 2012 An FPGA run-time system for dynamical on-demand reconfiguration M Ullmann, M Hübner, B Grimm, J Becker
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205 2004 Single-laser 32.5 Tbit/s Nyquist WDM transmission D Hillerkuss, R Schmogrow, M Meyer, S Wolf, M Jordan, P Kleinow, ...
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197 2012 Data processing system having integrated pipelined array data processor M Vorbach, J Becker, M Weinhardt, V Baumgarte, F May
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191 2015 Real-time LUT-based network topologies for dynamic and partial FPGA self-reconfiguration M Huebner, T Becker, J Becker
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154 2004 Search for Axionlike Particles Produced in Collisions at Belle II F Abudinén, I Adachi, H Aihara, N Akopov, A Aloisio, F Ameli, N Anh Ky, ...
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148 2020 Power estimation and power measurement of Xilinx Virtex FPGAs: trade-offs and limitations J Becker, M Huebner, M Ullmann
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139 2003 Physics performance report for PANDA: strong interaction studies with antiprotons MFM Lutz, B Pire, O Scholten, R Timmermans, J Boucher, T Hennino, ...
133 2009 Architecture, memory and interface technology integration of an industrial/academic configurable system-on-chip (CSoC) J Becker, M Vorbach
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133 2003 Architecture and application of a dynamically reconfigurable hardware array for future mobile communication systems A Alsolaim, J Becker, M Glesner, J Starzyk
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130 2000 A multi-platform controller allowing for maximum dynamic partial reconfiguration throughput C Claus, B Zhang, W Stechele, L Braun, M Hubner, J Becker
2008 International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications …, 2008
126 2008 Single source optical OFDM transmitter and optical FFT receiver demonstrated at line rates of 5.4 and 10.8 Tbit/s D Hillerkuss, T Schellinger, R Schmogrow, M Winter, T Vallaitis, R Bonk, ...
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117 2010 Data processing device and method M Vorbach, M Weinhardt, J Becker
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117 2007 Parallelization in co-compilation for configurable accelerators-a host/accelerator partitioning compilation method J Becker, R Hartenstein, M Herz, U Nageldinger
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