Christopher R. Agnew
Christopher R. Agnew
Professor of Psychological Sciences at Purdue University
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The Investment Model Scale: Measuring commitment level, satisfaction level, quality of alternatives, and investment size
CE Rusbult, JM Martz, CR Agnew
Personal Relationships 5 (4), 357-391, 1998
Commitment, pro-relationship behavior, and trust in close relationships
J Wieselquist, CE Rusbult, CA Foster, CR Agnew
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 77 (5), 942-966, 1999
Cognitive interdependence: Commitment and the mental representation of close relationships.
CR Agnew, PAM Van Lange, CE Rusbult, CA Langston
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 74 (4), 939-954, 1998
Commitment and its theorized determinants: A meta–analysis of the Investment Model
B Le, CR Agnew
Personal Relationships 10 (1), 37-57, 2003
Predicting nonmarital romantic relationship dissolution: A meta‐analytic synthesis
B Le, NL Dove, CR Agnew, MS Korn, AA Mutso
Personal Relationships 17 (3), 377-390, 2010
Being committed: Affective, cognitive, and conative components of relationship commitment
XB Arriaga, CR Agnew
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 27 (9), 1190-1203, 2001
From game theory to real life: How social value orientation affects willingness to sacrifice in ongoing close relationships.
PAM Van Lange, CR Agnew, F Harinck, GEM Steemers
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 73 (6), 13301344, 1997
The Investment Model of Commitment Processes
CE Rusbult, CR Agnew, XB Arriaga
Handbook of theories of social psychology 2, 218-231, 2012
Marginalized relationships: The impact of social disapproval on romantic relationship commitment
JJ Lehmiller, CR Agnew
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 32 (1), 40-51, 2006
A prospective study of weight gain during the college freshman and sophomore years
EE Lloyd-Richardson, S Bailey, JL Fava, R Wing, TER Network
Preventive Medicine 48, 256-261, 2009
Sunken costs and desired plans: Examining different types of investments in close relationships
W Goodfriend, CR Agnew
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 34 (12), 1639-1652, 2008
Relationship perceptions and persistence: Do fluctuations in perceived partner commitment undermine dating relationships?
XB Arriaga, JT Reed, W Goodfriend, CR Agnew
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 91 (6), 1045-1065, 2006
Substituting the forest for the trees: Social networks and the prediction of romantic relationship state and fate.
CR Agnew, TJ Loving, SM Drigotas
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 81 (6), 1042-1057, 2001
Subjective norms and the prediction of romantic relationship state and fate
PE Etcheverry, CR Agnew
Personal Relationships 11 (4), 409-428, 2004
Need fulfillment and emotional experience in interdependent romantic relationships
B Le, CR Agnew
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 18 (3), 423-440, 2001
Interdependence in close relationships
CE Rusbult, XB Arriaga, CR Agnew
Blackwell handbook of social psychology: Interpersonal processes 2, 359-387, 2001
Smoking and drinking among college students: "It's a package deal"
M Nichter, M Nichter, A Carkoglu, EE Lloyd-Richardson, TER Network
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 106, 16-20, 2010
Perceived marginalization and the prediction of romantic relationship stability
JJ Lehmiller, CR Agnew
Journal of Marriage and Family 69 (4), 1036-1049, 2007
Thinking close: Measuring relational closeness as perceived self-other inclusion
CR Agnew, TJ Loving, B Le, W Goodfriend
Handbook of closeness and intimacy, 103-115, 2004
The proximal association between smoking and alcohol use among first year college students
L Dierker, E Lloyd-Richardson, M Stolar, B Flay, S Tiffany, L Collins, ...
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 81 (1), 1-9, 2006
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