John Canavan
John Canavan
UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre NUI, Galway
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Citované v
Family support as reflective practice
P Dolan, J Canavan, J Pinkerton
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2006
Participatory research and the voice‐centred relational method of data analysis: is it worth it?
A Byrne, J Canavan, M Millar
International Journal of Social Research Methodology 12 (1), 67-77, 2009
Accessing a hard to reach population: Reflections on research with young carers in Ireland
D Kennan, A Fives, J Canavan
Child & Family Social Work 17 (3), 275-283, 2012
Family support: From description to reflection
P Dolan, J Pinkerton, J Canavan
Family support as reflective practice, 11-26, 2006
Family support: Direction from diversity
J Canavan, P Dolan, J Pinkerton
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2000
Understanding family support: Policy, practice and theory
J Canavan, J Pinkerton, P Dolan
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2016
Parenting support for every parent: A population-level evaluation of Triple P in Longford Westmeath. Final report
A Fives, L Pursell, C Heary, S Nic Gabhainn, J Canavan
Longford Westmeath Parenting Partnership (LWPP), 2014
‘He told me to calm down and all that’: A qualitative study of forms of social support in youth mentoring relationships
B Brady, P Dolan, J Canavan
Child & Family Social Work 22 (1), 266-274, 2017
Family and family change in Ireland: An overview
J Canavan
Journal of Family Issues 33 (1), 10-28, 2012
Privileging practice: Facing the challenge of integrated working for outcomes for children
J Canavan, L Coen, P Dolan, L Whyte
Children & society 23 (5), 377-388, 2009
Resilience: Cautiously welcoming a contested concept
J Canavan
Child Care in Practice 14 (1), 1-7, 2008
Why we still need the term ‘young carer’: Findings from an exploratory study of young carers in Ireland
A Fives, D Kennan, J Canavan, B Brady
Critical Social Work 14 (1), 2013
The association between academic self‐beliefs and reading achievement among children at risk of reading failure
A Fives, D Russell, N Kearns, R Lyons, P Eaton, J Canavan, C Devaney, ...
Journal of Research in Reading 37 (2), 215-232, 2014
What added value does peer support bring? Insights from principals and teachers on the utility and challenges of a school-based mentoring programme
B Brady, P Dolan, J Canavan
Pastoral Care in Education 32 (4), 241-250, 2014
What works in family support?
C Devaney, J Canavan, F Landy, A Gillen
Health Service Executive (HSE), 2013
Evaluation study design–a pluralist approach to evidence
A Fives, J Canavan, P Dolan
European early childhood education research journal 25 (1), 153-170, 2017
Recruiting and retaining older adult volunteers: Implications for practice
C Devaney, N Kearns, A Fives, J Canavan, R Lyons, P Eaton
Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing 27 (4), 331-350, 2015
Towards best practice in the provision of respite services for people with intellectual disabilities and autism
B Merriman, J Canavan
Repéré à Child and Family Research Centre, NUI Galway: http://hdl. handle …, 2007
Guidance for the implementation of an area based approach to prevention, partnership and family support
A Gillen, F Landy, C Devaney, J Canavan
Health Service Executive, 2013
The role of random allocation in randomized controlled trials: distinguishing selection bias from baseline imbalance
A Fives
Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation 9 (20), 33-42, 2013
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