Mikołaj Czajkowski
Mikołaj Czajkowski
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The Baltic Sea as a time machine for the future coastal ocean
TBH Reusch, J Dierking, HC Andersson, E Bonsdorff, J Carstensen, ...
Science advances 4 (5), eaar8195, 2018
Environmental valuation with discrete choice experiments: Guidance on design, implementation and data analysis
P Mariel, D Hoyos, J Meyerhoff, M Czajkowski, T Dekker, K Glenk, ...
Springer Nature, 2021
Environmental attitudes and place identity as determinants of preferences for ecosystem services
M Faccioli, M Czajkowski, K Glenk, J Martin-Ortega
Ecological Economics 174, 106600, 2020
Social norms, morals and self-interest as determinants of pro-environment behaviours: the case of household recycling
M Czajkowski, N Hanley, K Nyborg
Environmental and Resource Economics 66 (4), 647-670, 2017
The discrete choice experiment approach to environmental contingent valuation
RT Carson, M Czajkowski
Handbook of choice modelling, 202-235, 2014
Economic valuation of air pollution mortality: A 9-country contingent valuation survey of value of a life year (VOLY)
B Desaigues, D Ami, A Bartczak, M Braun-Kohlová, S Chilton, ...
Ecological indicators 11 (3), 902-910, 2011
We want to sort! Assessing households’ preferences for sorting waste
M Czajkowski, T Kądziela, N Hanley
Resource and energy economics 36 (1), 290-306, 2014
The value of familiarity: effects of knowledge and objective signals on willingness to pay for a public good
J LaRiviere, M Czajkowski, N Hanley, M Aanesen, J Falk-Petersen, ...
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 68 (2), 376-389, 2014
Choice experiment assessment of public preferences for forest structural attributes
M Giergiczny, M Czajkowski, T Żylicz, P Angelstam
Ecological Economics 119, 8-23, 2015
Learning and fatigue effects revisited: Investigating the effects of accounting for unobservable preference and scale heterogeneity
M Czajkowski, M Giergiczny, WH Greene
Land Economics 90 (2), 324-351, 2014
The effects of experience on preferences: theory and empirics for environmental public goods
M Czajkowski, N Hanley, J LaRiviere
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 97 (1), 333-351, 2015
Spatial heterogeneity of willingness to pay for forest management
M Czajkowski, W Budziński, D Campbell, M Giergiczny, N Hanley
Environmental and Resource Economics 68, 705-727, 2017
Valuing changes in forest biodiversity
M Czajkowski, M Buszko-Briggs, N Hanley
Ecological Economics 68 (12), 2910-2917, 2009
The role of stated preference valuation methods in understanding choices and informing policy
N Hanley, M Czajkowski
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 2019
Benefits of meeting nutrient reduction targets for the Baltic Sea–a contingent valuation study in the nine coastal states
H Ahtiainen, J Artell, M Czajkowski, B Hasler, L Hasselström, A Huhtala, ...
Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 3 (3), 278-305, 2014
Willingness to pay for unfamiliar public goods: preserving cold-water coral in Norway
M Aanesen, C Armstrong, M Czajkowski, J Falk-Petersen, N Hanley, ...
Ecological Economics 112, 53-67, 2015
Addressing empirical challenges related to the incentive compatibility of stated preferences methods
M Czajkowski, CA Vossler, W Budziński, A Wiśniewska, E Zawojska
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 142, 47-63, 2017
A new baseline model for estimating willingness to pay from discrete choice models
RT Carson, M Czajkowski
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 95, 57-61, 2019
Disentangling the effects of policy and payment consequentiality and risk attitudes on stated preferences
E Zawojska, A Bartczak, M Czajkowski
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 93, 63-84, 2019
Social norm nudging and preferences for household recycling
M Czajkowski, K Zagórska, N Hanley
Resource and Energy Economics 58, 101110, 2019
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