Aje Carlbom
Aje Carlbom
Biträdande professor, Malmö universitet
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Citované v
Culture and religious beliefs in relation to reproductive health
J Arousell, A Carlbom
Best practice & research Clinical obstetrics & gynaecology 32, 77-87, 2016
“Never my daughters”: A qualitative study regarding attitude change toward female genital cutting among Ethiopian and Eritrean families in Sweden
S Johnsdotter, K Moussa, A Carlbom, R Aregai, B Essén
Health care for women international 30 (1-2), 114-133, 2009
The imagined versus the real other: multiculturalism and the representation of muslims in Sweden
A Carlbom
Koran reading and negotiation with jinn: strategies to deal with mental ill health among Swedish Somalis
S Johnsdotter, K Ingvarsdotter, M Östman, A Carlbom
Mental Health, Religion & Culture 14 (8), 741-755, 2011
Experiences of inequitable care among Afghan mothers surviving near-miss morbidity in Tehran, Iran: a qualitative interview study
S Mohammadi, A Carlbom, R Taheripanah, B Essén
International Journal for Equity in Health 16, 1-8, 2017
Unintended consequences of gender equality promotion in Swedish multicultural contraceptive counseling: a discourse analysis
J Arousell, A Carlbom, S Johnsdotter, EC Larsson, B Essén
Qualitative health research 27 (10), 1518-1528, 2017
An empty signifier: The blue-and-yellow Islam of Sweden
A Carlbom
Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 26 (2), 245-261, 2006
Are ‘low socioeconomic status’ and ‘religiousness’ barriers to minority women's use of contraception? A qualitative exploration and critique of a common argument in …
J Arousell, A Carlbom, S Johnsdotter, B Essén
Midwifery 75, 59-65, 2019
The imagined versus the real other
A Carlbom
Multiculturalism and the representation of Muslims in Sweden, 2003
Islamisk aktivism i en mångkulturell kontext–ideologisk kontinuitet eller förändring
A Carlbom
Stockholm: Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap, 2018
Mångkulturalismen och den politiska mobiliseringen av islam
A Carlbom
Makadam förlag i samarbete med Centrum för Danmarksstudier vid Lunds universitet, 2006
Muslimska brödraskapet i Sverige
M Norell, A Carlbom, FKP Durrani
Stockholm: Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap, DNR 1287, 2017
Johann Herder, Early Ninetenth-Century Counter-Enlightenment, and the Common Roots of Multiculturalism and Right-Wing Populism
G Adamson, A Carlbom, P Ouis
Telos 2014 (169), 28-38, 2014
Does Religious Counselling on Abortion Comply with Sweden’s ‘Women-Friendly’Abortion Policies? A Qualitative Exploration Among Religious Counsellors
J Arousell, A Carlbom, S Johnsdotter, B Essén
Sexuality & Culture 23 (4), 1230-1249, 2019
Is multiculturalism good for children? The rights of the child and multiculturalist policies in Sweden
P Ouis, G Adamson, A Carlbom
International Dialogue 3 (1), 5, 2013
Oförutsedda konsekvenser av dialog med självutnämnda muslimska ledare
A Carlbom
Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, 369-390, 2009
Aldrig mina döttrar: en studie om attityder till kvinnlig omskärelse bland etiopier och eritreaner i Sverige
S Johnsdotter, R Aregai, A Carlbom, K Moussa, B Essén
Rädda Barnen, 2005
Religion och social förändring. En introduktion
A Carlbom, UC Hedina, SA Månsson
Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift 16 (3-4), 2009
Sverige–ett främmande moraliskt rum
A Carlbom
Invandrare och Minoriteter 24 (1), 12-15, 1997
The dynamics of intercultural clinical encounters in times of pandemic crisis. Swedish healthcare providers’ reflections on social norms in relation to sexual and reproductive …
M Appelbäck, A Carlbom, L Eriksson, B Essén
Midwifery 138, 104129, 2024
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