Emma E. George
Emma E. George
Postdoctoral Fellow, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
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Citované v
Lytic to temperate switching of viral communities
B Knowles, CB Silveira, BA Bailey, K Barott, VA Cantu, ...
Nature 531 (7595), 466-470, 2016
Bacterial and archaeal symbioses with protists
F Husnik, D Tashyreva, V Boscaro, EE George, J Lukeš, PJ Keeling
Current Biology 31 (13), R862-R877, 2021
A multiomic analysis of in situ coral–turf algal interactions
TNF Roach, M Little, MGI Arts, J Huckeba, AF Haas, EE George, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (24), 13588-13595, 2020
Can we measure beauty? Computational evaluation of coral reef aesthetics
AF Haas, M Guibert, A Foerschner, S Calhoun, E George, M Hatay, ...
PeerJ 3, e1390, 2015
Highly reduced genomes of protist endosymbionts show evolutionary convergence
EE George, F Husnik, D Tashyreva, G Prokopchuk, A Horák, WK Kwong, ...
Current Biology 30 (5), 925-933. e3, 2020
Chromulinavorax destructans, a pathogen of microzooplankton that provides a window into the enigmatic candidate phylum Dependentiae
CM Deeg, MM Zimmer, EE George, F Husnik, PJ Keeling, CA Suttle
PLoS pathogens 15 (5), e1007801, 2019
Microbial bioenergetics of coral-algal interactions
TNF Roach, ML Abieri, EE George, B Knowles, DS Naliboff, ...
PeerJ 5, e3423, 2017
Phylogenetic analysis reveals multiple cases of morphological parallelism and taxonomic polyphyly in Lomatium (Apiaceae)
EE George, DH Mansfield, JF Smith, RL Hartman, SR Downie, ...
Systematic Botany 39 (2), 662-675, 2014
Diplonemids–a review on" new" flagellates on the Oceanic Block
D Tashyreva, AGB Simpson, G Prokopchuk, I Škodová-Sveráková, ...
Protist 173 (2), 125868, 2022
Space-filling and benthic competition on coral reefs
EE George, JA Mullinix, F Meng, BA Bailey, C Edwards, B Felts, AF Haas, ...
PeerJ 9, e11213, 2021
The microbiome of a bacterivorous marine choanoflagellate contains a resource-demanding obligate bacterial associate
DM Needham, C Poirier, C Bachy, EE George, S Wilken, CCM Yung, ...
Nature microbiology 7 (9), 1466-1479, 2022
Gene transfer agents in bacterial endosymbionts of microbial eukaryotes
EE George, D Tashyreva, WK Kwong, N Okamoto, A Horák, F Husnik, ...
Genome Biology and Evolution 14 (7), evac099, 2022
Three-Dimensional Molecular Cartography of the Caribbean Reef-Building Coral Orbicella faveolata
M Little, EE George, MGI Arts, J Shivak, S Benler, J Huckeba, ZA Quinlan, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 627724, 2021
All essential endosymbionts of the ciliate Euplotes are cyclically replaced
V Boscaro, MJ Syberg-Olsen, NAT Irwin, EE George, C Vannini, F Husnik, ...
Current Biology 32 (15), R826-R827, 2022
Viral predation pressure on coral reefs
CB Silveira, A Luque, AF Haas, TNF Roach, EE George, B Knowles, ...
BMC biology 21 (1), 77, 2023
Chromulinavorax destructans, a pathogenic TM6 bacterium with an unusual replication strategy targeting protist mitochondrion
CM Deeg, MM Zimmer, E George, F Husnik, PJ Keeling, CA Suttle
BioRxiv, 379388, 2018
A single cryptomonad cell harbors a complex community of organelles, bacteria, a phage, and selfish elements
EE George, D Barcytė, G Lax, S Livingston, D Tashyreva, F Husnik, ...
Current Biology 33 (10), 1982-1996. e4, 2023
Relevance of coral geometry in the outcomes of the coral-algal benthic war
EE George, J Mullinix, F Meng, B Bailey, C Edwards, B Felts, A Haas, ...
BioRxiv, 327031, 2018
Collaborative metabolic curation of an emerging model marine bacterium, Alteromonas macleodii ATCC 27126
D Sher, EE George, M Wietz, S Gifford, L Zoccaratto, O Weissberg, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.12. 13.571488, 2023
The cell surface of a diatom from the bacterial perspective
EE George
Journal of Phycology 59 (2), 307-308, 2023
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