Vinicio Carraro
Vinicio Carraro
MSc in Forest Sciences, Science technician at the University of Padua
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Citované v
Evidence of threshold temperatures for xylogenesis in conifers at high altitudes
S Rossi, A Deslauriers, T Anfodillo, V Carraro
Oecologia 152, 1-12, 2007
Convergent tapering of xylem conduits in different woody species
T Anfodillo, V Carraro, M Carrer, C Fior, S Rossi
New Phytologist 169 (2), 279-290, 2006
Tree water relations and climatic variations at the alpine timberline: seasonal changes of sap flux and xylem water potential in Larix decidua Miller, Picea abies (L.) Karst …
T Anfodillo, S Rento, V Carraro, L Furlanetto, C Urbinati, M Carrer
Annales des sciences forestières 55 (1-2), 159-172, 1998
Using simple causal modeling to understand how water and temperature affect daily stem radial variation in trees
A Deslauriers, T Anfodillo, S Rossi, V Carraro
Tree Physiology 27 (8), 1125-1136, 2007
The 2018 European heatwave led to stem dehydration but not to consistent growth reductions in forests
RL Salomón, RL Peters, R Zweifel, UGW Sass-Klaassen, AI Stegehuis, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 28, 2022
Hydraulic constraints limit height growth in trees at high altitude
G Petit, T Anfodillo, V Carraro, F Grani, M Carrer
New Phytologist 189 (1), 241-252, 2011
Quantification of uncertainties in conifer sap flow measured with the thermal dissipation method
RL Peters, P Fonti, DC Frank, R Poyatos, C Pappas, A Kahmen, V Carraro, ...
New Phytologist 219 (4), 1283-1299, 2018
Humusica 1, article 5: Terrestrial humus systems and forms—Keys of classification of humus systems and forms
A Zanella, JF Ponge, B Jabiol, G Sartori, E Kolb, RC Le Bayon, JM Gobat, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 122, 75-86, 2018
Managing drought-sensitive forests under global change. Low competition enhances long-term growth and water uptake in Abies pinsapo
LJC Lechuga V, Carraro V, Viñegla B, Carreira JA
High-altitude forest sensitivity to global warming: results from long-term and short-term analyses in the Eastern Italian Alps
M Carrer, T Anfodillo, C Urbinati, V Carraro
The impacts of climate variability on forests, 171-189, 1998
Impact of Climate Trends and Drought Events on the Growth of Oaks (Quercus robur L. and Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) within and beyond Their Natural Range
D Perkins, E Uhl, P Biber, B Du Toit, V Carraro, T Rötzer, H Pretzsch
Forests 9 (3), 108, 2018
Tracing the water sources of trees and streams: isotopic analysis in a small pre-alpine catchment
D Penna, O Oliviero, R Assendelft, G Zuecco, IHJ van Meerveld, ...
Procedia Environmental Sciences 19, 106-112, 2013
A comparative study of plant water extraction methods for isotopic analyses: Scholander-type pressure chamber vs. cryogenic vacuum distillation
G Zuecco, A Amin, J Frentress, M Engel, C Marchina, T Anfodillo, M Borga, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2020, 1-23, 2020
Calibration of Granier-Type (TDP) Sap Flow Probes by a High Precision Electronic Potometer
G Pasqualotto, V Carraro, T Anfodillo, R Menardi
Sensors, 1-13, 2019
The 2018 European heatwave led to stem dehydration but not to consistent growth reductions in forests. Nat Commun 13: 28
RL Salomón, RL Peters, R Zweifel, UGW Sass-Klaassen, AI Stegehuis, ...
Carbon Limitation and Drought Sensitivity at Contrasting Elevation and Competition of Abies pinsapo Forests. Does Experimental Thinning Enhance Water Supply and Carbohydrates?
V Lechuga, V Carraro, B Viñegla, JA Carreira, JC Linares
Forests 10 (1132), 18, 2019
Assessment of Canopy Conductance Responses to Vapor Pressure Deficit in Eight Hazelnut Orchards Across Continents
P Gaia, V Carraro, E Suarez Huerta, T Anfodillo
Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 2021
Stomatal sensitivity in Corylus avellana (L.): first analysis from a global dataset
G Pasqualotto, V Carraro, S Conati, C Chloé, G Salaün, M Mercadal, ...
IX International Congress on Hazelnut 1226, 181-188, 2017
T Anfodillo, V Carraro, M Carrer, C Fior
Girdling of fruit-bearing branches of Corylus avellana reduces seed mass while defoliation does not
G Pasqualotto, V Carraro, T De Gregorio, ES Huerta, T Anfodillo
Scientia horticulturae 255, 37-43, 2019
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