Pouyan Fakharian
Pouyan Fakharian
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Semnan University
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Citované v
Compressive strength prediction of environmentally friendly concrete using artificial neural networks
H Naderpour, AH Rafiean, P Fakharian
Journal of Building Engineering 16, 213-219, 2018
Innovative Models for Prediction of Compressive Strength of FRP-Confined Circular Reinforced Concrete Columns Using Soft Computing Methods
H Naderpour, K Nagai, P Fakharian, M Haji
Composite Structures 215, 69-84, 2019
A New Proposed Approach for Moment Capacity Estimation of Ferrocement Members Using Group Method of Data Handling
H Naderpour, D Rezazadeh Eidgahee, P Fakharian, AH Rafiean, ...
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 23 (2), 382-391, 2020
Compressive Strength Prediction of Hollow Concrete Masonry Blocks Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
P Fakharian, D Rezazadeh Eidgahee, M Akbari, H Jahangir, AA Taeb
Structures 47, 1790-1802, 2023
A synthesis of peak picking method and wavelet packet transform for structural modal identification
H Naderpour, P Fakharian
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 20 (7), 2859–2867, 2016
Data-Driven Estimation Models of Asphalt Mixtures Dynamic Modulus Using ANN, GP and Combinatorial GMDH Approaches
D Rezazadeh Eidgahee, H Jahangir, N Solatifar, P Fakharian, ...
Neural Computing and Applications 34, 17289–17314, 2022
Developing Bearing Capacity Model for Geogrid-Reinforced Stone Columns Improved Soft Clay utilizing MARS-EBS Hybrid Method
AR Ghanizadeh, A Ghanizadeh, A Panagiotis G., P Fakharian, ...
Transportation Geotechnics 38, 100906, 2023
Improving the Properties of Self-Compacted Concrete with Using Combined Silica Fume and Metakaolin
MK Sharbatdar, M Abbasi, P Fakharian
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 64 (2), 535-544, 2020
Axial compressive strength predictive models for recycled aggregate concrete filled circular steel tube columns using ANN, GEP, and MLR
L Chen, P Fakharian, DR Eidgahee, M Haji, AMA Arab, Y Nouri
Journal of Building Engineering 77, 107439, 2023
Shear strength prediction of reinforced concrete shear wall using ANN, GMDH-NN and GEP
H Naderpour, M Sharei, P Fakharian, MA Heravi
Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering 6 (1), 66-87, 2022
Developing Predictive Models of Collapse Settlement and Coefficient of Stress Release of Sandy-Gravel Soil via Evolutionary Polynomial Regression
AR Ghanizadeh, A Delaram, P Fakharian, D Jahed Armaghani
Applied Sciences 12 (19), 9986, 2022
Ensemble machine learning models for prediction of flyrock due to quarry blasting
MS Barkhordari, D Jahed Armaghani, P Fakharian
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 19, 8661–8676, 2022
Mechanical properties of roller-compacted concrete pavement containing recycled brick aggregates and silica fume
D Tavakoli, P Fakharian, J de Brito
Road Materials and Pavement Design 23 (8), 1793-1814, 2022
Rock Strength Estimation Using Several Tree-Based ML Techniques
Z Liu, D Jahed Armaghani, P Fakharian, D Li, D Vladimirovich Ulrikh, ...
Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 133 (3), 799-824, 2022
Predicting the Torsional Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with FRP Sheets in terms of Artificial Neural Networks
H Naderpour, P Fakharian
Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering 5 (1), 20-35, 2018
A Proposed Model for Compressive Strength Prediction of FRP-Confined Rectangular Columns in terms of Genetic Expression Programming (GEP)
P Fakharian, H Naderpour, A Haddad, AH Rafiean, ...
Concrete Research 11 (1), 5-18, 2018
Proposing the optimized combination of different isolation bearings subjected to near-fault ground motions
SH Vaez, H Naderpour, SM Kalantari, P Fakharian
15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15WCEE), September 24-28, 2012
Predicting Resilient Modulus of Clayey Subgrade Soils by Means of Cone Penetration Test Results and Back-Propagation Artificial Neural Network
AR Ghanizadeh, A Ziaee, SMH Khatami, P Fakharian
Journal of Rehabilitation in Civil Engineering 10 (4), 146-162, 2022
Damage Severity Quantification Using Wavelet Packet Transform and Peak Picking Method
P Fakharian, H Naderpour
Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction 27 (1), 04021063, 2022
Prediction of Behavior of FRP-Confined Circular Reinforced Concrete Columns using Artificial Neural Network. 8th Natl Conf Concr
H Naderpour, P Fakharian
Tehran, Iran, 2016
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