Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
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Citované v
Game theory for multi-objective and multi-period framework generation expansion planning in deregulated markets
Sarjiya, RFS Budi, SP Hadi
Energy 174, 323-330, 2019
Optimal planning of battery energy storage systems by considering battery degradation due to ambient temperature: A review, challenges, and new perspective
CHB Apribowo, S Sarjiya, SP Hadi, FD Wijaya
Batteries 8 (12), 290, 2022
Optimal sizing and siting of PV-based distributed generation for losses minimization of distribution using flower pollination algorithm
T Prasetyo, S Sarjiya, LM Putranto
2019 International Conference on Information and Communications Technology …, 2019
A comparative study of PID, ANFIS and hybrid PID-ANFIS controllers for speed control of Brushless DC Motor drive
S Pramonohadi
2013 International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and Its …, 2013
Multi-level game theory model for partially deregulated generation expansion planning
RFS Budi, Sarjiya, SP Hadi
Energy 237, 121565, 2021
Impact of high penetration of Photovoltaic Generation on voltage fluctuation of transmission and distribution systems
JT Putra, M Isnaeni
2015 2nd International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and …, 2015
Transient stability assessment of large scale grid-connected photovoltaic on transmission system
M Zainuddin, TP Handayani, W Sunanda, FEP Surusa
2018 2nd International Conference on Green Energy and Applications (ICGEA …, 2018
Generation expansion planning based on local renewable energy resources: A Case study of the isolated ambon-seram power system
Tumiran, LM Putranto, Sarjiya, FD Wijaya, A Priyanto, I Savitri
Sustainability 14 (5), 3032, 2022
Maximum power point tracking using particle swarm optimization algorithm for hybrid wind-tidal harvesting system on the south coast of java
FD Wijaya, KD Pribadi, S Sarjiya
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 7 (2), 659, 2017
Thermal unit commitment solution using genetic algorithm combined with the principle of tabu search and priority list method
AB Mulyawan, A Setiawan, A Sudiarso
2013 international conference on information technology and electrical …, 2013
Power transformer incipient faults diagnosis using Dissolved Gas Analysis and Rough Set
NA Setiawan, Z Adhiarga
2012 IEEE International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis …, 2012
Combined heat and power–multi-objective optimization with an associated petroleum and wet gas utilization constraint
P Pujihatma, SP Hadi, TA Rohmat
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 54, 25-36, 2018
Long-term electricity demand forecasting of Sumatera system based on electricity consumption intensity and Indonesia population projection 2010-2035
S Suhono
Energy Procedia 68, 455-462, 2015
A review of potential method for optimization of power plant expansion planning in Jawa-Madura-Bali electricity system
RFS Budi, S Sarjiya, SP Hadi
Communications in Science and Technology 2 (1), 2017
Modified flower pollination algorithm for nonsmooth and multiple fuel options economic dispatch
PH Putra, TA Saputra
2016 8th international conference on information technology and electrical …, 2016
Performance analysis of hybrid PID-ANFIS for speed control of brushless DC motor base on identification model system
PH Sasongko, S Sarjiya
International Journal of Computer and Information Technology 2 (4), 2013
Study on photovoltaic hosting in Yogyakarta electric distribution network
LM Putranto
2018 5th International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and …, 2018
Integrated and simultaneous model of power expansion planning with distributed generation
RA Al Hasibi, SP Hadi, S Sarjiya
International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE) 13 (2), 116-127, 2018
Evaluasi keandalan perencanaan pembangkit Wilayah Jawa-Bali dengan mempertimbangkan ketidakpastian peramalan beban
AN Widiastuti, KA Pinanditho, ET Prastyo
Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi 6 (2), 230-234, 2017
Optimal capacity and placement of distributed generation using metaheuristic optimization algorithm to reduce power losses in Bantul distribution system, Yogyakarta
S Shaddiq, DB Santoso, FF Alfarobi, SP Hadi
2016 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical …, 2016
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