Jared M Johnson
Jared M Johnson
The Ohio State University
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Citované v
Remote epitaxy through graphene enables two-dimensional material-based layer transfer
Y Kim, SS Cruz, K Lee, BO Alawode, C Choi, Y Song, JM Johnson, ...
Nature 544 (7650), 340-343, 2017
Demonstration of high mobility and quantum transport in modulation-doped β-(AlxGa1-x) 2O3/Ga2O3 heterostructures
Y Zhang, A Neal, Z Xia, C Joishi, JM Johnson, Y Zheng, S Bajaj, ...
Applied Physics Letters 112 (17), 2018
Modulation-doped β-(Al0. 2Ga0. 8) 2O3/Ga2O3 field-effect transistor
S Krishnamoorthy, Z Xia, C Joishi, Y Zhang, J McGlone, J Johnson, ...
Applied Physics Letters 111 (2), 2017
MOCVD epitaxy of β-(AlxGa1− x) 2O3 thin films on (010) Ga2O3 substrates and N-type doping
AFM Anhar Uddin Bhuiyan, Z Feng, JM Johnson, Z Chen, HL Huang, ...
Applied Physics Letters 115 (12), 2019
Unusual Formation of Point-Defect Complexes in the Ultrawide-Band-Gap Semiconductor
JM Johnson, Z Chen, JB Varley, CM Jackson, E Farzana, Z Zhang, ...
Physical Review X 9 (4), 041027, 2019
LPCVD homoepitaxy of Si doped β-Ga2O3 thin films on (010) and (001) substrates
S Rafique, MR Karim, JM Johnson, J Hwang, H Zhao
Applied Physics Letters 112 (5), 2018
Phase transformation in MOCVD growth of (AlxGa1− x) 2O3 thin films
AFM Bhuiyan, Z Feng, JM Johnson, HL Huang, J Sarker, M Zhu, ...
APL Materials 8 (3), 2020
Interband tunneling for hole injection in III-nitride ultraviolet emitters
Y Zhang, S Krishnamoorthy, JM Johnson, F Akyol, A Allerman, ...
Applied Physics Letters 106 (14), 2015
Tunnel-injected sub 290 nm ultra-violet light emitting diodes with 2.8% external quantum efficiency
Y Zhang, Z Jamal-Eddine, F Akyol, S Bajaj, JM Johnson, G Calderon, ...
Applied Physics Letters 112 (7), 2018
Molecular beam epitaxy of 2D-layered gallium selenide on GaN substrates
CH Lee, S Krishnamoorthy, DJ O'Hara, MR Brenner, JM Johnson, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 121 (9), 2017
High current density 2D/3D MoS2/GaN Esaki tunnel diodes
S Krishnamoorthy, EW Lee, CH Lee, Y Zhang, WD McCulloch, ...
Applied Physics Letters 109 (18), 2016
MOCVD Epitaxy of Ultrawide Bandgap beta-(AlxGa1-x)(2) O-3 with High-Al Composition on (100) beta-Ga2O3 Substrates
AFM Bhuiyan, A Uddin, Z Feng, JM Johnson, HL Huang, J Hwang, ...
Crystal Growth & Design 20 (10), 6722-6730, 2020
Direct determination of structural heterogeneity in metallic glasses using four-dimensional scanning transmission electron microscopy
S Im, Z Chen, JM Johnson, P Zhao, GH Yoo, ES Park, Y Wang, DA Muller, ...
Ultramicroscopy 195, 189-193, 2018
Low-resistance GaN tunnel homojunctions with 150 kA/cm2 current and repeatable negative differential resistance
F Akyol, S Krishnamoorthy, Y Zhang, J Johnson, J Hwang, S Rajan
Applied Physics Letters 108 (13), 2016
Band offsets of (100) β-(AlxGa1− x) 2O3/β-Ga2O3 heterointerfaces grown via MOCVD
AFM Bhuiyan, Z Feng, JM Johnson, HL Huang, J Hwang, H Zhao
Applied Physics Letters 117 (25), 2020
Atomic scale investigation of aluminum incorporation, defects, and phase stability in β-(AlxGa1− x) 2O3 films
JM Johnson, HL Huang, M Wang, S Mu, JB Varley, AFM Uddin Bhuiyan, ...
APL Materials 9 (5), 2021
MOCVD growth of β-phase (AlxGa1− x) 2O3 on (2¯ 01) β-Ga2O3 substrates
AFM Bhuiyan, Z Feng, JM Johnson, HL Huang, J Hwang, H Zhao
Applied Physics Letters 117 (14), 2020
First-in-human phase 1 dose escalation and expansion of a novel combination, anti-CSF-1 receptor (cabiralizumab) plus anti-PD-1 (nivolumab), in patients with advanced solid tumors
Z Wainberg, S Piha-Paul, J Luke, E Kim, J Thompson, CD Britten, ...
J Immunother Cancer 5 (89), 10.1186, 2017
MOCVD Epitaxy of Ultrawide Bandgap β-(AlxGa1–x)2O3 with High-Al Composition on (100) β-Ga2O3 Substrates
AFM Anhar Uddin Bhuiyan, Z Feng, JM Johnson, HL Huang, J Hwang, ...
Crystal Growth & Design 20 (10), 6722-6730, 2020
Reflective metal/semiconductor tunnel junctions for hole injection in AlGaN UV LEDs
Y Zhang, S Krishnamoorthy, F Akyol, JM Johnson, AA Allerman, ...
Applied Physics Letters 111 (5), 2017
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