Dr. Manikandaraja Gurusamy
Dr. Manikandaraja Gurusamy
SRM Institute of science and Technology
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Citované v
The influence of hydrogen induction on the characteristics of a CI engine fueled with blend of camphor oil and diesel with diethyl ether additive
M Gurusamy, C Ponnusamy
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (62), 24054-24073, 2023
Experimental study of effect of isobutanol in performance, combustion and emission characteristics of CI engine fuelled with cotton seed oil blended diesel
VM Raj, LRG Subramanian, G Manikandaraja
Alexandria engineering journal 57 (3), 1369-1378, 2018
Power generation from waste heat of vehicle exhaust using thermo electric generator: A review
MQ Khan, S Malarmannan, G Manikandaraja
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 402 (1), 012174, 2018
Study of PCCI engine operating on pine oil diesel blend (P50) with benzyl alcohol and diethyl ether
M Gurusamy, B Subramanian
Fuel 335, 127121, 2023
Assessment of engine characteristics of compression ignition engine fuelled with Polanga oil and camphor oil blend
M Gurusamy, C Ponnusamy
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 21 (1), 603-616, 2024
Experimental evaluation of cottonseed oil-camphor binary blends on diesel engine performance, combustion, exhaust and cyclic variance parameters
M Gurusamy, C Ponnusamy
Biofuels 14 (6), 645-654, 2023
Experimental investigation of CI engine performance and emissions characteristics of CI engine fuelled with different bio fuel–diesel blended fuel
S Venkatesan, P Udayakumar, G Manikandaraja
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 402 (1), 012195, 2018
Experimental investigation of performance, combustion and emission characteristics of CI engine fuelled with turpentine oil diesel blend, camphor oil diesel blend, lemongrass …
G Manikandaraja, P Chandrasekaran
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 912 (4), 042072, 2020
Experimental investigation of effect of CI-engine fuelled with camphor-oil diesel blend with additive of DTE (Diethyl-Ether)
A Sharma, H Shukla, AS Kumar, G Manikandaraja, S Malarmannan
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 912 (4), 042009, 2020
Assessment of hydrogen and diethyl ether enrichment on CI engine operating with binary blend of jatropha and camphor oil using response surface methodology
M Gurusamy, M Subramaniyan, B Subramaniyan
Energy 289, 129919, 2024
Experimental investigation of engine characteristics of CI engine fueled with fatty acid Millettia Pinnata oil with non‐fatty acid Pinus oil blended fuel
M Gurusamy, M Vijayaragavan, M Subramaniyan
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 42 (5), e14155, 2023
Performance and emission characteristics of diesel engine fueled with mahua oil methyl ester blended diesel with methanol additives
VM Raj, LRG Subramanian, G Manikandaraja, RK Tiwari, S Kumar
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9 (38), 2016
Experimental investigation of features of CI engine fueled with blends of camphor oil with biomass waste simarouba glauca oil
M Gurusamy, M Vijayaragavan, EG Varuvel
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 46 …, 2024
Experimental investigation of performance and emissions of CI engine fuelled with mahua oil blended camphor fuel
KVR Tanay, MV Kumar, JS Reddy, K Manideep, K Krishna
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 912 (4), 042071, 2020
Performance and emission characteristics of CI engine fuelled with turpentine oil-diesel blend with diethyl ether as additives
RV Nanditta, SR Deenadayalan, G Manikandaraja, P Udayakumar
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 912 (4), 042075, 2020
Energy, exergy, and emission analysis of biofuels in compression ignition engine with camphor oil as premixing fuel
M Gurusamy, C Ponnusamy, EG Varuvel
Energy Technology 12 (3), 2300676, 2024
Experimental study of heat transfer in concentric triple pipe heat exchanger
P Tanish, NR Ramanathan, CSK Balasekhar, G Manikandaraja
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1130 (1), 012048, 2021
Experimental investigation of performance characteristics of compression ignition engine fuelled with punnai oil methyl ester blended diesel
MR Vijayaragavan, G Subramanian, L Ramachandran, M Gurusamy, ...
Pakistan Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research Series A: Physical …, 2017
Biodiesel as an alternate fuel for CI engine'a review
VM Raj, G Manikandaraja, S Malarmannan
J Chem Pharm Sci 9 (1), 638-641, 2016
Analysis of vapor compression refrigeration system employing tetrafluroethane and difluroethane as refrigerants
K Goyal, RV Nanditta, PD Teja, S Malarmannan, G Manikandaraja
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2054 (1), 012054, 2021
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