Louise Reardon
Louise Reardon
Associate Professor, INLOGOV, University of Birmingham
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Commuting and wellbeing: a critical overview of the literature with implications for policy and future research
K Chatterjee, S Chng, B Clark, A Davis, J De Vos, D Ettema, S Handy, ...
Transport reviews 40 (1), 5-34, 2020
Questions of governance: Rethinking the study of transportation policy
G Marsden, L Reardon
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 101, 238-251, 2017
An idea whose time has come? Explaining the rise of well-being in British politics
I Bache, L Reardon
Political Studies 61 (4), 898-914, 2013
A constructive role for social science in the development of automated vehicles
T Cohen, J Stilgoe, S Stares, N Akyelken, C Cavoli, J Day, J Dickinson, ...
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 6, 100133, 2020
The politics and policy of wellbeing: Understanding the rise and significance of a new agenda
I Bache, L Reardon
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016
Wellbeing as a wicked problem: navigating the arguments for the role of government
I Bache, L Reardon, P Anand
Journal of Happiness Studies 17 (3), 893-912, 2016
Well-being and transport: Taking stock and looking forward
L Reardon, S Abdallah
Transport Reviews 33 (6), 634-657, 2013
Governance of the smart mobility transition
G Marsden, L Reardon
Emerald Group Publishing, 2018
Symbolic meta-policy:(not) tackling climate change in the transport sector
I Bache, L Reardon, I Bartle, G Marsden, M Flinders
Political studies 63 (4), 830-851, 2015
Understanding the potential of emerging digital technologies for improving road safety
ME Torbaghan, M Sasidharan, L Reardon, LCW Muchanga-Hvelplund
Accident Analysis & Prevention 166, 106543, 2022
The autonomous vehicle Revolution: Implications for planning/The driverless city?/autonomous vehicles–a planner’s response/autonomous vehicles: Opportunities, challenges and …
L Porter, J Stone, C Legacy, C Curtis, J Harris, E Fishman, J Kent, ...
Planning Theory & Practice 19 (5), 753-778, 2018
Networks and problem recognition: advancing the Multiple Streams Approach
L Reardon
Policy Sciences 51 (4), 457-476, 2018
Exploring the role of the state in the depoliticisation of UK transport policy
L Reardon, G Marsden
Policy & Politics 48 (2), 223-240, 2020
Analysing multilevel governance dynamics in India: exercising hierarchy through the Smart Cities Mission
L Reardon, G Marsden, M Campbell, S Gupta, A Verma
Territory, Politics, Governance, 1-19, 2022
Smart mobility as a catalyst for policy change towards low carbon mobility?
L Reardon
Shaping smart mobility futures: Governance and policy instruments in times …, 2020
Conclusion: a window of opportunity
L Reardon, G Marsden
Governance of the smart mobility transition, 2018
Applying a subjective well-being lens to transport equity
L Reardon, L Mahoney, W Guo
Measuring Transport Equity, 205-215, 2019
Living with Pandemics: Places, People and Policy
JR Bryson, L Andres, A Ersoy, L Reardon
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021
Visualizing Nepal’s electricity supply resilience from a whole-systems perspective: A participatory approach
X Wang, L Reardon, LS To
Energy Research & Social Science 85, 102409, 2022
Does governance matter? An international scenarios exercise
G Marsden, L Reardon
Governance of the smart mobility transition, 139-151, 2018
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