Yanmin Zhu
Yanmin Zhu
Massachusetts Institute of Technology/The University of Hong Kong/Imperial College London/KU Leuven
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Citované v
Deep learning for digital holography: a review
T Zeng, Y Zhu, EY Lam
Optics Express 29 (24), 40572-40593, 2021
Digital holographic imaging and classification of microplastics using deep transfer learning
Y Zhu, CH Yeung, EY Lam
Applied Optics 60 (4), A38-A47, 2021
Microplastic pollution monitoring with holographic classification and deep learning
Y Zhu, CH Yeung, EY Lam
Journal of Physics: Photonics 3 (2), 024013, 2021
Full scene underwater imaging with polarization and an untrained network
Y Zhu, T Zeng, K Liu, Z Ren, EY Lam
Optics Express 29 (25), 41865-41881, 2021
Holographic 3D particle reconstruction using a one-stage network
Y Zhang, Y Zhu, EY Lam
Applied Optics 61 (5), B111-B120, 2022
Microplastic pollution assessment with digital holography and zero-shot learning
Y Zhu, HKA Lo, CH Yeung, EY Lam
APL Photonics 7 (7), 2022
Snapshot Polarization-Sensitive Holography for Detecting Microplastics in Turbid Water
J Huang, Y Zhu, Y Li, EY Lam
ACS Photonics 10 (12), 4483-4493, 2023
High-throughput microplastic assessment using polarization holographic imaging
Y Li, Y Zhu, J Huang, YW Ho, JKH Fang, EY Lam
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 2355, 2024
Smart polarization and spectroscopic holography for real-time microplastics identification
Y Zhu, Y Li, J Huang, EY Lam
Communications Engineering 3 (1), 32, 2024
Holographic classifier: Deep learning in digital holography for automatic micro-objects classification
Y Zhu, CH Yeung, EY Lam
2020 IEEE 18th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN) 1 …, 2020
Automatic detection of microplastics by deep learning enabled digital holography
Y Zhu, CH Yeung, EY Lam
Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, HTu5B. 1, 2020
Digital holography with deep learning and generative adversarial networks for automatic microplastics classification
Y Zhu, CH Yeung, EY Lam
Holography, Diffractive Optics, and Applications X 11551, 22-27, 2020
Digital holographic microplastics detection and characterization in heterogeneous samples via deep learning
Y Zhu, CH Yeung, EY Lam
Twelfth International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics 12057 …, 2021
Advanced Optical Imaging Technologies for Microplastics Identification: Progress and Challenges
Y Zhu, Y Li, J Huang, Y Zhang, YW Ho, JKH Fang, EY Lam
Advanced Photonics Research 5 (11), 2400038, 2024
A deep-learning-enabled monitoring system for ocular redness assessment
Y Li, PW Chiu, Y Zhu, V Tam, A Lee, EY Lam
2023 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), 1-5, 2023
Holographic and polarization features analysis for microplastics characterization and water monitoring
Y Zhu, Y Li, J Huang, Y Zhang, EY Lam
Multimodal Sensing and Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and …, 2023
Image descattering with synthetic polarization imaging and untrained network
Y Zhu, T Zeng, K Liu, Z Ren, CH Yeung, EY Lam
Holography, Diffractive Optics, and Applications XI 11898, 119-124, 2021
Dynamic speckle analysis using the event-based block matching algorithm
Z Ge, Y Zhu, Y Zhang, EY Lam
Advanced Sensor Systems and Applications XI 11901, 137-142, 2021
Digital holography with polarization multiplexing for underwater imaging and descattering
Y Zhu, CH Yeung, EY Lam
2021 International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea; Learning to Measure …, 2021
An intelligent and handheld device for early identification of meibomian gland irregularities
Y Li, HS Kan, Y Zhu, Y Cao, V Tam, A Lee, EY Lam
Ophthalmic Technologies XXXIV 12824, 77-81, 2024
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