Jon Lopez
Jon Lopez
Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, IATTC
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Evolution and current state of the technology of echo-sounder buoys used by Spanish tropical tuna purse seiners in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans
J Lopez, G Moreno, I Sancristobal, J Murua
Fisheries Research 155, 127-137, 2014
Fish aggregating devices (FADs) as scientific platforms
G Moreno, L Dagorn, M Capello, J Lopez, J Filmalter, F Forget, ...
Fisheries Research 178, 122-129, 2016
Aggregation process of drifting fish aggregating devices (DFADs) in the Western Indian Ocean: Who arrives first, tuna or non-tuna species?
B Orue, J Lopez, G Moreno, J Santiago, M Soto, H Murua
PloS one 14 (1), e0210435, 2019
Environmental preferences of tuna and non-tuna species associated with drifting fish aggregating devices (DFADs) in the Atlantic Ocean, ascertained through fishers’ echo …
J Lopez, G Moreno, C Lennert-Cody, M Maunder, I Sancristobal, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 140, 127-138, 2017
A model based on data from echosounder buoys to estimate biomass of fish species associated with fish aggregating devices
J Lopez, G Moreno, G Boyra, L Dagorn
Fishery Bulletin 114 (2), 166-178, 2016
The use of FADs in tuna fisheries
GP Scott, J Lopez
European Parliament. Policy Department B: Structural and Cohesion Policies …, 2014
Trade-offs between bycatch and target catches in static versus dynamic fishery closures
M Pons, JT Watson, D Ovando, S Andraka, S Brodie, A Domingo, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (4), e2114508119, 2022
Skipjack tuna availability for purse seine fisheries is driven by suitable feeding habitat dynamics in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans
JN Druon, E Chassot, H Murua, J Lopez
Frontiers in Marine Science 4, 315, 2017
Does social behavior influence the dynamics of aggregations formed by tropical tunas around floating objects? An experimental approach
M Robert, L Dagorn, J Lopez, G Moreno, JL Deneubourg
Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology 440, 238-243, 2013
Using a Bayesian modelling approach (INLA-SPDE) to predict the occurrence of the Spinetail Devil Ray (Mobular mobular)
N Lezama-Ochoa, MG Pennino, MA Hall, J Lopez, H Murua
Scientific reports 10 (1), 18822, 2020
Diel behaviour of tuna and non-tuna species at drifting fish aggregating devices (DFADs) in the Western Indian Ocean, determined by fishers’ echo-sounder buoys
J Lopez, G Moreno, L Ibaibarriaga, L Dagorn
Marine Biology 164 (44), 2017
Environmental characteristics associated with the presence of the Spinetail devil ray (Mobula mobular) in the eastern tropical Pacific
N Lezama-Ochoa, MA Hall, MG Pennino, JD Stewart, J Lopez, H Murua
PloS one 14 (8), e0220854, 2019
Future ocean observations to connect climate, fisheries and marine ecosystems
JO Schmidt, SJ Bograd, H Arrizabalaga, JL Azevedo, SJ Barbeaux, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 550, 2019
Seasonal distribution of tuna and non-tuna species associated with drifting fish aggregating devices (DFADs) in the Western Indian Ocean using fishery-independent data
B Orúe, MG Pennino, J Lopez, G Moreno, J Santiago, L Ramos, H Murua
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 441, 2020
Using fisheries data to model the oceanic habitats of juvenile silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) in the tropical eastern Atlantic Ocean
J Lopez, D Alvarez-Berastegui, M Soto, H Murua
Biodiversity and Conservation, 1-21, 2020
The missing layers: Integrating sociocultural values into marine spatial planning
MG Pennino, S Brodie, A Frainer, PFM Lopes, J Lopez, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 633198, 2021
Testing new designs of drifting fish aggregating device (DFAD) in eastern Atlantic to reduce turtle and shark mortality
J Franco, G Moreno, J López, I Sancristobal
Col Vol Sci Pap ICCAT 68, 1754-1762, 2012
Evaluating potential biodegradable twines for use in the tropical tuna FAD fishery
J Lopez, JM Ferarios, J Santiago, M Ubis, G Moreno, H Murua
Fisheries Research 219, 105321, 2019
From fisheries to scientific data: A protocol to process information from fishers’ echo-sounder buoys
B Orue, J Lopez, G Moreno, J Santiago, G Boyra, J Uranga, H Murua
Fisheries Research 215, 38-43, 2019
Evaluating potential biodegradable twines for use in the tropical tuna fishery
J Lopez, JM Ferarios, J Santiago, OG Alvarez, G Moreno, H Murua
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