Dr. Sari Farah Dina
Dr. Sari Farah Dina
Researcher, Institute for Research and Standardization Industry of Medan
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Study on effectiveness of continuous solar dryer integrated with desiccant thermal storage for drying cocoa beans
SF Dina, H Ambarita, FH Napitupulu, H Kawai
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 5, 32-40, 2015
Activated carbon preparation from bagasse and banana stem at various impregnation ratio
E Misran, M Sarah, SF Dina, SAA Harahap, A Nazar
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1542 (1), 012068, 2020
Empty fruit bunches, potential fiber source for Indonesian pulp and paper industry
L Indriati, N Elyani, SF Dina
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 980 (1), 012045, 2020
Kajian Berbagai Metode Pengeringan Untuk Peningkatan Mutu Biji Kakao Indonesia
SF Dina, FH Napitupulu, H Ambarita
Indonesian Journal of Industrial Research 7 (1), 35-52, 2013
Activated carbon production from bagasse and banana stem at various times of carbonization
E Misran, S Maulina, SF Dina, A Nazar, SA Harahap
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 309 (1), 012064, 2018
Aktivasi Karbon dari Sekam Padi dengan Aktivator Asam Klorida (HCl) dan Pengaplikasiannya pada Limbah Pengolahan Baterai Mobil untuk Mengurangi Kadar Timbal (Pb)
LI Wirani, F Hanum, SF Dina
Laporan Penelitian, Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas …, 2017
Rancangan dan uji performansi alat pengering tenaga surya menggunakan pompa kalor (hibrida) untuk pengeringan biji kakao
SF Dina, HP Limbong, SM Rambe
Indonesian Journal of Industrial Research 12, 21-33, 2018
Biorefining Sebagai Salah Satu Teknologi Alternatif Pada Proses Penggilingan Serat
SF Dina, N Elyani, H Rozikin, L Kusumawati, PB Riset
Dalam Jurnal Selulosa 42, 2007
Performance of paddy dryer with screw conveyor assisted parabolic cylinder collector as thermal generator
SF Dina, SM Jufrizal, EH Sipahutar, HP Limbong, E Misran
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 13 (43), 4446-4453, 2020
Effect of openings collectors and solar irradiance on the thermal efficiency of flat plate-finned collector for indirect-type passive solar dryer
F Batubara, SF Dina, M Turmuzi, F Siregar, N Panjaitan
AIP Conference Proceedings 1855 (1), 2017
Characterizations of Activated Carbon Produced from Bagase and Banana Stem Using H3PO4 as Activating Agent
E Misran, S Maulina, SF Dina, SAA Harahap, A Nazar
Optimization of cellulase production from Apergillus flavipes by submerged and solid state fermentation
S Dina, VT Thankamani
Journal of microbiology, biotechnology and food sciences 12 (5), e4754-e4754, 2023
Rancang Bangun dan Uji Coba Pengering Surya Tipe Kolektor Tabung Vakum (Evacuated Tube Collector)
SF Dina, SM Rambe, EHS Azwardi, EH Sipahutar
Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian Industri 29 (1), 74-83, 2018
Study on varies drying methods of cocoa beans in Indonesia (in Bahasa)
SF Dina, FH Napitupulu, H Ambarita
J. Ris. Ind 7 (1), 35-52, 2013
Solar energy dryer kinetics using flat-plate finned collector and forced convection for potato drying
F Batubara, E Misran, SF Dina, H Heppy
AIP Conference Proceedings 1855 (1), 2017
Efektifitas Pengeringan Kontinu Biji Kakao Indonesia Menggunakan Energi Surya dan Termokimia
SF Dina, FH Napitupulu, A Himsar
Seminar Nasional Teknologi Industri Hijau, Semarang 21, 2014
Desain dan Pembuatan Alat Uji Impak Jatuh Bebas model Drop Weight Test.
SF Dina, AW Pirmansyah
IRA Jurnal Teknik Mesin Dan Aplikasinya (IRAJTMA) 1 (1), 41-50, 2022
Characterization of coal fly ash based adsorbent for CO2 removal
E Misran, O Bani, SF Dina, R Harahap, N Wahyuni
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1230 (1), 012042, 2019
Analisa Kelayakan Investasi Thermal Oil Heater Menggunakan Bahan Bakar Biomassa
D Kusumawaty, SF Dina
Indonesian Journal of Industrial Research 14 (28), 14-19, 2019
Kajian Perhitungan Desain Kolom Adsorpsi: Studi Kasus Kolom Adsorpsi Gas H2s pada Pembuatan Biogas dari Limbah Pabrik Kelapa Sawit.
SM Rambe, EH Sipahutar, SF Dina
Indonesian Journal of Industrial Research 13 (26), 17-24, 2018
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