Mohsen Barouni
Mohsen Barouni
Professor of Health Economics, Health Services Management Research Center
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Citované v
Provincial human development index, a guide for efficiency level analysis: the case of Iran
A Sabermahani, M Barouni, H Seyedin, A Aryankhesal
Iranian journal of public health 42 (2), 149, 2013
The efficiency and budgeting of public hospitals: case study of Iran
H Yusefzadeh, H Ghaderi, R Bagherzade, M Barouni
Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal 15 (5), 393, 2013
Estimation of technical efficiency of general hospitals of Kerman University of Medical sciences by data envelopment analysis (DEA) method IN 2007
A Saber Mahani, GH Godarzi, M Baroni, M KHakiyan
Journal of Kerman University of Medical Sciences 16 (1), 59-67, 2010
The efficiency assessment of dental units using data envelopment analysis approach: The case of Iran
M Barouni, MR Amiresmaieli, A Shahravan, S Amini
Iranian journal of public health 46 (4), 552, 2017
Determining factors related to health services utilization
S Nooraiee Motlagh, A Saber Mahani, M Barooni, M Asadi Lari, ...
Razi Journal of Medical Sciences 21 (127), 61-72, 2015
Assessment the Trend of Inequality in the Distribution of Intensive Care Beds in Iran: Using GINI Index
ND Mohammad Meskarpour-Amiri1,2, Parisa Mehdizadeh3, Mohsen Barouni4
Global Journal of Health Science 6 (6), 28-36, 2014
Cost-benefit analysis of IUI and IVF based on willingness to pay approach; case study: Iran
A Darvishi, R Goudarzi, VH Zadeh, M Barouni
PloS one 15 (7), e0231584, 2020
Hospital service quality–patient preferences–a discrete choice experiment
M Bahrampour, A Bahrampour, M Amiresmaili, M Barouni
International journal of health care quality assurance 31 (7), 676-683, 2018
Cost-effectiveness analysis of dialysis and kidney transplant in patients with renal impairment using disability adjusted life years in Iran
MJS Safiye YaghoubiFard1, Reza Goudarzi2, Abbas Etminan3, MohammadReza ...
Med J Islam Repub Iran 30, 2016
Markov's modeling for screening strategies for colorectal cancer
M Barouni, MH Larizadeh, A Sabermahani, H Ghaderi
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 13 (10), 5125-5129, 2012
Investigation of the impact of DRG based reimbursement mechanisms on quality of care, capacity utilization, and efficiency-A systematic review
M Barouni, L Ahmadian, HS Anari, E Mohsenbeigi
International journal of healthcare management 14 (4), 1463-1474, 2021
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Breast Cancer Screening in Rural Iran.
MHLZ Nooshin Zehtab, Mohammad Jafari, Mohsen Barooni, Nouzar Nakhaee, Reza ...
Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 17 (2), 609, 2016
Investigation Into Shelf Life of Fresh Dates and Pistachios in a Package Modified With Nano-Silver
AARMB Fateme Peyro Mousavi1, Hasan HashemiPour2, Amir Heidari Nasab1
Global journal of health science 8 (2), 134, 2015
Appropriateness of delivered services in educational hospitals: a case study in Kerman University of Medical Sciences
M Barouni, S Amini, S Khosravi
Sadra Medical Journal 4 (3), 185-194, 2016
Survey of social health insurance structure in selected countries; providing framework for basic health insurance in Iran
MN Effat Mohammadi, Ahmad Reza Raissi1, Mohsen Barooni2, Massoud Ferdoosi1
Journal of Education and Health Promotion 3, 2014
Predicting cutaneous leishmaniasis using SARIMA and Markov switching models in Isfahan, Iran: a time-series study
V Rahmanian, S Bokaie, A Haghdoost, M Barouni
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 14 (2), 83-93, 2021
Challenges and adverse outcomes of implementing reimbursement mechanisms based on the diagnosis-related group classification system: a systematic review
M Barouni, L Ahmadian, HS Anari, E Mohsenbeigi
Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal 20 (3), e260, 2020
Cost-price estimation of clinical laboratory services based on activity-based costing: a case study from a developing country
A Mouseli, M Barouni, M Amiresmaili, SM Samiee, L Vali
Electronic physician 9 (4), 4077, 2017
Evaluating direct costs of gastric cancer treatment in Iran-case study in Kerman city in 2015
A Izadi, MJ Sirizi, M Jaffari Sirizi, S Esmaeelpour, M Barouni
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 17 (6), 3007-3013, 2016
Measurement of efficiency of direct medical services affiliated with Iranian Social Security Organization using data envelopment analysis in 2014.
F Esmaili, MH Mehrolhassani, M Barouni, R Goudarzi
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