Toi J. Tsilo
Toi J. Tsilo
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Screening of bread wheat genotypes for drought tolerance using phenotypic and proline analyses
L Mwadzingeni, H Shimelis, S Tesfay, TJ Tsilo
Frontiers in plant science 7, 1276, 2016
Fusarium head blight of wheat: Pathogenesis and control strategies
CC Dweba, S Figlan, HA Shimelis, TE Motaung, S Sydenham, ...
Crop protection 91, 114-122, 2017
Breeding wheat for drought tolerance: Progress and technologies
L Mwadzingeni, H Shimelis, E Dube, MD Laing, TJ Tsilo
Journal of Integrative Agriculture 15 (5), 935-943, 2016
Genome-wide association analysis of agronomic traits in wheat under drought-stressed and non-stressed conditions
L Mwadzingeni, H Shimelis, DJG Rees, TJ Tsilo
PloS one 12 (2), e0171692, 2017
Diagnostic Microsatellite Markers for the Detection of Stem Rust Resistance Gene Sr36 in Diverse Genetic Backgrounds of Wheat
TJ Tsilo, Y Jin, JA Anderson
Crop Science 48 (1), 253-261, 2008
Genome mapping of kernel characteristics in hard red spring wheat breeding lines
TJ Tsilo, GA Hareland, S Simsek, S Chao, JA Anderson
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 121, 717-730, 2010
Nested association mapping of stem rust resistance in wheat using genotyping by sequencing
P Bajgain, MN Rouse, TJ Tsilo, GK Macharia, S Bhavani, Y Jin, ...
PloS one 11 (5), e0155760, 2016
Genetic improvement of wheat for drought tolerance: Progress, challenges and opportunities
T Bapela, H Shimelis, TJ Tsilo, I Mathew
Plants 11 (10), 1331, 2022
Identification and validation of SSR markers linked to the stem rust resistance gene Sr6 on the short arm of chromosome 2D in wheat
TJ Tsilo, S Chao, Y Jin, JA Anderson
Theoretical and applied genetics 118, 515-524, 2009
Microsatellite Markers Linked to Stem Rust Resistance Allele Sr9a in Wheat
TJ Tsilo, Y Jin, JA Anderson
Crop Science 47 (5), 2013-2020, 2007
Importance of bovine mastitis in Africa
TE Motaung, KR Petrovski, IM Petzer, O Thekisoe, TJ Tsilo
Animal Health Research Reviews 18 (1), 58-69, 2017
Inheritance of resistance to Ug99 stem rust in wheat cultivar Norin 40 and genetic mapping of Sr42
H Ghazvini, CW Hiebert, T Zegeye, S Liu, M Dilawari, T Tsilo, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 125, 817-824, 2012
Quantitative trait loci influencing endosperm texture, dough-mixing strength, and bread-making properties of the hard red spring wheat breeding lines
TJ Tsilo, S Simsek, JB Ohm, GA Hareland, S Chao, JA Anderson
Genome 54 (6), 460-470, 2011
Characterization of tabanid flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) in South Africa and Zambia and detection of protozoan parasites they are harbouring
MO Taioe, MY Motloang, B Namangala, A Chota, NI Molefe, ...
Parasitology 144 (9), 1162-1178, 2017
Molecular mapping and improvement of leaf rust resistance in wheat breeding lines
TJ Tsilo, JA Kolmer, JA Anderson
Phytopathology 104 (8), 865-870, 2014
Genetic mapping and QTL analysis of flour color and milling yield related traits using recombinant inbred lines in hard red spring wheat
TJ Tsilo, GA Hareland, S Chao, JA Anderson
Crop science 51 (1), 237-246, 2011
Breeding wheat for durable leaf rust resistance in Southern Africa: variability, distribution, current control strategies, challenges and future prospects
S Figlan, K Ntushelo, L Mwadzingeni, T Terefe, TJ Tsilo, H Shimelis
Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 549, 2020
Establishment and Characterization of Callus and Cell Suspension Cultures of Selected Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench Varieties: A Resource for Gene Discovery in …
E Ramulifho, T Goche, J Van As, TJ Tsilo, S Chivasa, R Ngara
Agronomy 9 (5), 218, 2019
Association of size‐exclusion HPLC of endosperm proteins with dough mixing and breadmaking characteristics in a recombinant inbred population of hard red spring wheat
TJ Tsilo, JB Ohm, GA Hareland, JA Anderson
Cereal Chemistry 87 (2), 104-111, 2010
Variance components and heritability of yield and yield components of wheat under drought-stressed and non-stressed conditions
L Mwadzingeni, H Shimelis, TJ Tsilo
Australian Journal of Crop Science 11 (11), 1425‐1430, 2017
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