Md Alamin Arefen
Md Alamin Arefen
Studies in Computational Engineering at Friedrich Alexander University, Germany
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Citované v
The impact of business intelligence on organization’s effectiveness: an empirical study
X Tian, R Chiong, B Martin, R Stockdale, MS Arefin, MR Hoque, Y Bao
Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 2015
High-performance work systems and proactive behavior: The mediating role of psychological empowerment
MS Arefin, I Arif, M Raquib
International Journal of Business and Management 10 (3), 132, 2015
Growth, yield and juice quality of some selected sugarcane clones under water-logging stress condition
MS Islam, MAS Miah, MK Begum, MR Alam, MS Arefin
World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 7 (4), 504-509, 2011
A Study on the Motivation to Transfer Training in the Banking Industry of Bangladesh
MS Arefin, N Islam
South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management 6 (1), 45-72, 2019
Impact of Smartphone Addiction on Academic Performance of Business Students: A Case Study
M Arefin, M Islam, M Mustafi, S Afrin, N Islam
Md. and Mustafi, Mohitul and Afrin, Sharmina and Islam, Nazrul, Impact of …, 2018
Effect of water stress on physiological characters and juice quality of sugarcane
MK Begum, MR Alam, MS Islam, MS Arefin
Sugar Tech 14 (2), 161-167, 2012
The relationship between high-performance work systems and proactive behaviors: The mediating role of perceived organizational support
MS Arefin, M Raquib, I Arif
European Scientific Journal 11 (2), 2015
Farmers Attitude Towards Using Agro-Chemicals in Rice Production: A Case in Laxmipur District of Bangladesh
SS Hasan, MK Ghosh, MS Arefin, S Sultana
The Agriculturists 13 (2), 105-112, 2015
In vitro antibacterial activity of Spirulina platensis extracts against clinical isolates of Salmonella enterica serovars Typhi and Paratyphi (SUBP03)
S Ahsan, MS Arefin, JL Munshi, MN Begum, M Maliha, S Rahman, ...
Stamford Journal of Microbiology 5 (1), 22-25, 2015
Street food eating habits in Bangladesh: A study on Dhaka city
N Islam, M Arefin, T Nigar, SN Haque, KI Haq, M Emran, T Ahmed, ...
Int. Journal of Management and Development Studies 6 (9), 49-57, 2017
Characteristics and cost analysis of an automatic solar hot water system in Bangladesh
M Arefin, M Hasan, A Azad
Int Proc Chem Biol Environ Eng 6, 179-183p, 2011
Modified EDMONDS-KARP algorithm to solve maximum flow problems
KK Mallick, AR Khan, MM Ahmed, MS Arefin, MS Uddin
Open Journal of Applied Sciences 6 (02), 131, 2016
Evaluation of some qualitative and quantitative characters of ten sugarcane genotypes under water logging stress conditions
MS Islam, MK Bejun, MR Alam, MS Arefin
Pakistan Sugar Journal 28 (1), 10-15, 2013
Maturity status of new promosing sugarcane genotypes and evaluation for gur quality
MA Jabber, MA Ghafur, MK Begum, MS Arefin
Bangladesh J. Sugarcane, 24-27, 2006
An Analysis of Customers’ Satisfaction of Super Markets in Bangladesh
N Islam, MS Arefin, KN Hasan, MH Omi, MM Murshed, Z Tazwar, ...
Mission Statements of Pharmaceutical Firms in Bangladesh: Missing Link and Probable Impact
MS Arefin, MSU Rajib, MYA Bhuiyan
Journal on Innovation and Sustainability. RISUS ISSN 2179-3565 2 (3), 52-58, 2011
Biochemical studies of juice quality and yield performance of some promising sugarcane clones under water-logging stress condition
MS Islam, MAS Miah, MK Begum, MR Alam, MS Arefin
J. Agrofor. Environ 5 (1), 87-90, 2011
MIMOME channel secrecy capacity
MR Islam, J Kim, MS Arefin
2008 11th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology …, 2008
Bangla numeral recognition engine (BNRE)
MM Hoque, MR Karim, MG Hossain, MS Arefin, M Monjur-Ul-Hasan
2008 International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 644-647, 2008
A machine translation framework for translating Bangla assertive, interrogative and imperative sentences into English
MS Arefin, MM Hoque, MO Rahman, MS Arefin
2015 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information …, 2015
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