Neural correlates of the pitch of complex tones. I. Pitch and pitch salience PA Cariani, B Delgutte Journal of neurophysiology 76 (3), 1698-1716, 1996 | 663* | 1996 |
Encoding of pitch in the human brainstem is sensitive to language experience A Krishnan, Y Xu, J Gandour, P Cariani Cognitive Brain Research 25 (1), 161-168, 2005 | 580 | 2005 |
Emergence and artificial life P Cariani Artificial Life II, SFI Studies in the Science of Complexity, X, 775-797, 1991 | 414 | 1991 |
Neurobiological foundations for the theory of harmony in western tonal music MJ Tramo, PA Cariani, B Delgutte, LD Braida Annals of the New York academy of sciences 930 (1), 92-116, 2001 | 303 | 2001 |
Human frequency-following response: representation of pitch contours in Chinese tones A Krishnan, Y Xu, JT Gandour, PA Cariani Hearing research 189 (1-2), 1-12, 2004 | 244 | 2004 |
To evolve an ear. Epistemological implications of gordon pask's electrochemical devices P Cariani Systems research 10 (3), 19-33, 1993 | 191 | 1993 |
On the design of devices with emergent semantic functions PA Cariani State University of New York, 1989 | 165 | 1989 |
Temporal coding of periodicity pitch in the auditory system: an overview P Cariani Neural plasticity 6 (4), 147-172, 1999 | 163 | 1999 |
Auditory and visual sensations Y Ando, P Cariani Springer, 2009 | 142 | 2009 |
As if time really mattered: temporal strategies for neural coding of sensory information P Cariani Commun. Cognit.-Artifi. Intell.(CC-AI) 12, 208-252, 1995 | 119 | 1995 |
Persistent restoration of sensory function by immediate or delayed systemic artemin after dorsal root injury R Wang, T King, MH Ossipov, AJ Rossomando, TW Vanderah, P Harvey, ... Nature neuroscience 11 (4), 488-496, 2008 | 115 | 2008 |
Symbols and dynamics in the brain P Cariani Biosystems 60 (1-3), 59-83, 2001 | 98 | 2001 |
Neurophysiology and neuroanatomy of pitch perception: auditory cortex MJ Tramo, PA Cariani, CK Koh, N Makris, LD Braida Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1060 (1), 148-174, 2005 | 89 | 2005 |
Temporal codes and computations for sensory representation and scene analysis PA Cariani IEEE Transactions on neural networks 15 (5), 1100-1111, 2004 | 84 | 2004 |
Some epistemological implications of devices which construct their own sensors and effectors P Cariani Towards a practice of autonomous systems, 484-493, 1992 | 84 | 1992 |
Temporal codes, timing nets, and music perception P Cariani Journal of New Music Research 30 (2), 107-135, 2001 | 76 | 2001 |
Neural timing nets PA Cariani Neural networks 14 (6-7), 737-753, 2001 | 74 | 2001 |
Neurobiology of harmony pereception. MJ Tramo, PA Cariani, B Delgutte, LD Braida Oxford University Press, 2003 | 72 | 2003 |
Towards an evolutionary semiotics: the emergence of new sign-functions in organisms and devices P Cariani Evolutionary systems: biological and epistemological perspectives on …, 1998 | 64 | 1998 |
Emergence of new signal-primitives in neural systems P Cariani Intellectica 25 (2), 95-143, 1997 | 61 | 1997 |