Youcef Gheraibia
Youcef Gheraibia
Senior Lecturer in Computing(Transnational Education)
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Citované v
A secure IoT-based modern healthcare system with fault-tolerant decision making process
P Gope, Y Gheraibia, S Kabir, B Sikdar
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 25 (3), 862-873, 2020
Penguins search optimization algorithm (PeSOA)
Y Gheraibia, A Moussaoui
Recent Trends in Applied Artificial Intelligence: 26th International …, 2013
Dynamic fault tree analysis: state-of-the-art in modeling, analysis, and tools
K Aslansefat, S Kabir, Y Gheraibia, Y Papadopoulos
Reliability management and engineering, 73-112, 2020
Trade-off analysis for SysML models using decision points and CSPs
P Leserf, P de Saqui-Sannes, J Hugues
Software and Systems Modeling 18, 3265-3281, 2019
Safety+ AI: A novel approach to update safety models using artificial intelligence
Y Gheraibia, S Kabir, K Aslansefat, I Sorokos, Y Papadopoulos
IEEE Access 7, 135855-135869, 2019
Penguins search optimisation algorithm for association rules mining
Y Gheraibia, A Moussaoui, Y Djenouri, S Kabir, PY Yin
Journal of computing and information technology 24 (2), 165-179, 2016
A runtime safety analysis concept for open adaptive systems
S Kabir, I Sorokos, K Aslansefat, Y Papadopoulos, Y Gheraibia, J Reich, ...
Model-Based Safety and Assessment: 6th International Symposium, IMBSA 2019 …, 2019
An overview of the approaches for automotive safety integrity levels allocation
Y Gheraibia, S Kabir, K Djafri, H Krimou
Journal of failure analysis and prevention 18, 707-720, 2018
A conceptual framework to incorporate complex basic events in HiP-HOPS
S Kabir, K Aslansefat, I Sorokos, Y Papadopoulos, Y Gheraibia
Model-Based Safety and Assessment: 6th International Symposium, IMBSA 2019 …, 2019
Discrete penguins search optimization algorithm to solve the traveling salesman problem.
Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology 72 (3), 2015
Voice disorder detection using machine learning algorithms: An application in speech and language pathology
MU Rehman, A Shafique, QUA Azhar, SS Jamal, Y Gheraibia, AB Usman
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 133 (108047), 2024
Reliability analysis of automated pond oxygen management system
S Kabir, T Azad, M Walker, Y Gheraibia
2015 18th International conference on computer and information technology …, 2015
Penguin search optimisation algorithm for finding optimal spaced seeds
Y Gheraibia, A Moussaoui, Y Djenouri, S Kabir, PY Yin, S Mazouzi
International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence …, 2015
An efficient measure for evaluating association rules
Y Djenouri, Y Gheraibia, M Mehdi, A Bendjoudi, N Nouali-Taboudjemat
2014 6th International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition …, 2014
Ant colony algorithm for automotive safety integrity level allocation
Y Gheraibia, K Djafri, H Krimou
Applied Intelligence 48 (3), 555-569, 2018
PeSOA: penguins search optimisation algorithm for global optimisation problems
Y Gheraibia, A Moussaoui, PY Yin, Y Papadopoulos, S Maazouzi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.09895, 2018
Can aquatic flightless birds allocate automotive safety requirements?
Y Gheraibia, A Moussaoui, LS Azevedo, D Parker, Y Papadopoulos, ...
2015 IEEE Seventh international conference on intelligent computing and …, 2015
Ontology and automatic code generation on modeling and simulation
Y Gheraibia, A Bourouis
2012 6th International Conference on Sciences of Electronics, Technologies …, 2012
Recent Trends in Applied Artificial Intelligence: 26th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE 2013 …
M Ali, T Bosse, KV Hindriks, M Hoogendoorn, CM Jonker, J Treur
Springer, 2013
Runtime decision making under uncertainty in autonomous vehicles
V Gautam, Y Gheraibia, R Alexander, RD Hawkins
Proceedings of the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Safety (SafeAI 2021), 2021
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