Large mesopelagic fishes biomass and trophic efficiency in the open ocean X Irigoien, TA Klevjer, A Røstad, U Martinez, G Boyra, JL Acuña, A Bode, ... Nature communications 5 (1), 3271, 2014 | 814 | 2014 |
Efficient trawl avoidance by mesopelagic fishes causes large underestimation of their biomass S Kaartvedt, A Staby, DL Aksnes Marine Ecology Progress Series 456, 1-6, 2012 | 344 | 2012 |
Large scale patterns in vertical distribution and behaviour of mesopelagic scattering layers TA Klevjer, X Irigoien, A Røstad, E Fraile-Nuez, VM Benítez-Barrios, ... Scientific reports 6 (1), 19873, 2016 | 250 | 2016 |
Mesoscale eddies are oases for higher trophic marine life OR Godø, A Samuelsen, GJ Macaulay, R Patel, SS Hjøllo, J Horne, ... PloS one 7 (1), e30161, 2012 | 241 | 2012 |
Coastal water darkening and implications for mesopelagic regime shifts in Norwegian fjords DL Aksnes, N Dupont, A Staby, Ø Fiksen, S Kaartvedt, J Aure Marine Ecology Progress Series 387, 39-49, 2009 | 200 | 2009 |
Taxonomic and systematic assessment of planktonic copepods using mitochondrial COI sequence variation and competitive, species-specific PCR A Bucklin, M Guarnieri, RS Hill, AM Bentley, S Kaartvedt Molecular ecology of aquatic communities, 239-254, 1999 | 194 | 1999 |
Vertical distribution and trophic interactions of zooplankton and fish in Masfjorden, Norway J Giske, DL Aksnes, BM Baliño, S Kaartvedt, U Lie, JT Nordeide, ... Sarsia 75 (1), 65-81, 1990 | 182 | 1990 |
Significance of advection for the carrying capacities of fjord populations DL Aksnes, J Aure, S Kaartvedt, T Magnesen, J Richard Marine Ecology Progress Series, 263-274, 1989 | 172 | 1989 |
Intercomparison of zooplankton (net) sampling systems: Results from the ICES/GLOBEC sea-going workshop HR Skjoldal, PH Wiebe, L Postel, T Knutsen, S Kaartvedt, DD Sameoto Progress in oceanography 108, 1-42, 2013 | 171 | 2013 |
Trophic structure and community stability in an overfished ecosystem AC Utne-Palm, AGV Salvanes, B Currie, S Kaartvedt, GE Nilsson, ... Science 329 (5989), 333-336, 2010 | 162 | 2010 |
Vertical distribution and mortality of overwintering Calanus E Bag× ien, S Kaartvedt, DL Aksnes, K Eiane Limnology and Oceanography 46 (6), 1494-1510, 2001 | 142 | 2001 |
Fish or jellies—a question of visibility? K Eiane, DL Aksnes, E BagØien, S Kaartvedt Limnology and Oceanography 44 (5), 1352-1357, 1999 | 141 | 1999 |
Use of bottom-mounted echo sounders in exploring behavior of mesopelagic fishes S Kaartvedt, A Røstad, TA Klevjer, A Staby Marine Ecology Progress Series 395, 109-118, 2009 | 130 | 2009 |
Zooplankton patch dynamics: daily gap formation over abrupt topography A Genin, C Greene, L Haury, P Wiebe, G Gal, S Kaartvedt, E Meir, C Fey, ... Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 41 (5-6), 941-951, 1994 | 129 | 1994 |
Occurrence of the Toxic Phytoflagellate Prymnesium parvum and Associated Fish Mortality in a Norwegian Fjord System S Kaartvedt, TM Johnsen, DL Aksnes, U Lie, H Svendsen Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48 (12), 2316-2323, 1991 | 128 | 1991 |
Diel vertical migration of the krill Meganyctiphanes norvegica in relation to physical environment, food and predators MSR Onsrud, S Kaartvedt Marine Ecology Progress Series 171, 209-219, 1998 | 125 | 1998 |
Light penetration structures the deep acoustic scattering layers in the global ocean DL Aksnes, A Røstad, S Kaartvedt, U Martinez, CM Duarte, X Irigoien Science advances 3 (5), e1602468, 2017 | 122 | 2017 |
Habitat preference during overwintering and timing of seasonal vertical migration of Calanus finmarchicus S Kaartvedt Ophelia 44 (1-3), 145-156, 1996 | 115 | 1996 |
Acoustical study of the spatial distribution of plankton on Georges Bank and the relationship between volume backscattering strength and the taxonomic composition of the plankton PH Wiebe, DG Mountain, TK Stanton, CH Greene, G Lough, S Kaartvedt, ... Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 43 (7-8), 1971-2001, 1996 | 110 | 1996 |
Life history of Calanus finmarchicus in the Norwegian Sea in relation to planktivorous fish S Kaartvedt ICES Journal of Marine Science 57 (6), 1819-1824, 2000 | 108 | 2000 |