Lawrence Amy
Lawrence Amy
Associate Professor of Petroleum Geoscience, University College Dublin
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Citované v
Onset of submarine debris flow deposition far from original giant landslide
PJ Talling, RB Wynn, DG Masson, M Frenz, BT Cronin, R Schiebel, ...
Nature 450 (7169), 541-544, 2007
Beds comprising debrite sandwiched within co‐genetic turbidite: origin and widespread occurrence in distal depositional environments
PJ Talling, LA Amy, RB Wynn, J Peakall, M Robinson
Sedimentology 51 (1), 163-194, 2004
Deposit structure and processes of sand deposition from decelerating sediment suspensions
EJ Sumner, LA Amy, PJ Talling
Journal of Sedimentary Research 78 (8), 529-547, 2008
Anatomy of turbidites and linked debrites based on long distance (120× 30 km) bed correlation, Marnoso Arenacea Formation, Northern Apennines, Italy
LA Amy, PJ Talling
Sedimentology 53 (1), 161-212, 2006
Deposits of flows transitional between turbidity current and debris flow
EJ Sumner, PJ Talling, LA Amy
Geology 37 (11), 991-994, 2009
New insight into the evolution of large‐volume turbidity currents: comparison of turbidite shape and previous modelling results
PJ Talling, LA Amy, RB Wynn
Sedimentology 54 (4), 737-769, 2007
Facies architecture of individual basin‐plain turbidites: Comparison with existing models and implications for flow processes
EJ Sumner, PJ Talling, LA Amy, RB Wynn, CJ Stevenson, M Frenz
Sedimentology 59 (6), 1850-1887, 2012
Bed geometry used to test recognition criteria of turbidites and (sandy) debrites
LA Amy, PJ Talling, J Peakall, RB Wynn, RGA Thynne
Sedimentary Geology 179 (1-2), 163-174, 2005
Submarine pyroclastic deposits formed at the Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat (1995–2003): What happens when pyroclastic flows enter the ocean?
J Trofimovs, L Amy, G Boudon, C Deplus, E Doyle, N Fournier, MB Hart, ...
Geology 34 (7), 549-552, 2006
An experimental investigation of sand–mud suspension settling behaviour: implications for bimodal mud contents of submarine flow deposits
LA Amy, PJ Talling, VO Edmonds, EJ Sumner, A Lesueur
Sedimentology 53 (6), 1411-1434, 2006
Evolution of turbidity currents deduced from extensive thin turbidites: Marnoso Arenacea Formation (Miocene), Italian Apennines
PJ Talling, LA Amy, RB Wynn, G Blackbourn, O Gibson
Journal of Sedimentary Research 77 (3), 172-196, 2007
The influence of a lateral basin-slope on the depositional patterns of natural and experimental turbidity currents
LA Amy, WD McCaffrey, BC Kneller
Facies architecture of the Grès de Peïra Cava, SE France: landward stacking patterns in ponded turbiditic basins
LA Amy, BC Kneller, WD McCAFFREY
Journal of the Geological Society 164 (1), 143-162, 2007
Field expressions of the transformation of debris flows into turbidity currents, with examples from the Polish Carpathians and the French Maritime Alps
M Felix, S Leszczyński, A Ślączka, A Uchman, L Amy, J Peakall
Marine and Petroleum Geology 26 (10), 2011-2020, 2009
Density-and viscosity-stratified gravity currents: Insight from laboratory experiments and implications for submarine flow deposits
LA Amy, J Peakall, PJ Talling
Sedimentary Geology 179 (1-2), 5-29, 2005
How did thin submarine debris flows carry boulder-sized intraclasts for remarkable distances across low gradients to the far reaches of the Mississippi Fan?
PJ Talling, RB Wynn, DN Schmmidt, R Rixon, E Sumner, L Amy
Journal of Sedimentary Research 80 (10), 829-851, 2010
Evaluating the links between turbidite characteristics and gross system architecture: upscaling insights from the turbidite sheet-system of Peïra Cava, SE France
L Amy, B Kneller, W McCaffrey
Particle size distribution controls the threshold between net sediment erosion and deposition in suspended load dominated flows
RM Dorrell, LA Amy, J Peakall, WD McCaffrey
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (3), 1443-1452, 2018
Planform geometry, stacking pattern, and extrabasinal origin of low strength and intermediate strength cohesive debris flow deposits in the Marnoso-arenacea Formation, Italy
PJ Talling, G Malgesini, EJ Sumner, LA Amy, F Felletti, G Blackbourn, ...
Geosphere 8 (6), 1207-1230, 2012
Abrupt transitions in gravity currents
LA Amy, AJ Hogg, J Peakall, PJ Talling
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 110 (F3), 2005
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