Armando Falcucci
Armando Falcucci
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Citované v
A critical assessment of the Protoaurignacian lithic technology at Fumane Cave and its implications for the definition of the earliest Aurignacian
A Falcucci, NJ Conard, M Peresani
PLoS One 12 (12), e0189241, 2017
An integrated method for understanding the function of macro-lithic tools. Use wear, 3D and spatial analyses of an Early Upper Palaeolithic assemblage from North Eastern Italy
I Caricola, A Zupancich, D Moscone, G Mutri, A Falcucci, R Duches, ...
PloS one 13 (12), e0207773, 2018
Lithic techno-complexes in Italy from 50 to 39 thousand years BP: An overview of lithic technological changes across the Middle-Upper Palaeolithic boundary
G Marciani, A Ronchitelli, S Arrighi, F Badino, E Bortolini, P Boscato, ...
Quaternary International 551, 123-149, 2020
What’s the point? Retouched bladelet variability in the Protoaurignacian. Results from Fumane, Isturitz, and Les Cottés
A Falcucci, M Peresani, M Roussel, C Normand, M Soressi
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 10, 539-554, 2018
Protoaurignacian core reduction procedures: blade and bladelet technologies at Fumane Cave
A Falcucci, M Peresani
Lithic Technology 43 (2), 125-140, 2018
Practical and technical aspects for the 3D scanning of lithic artefacts using micro-computed tomography techniques and laser light scanners for subsequent geometric …
D Göldner, FA Karakostis, A Falcucci
PLoS One 17 (4), e0267163, 2022
Breaking through the Aquitaine frame: A re-evaluation on the significance of regional variants during the Aurignacian as seen from a key record in southern Europe
A Falcucci, NJ Conard, M Peresani
Journal of Anthropological Sciences 98 (December 2020), 99-140, 2020
Scraping hide in the early Upper Paleolithic: Insights into the life and function of the Protoaurignacian endscrapers at Fumane Cave
A Aleo, R Duches, A Falcucci, V Rots, M Peresani
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13 (8), 137, 2021
The contribution of integrated 3D model analysis to Protoaurignacian stone tool design
A Falcucci, M Peresani
Plos one 17 (5), e0268539, 2022
A pre-Heinrich Event 3 assemblage at Fumane Cave and its contribution for understanding the beginning of the Gravettian in Italy
A Falcucci, M Peresani
Quartär 66, 135-154, 2019
Technological differences between Kostenki 17/II (Spitsynskaya industry, Central Russia) and the Protoaurignacian: Reply to Dinnis et al.(2019)
G Bataille, A Falcucci, Y Tafelmaier, NJ Conard
Journal of Human Evolution 146, 102685, 2020
Protoaurignacian core reduction procedures: blade and bladelet technologies at Fumane Cave. Lithic Technol 43: 125–140
A Falcucci, M Peresani
Towards a renewed definition of the Protoaurignacian
A Falcucci
Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte 27, 87-130, 2018
The Open Aurignacian Project
A Falcucci, M Peresani
Zenodo 1, 2022
Chronometric data and stratigraphic evidence support discontinuity between Neanderthals and early Homo sapiens in the Italian Peninsula
T Higham, M Frouin, K Douka, A Ronchitelli, P Boscato, S Benazzi, ...
Nature Communications 15 (1), 8016, 2024
Bringing shape into focus: Assessing differences between blades and bladelets and their technological significance in 3D form
A Falcucci, FA Karakostis, D Goeldner, M Peresani
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 43, 103490, 2022
StyroStone: A protocol for scanning and extracting three-dimensional meshes of stone artefacts using Micro-CT scanners
D Göldner, FA Karakostis, A Falcucci
Unravelling technological behaviors through core reduction intensity. The case of the early Protoaurignacian assemblage from Fumane Cave
D Lombao, A Falcucci, E Moos, M Peresani
Journal of Archaeological Science 160, 105889, 2023
The techno-typological variability of the European Aurignacian from a multi-regional and diachronic perspective. Hugo Obermaier Society for Quaternary Research and Archaeology …
G Bataille, M Bolus, NJ Conard, A Falcucci, M Peresani, Y Tafelmaier
59th Annual Meeting in Aurich, April 18th–April 22nd, 16-17, 2017
A pre-Campanian Ignimbrite techno-cultural shift in the Aurignacian sequence of Grotta di Castelcivita, southern Italy
A Falcucci, S Arrighi, V Spagnolo, M Rossini, OA Higgins, B Muttillo, ...
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 12783, 2024
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