Yonghe Li(李永合)
Yonghe Li(李永合)
Beijing University of Technology (BJUT); Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
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Citované v
Au Sub‐Nanoclusters on TiO2 toward Highly Efficient and Selective Electrocatalyst for N2 Conversion to NH3 at Ambient Conditions
MM Shi, D Bao, BR Wulan, YH Li, YF Zhang, JM Yan, Q Jiang
Advanced Materials 29 (17), 1606550, 2017
Highly active, stable oxidized platinum clusters as electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction
X Cheng, Y Li, L Zheng, Y Yan, Y Zhang, G Chen, S Sun, J Zhang
Energy & Environmental Science 10 (11), 2450-2458, 2017
Realizing superior cycling stability of Ni-Rich layered cathode by combination of grain boundary engineering and surface coating
X Cheng, J Zheng, J Lu, Y Li, P Yan, Y Zhang
Nano Energy 62, 30-37, 2019
Printing assembly and structural regulation of graphene towards three-dimensional flexible micro-supercapacitors
W Li, Y Li, M Su, B An, J Liu, D Su, L Li, F Li, Y Song
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (31), 16281-16288, 2017
In-situ TEM experiments and first-principles studies on the electrochemical and mechanical behaviors of α-MoO3 in Li-ion batteries
Y Li, H Sun, X Cheng, Y Zhang, K Zhao
Nano Energy 27, 95-102, 2016
Unveiling the dynamic capacitive storage mechanism of Co3O4@ NiCo2O4 hybrid nanoelectrodes for supercapacitor applications
Y Li, Y Zhang, Y Li, Z Wang, H Fu, X Zhang, Y Chen, H Zhang, X Li
Electrochimica Acta 145, 177-184, 2014
Understanding the mechanism of hydrogenated NiCo 2 O 4 nanograss supported on Ni foam for enhanced-performance supercapacitors
DS Sun, YH Li, ZY Wang, XP Cheng, S Jaffer, YF Zhang
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (14), 5198-5204, 2016
Kirkendall Effect Induced One-Step Fabrication of Tubular Ag/MnOx Nanocomposites for Supercapacitor Application
Y Li, H Fu, Y Zhang, Z Wang, X Li
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (13), 6604-6611, 2014
Efficient utilization of oxygen-vacancies-enabled NiCo2O4 electrode for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitor
YZ Dongsheng Sun, Yonghe Li,Dongsheng Suna, Yonghe Li, Xiaopeng Cheng ...
Electrochimica Acta 279, 269–278, 2018
Real-Time Observation of Chemomechanical Breakdown in a Layered Nickel-Rich Oxide Cathode Realized by In Situ Scanning Electron Microscopy
X Cheng, Y Li, T Cao, R Wu, Y Zhang
ACS Energy Letters, 1703-1711, 2021
Boosting the electrochemical performance of MoO3 anode for long-life lithium ion batteries: Dominated by an ultrathin TiO2 passivation layer
X Cheng, Y Li, L Sang, J Ma, H Shi, X Liu, J Lu, Y Zhang
Electrochimica Acta 269, 241-249, 2018
A recyclable and highly active Co3O4 nanoparticles/titanate nanowire catalyst for organic dyes degradation with peroxymonosulfate
Z Chen, S Chen, Y Li, X Si, J Huang, S Massey, G Chen
Materials Research Bulletin 57, 170-176, 2014
A low cost, green method to synthesize GaN nanowires
JW Zhao, YF Zhang, YH Li, C Su, XM Song, H Yan, RZ Wang
Scientific reports 5 (1), 17692, 2015
Recent advance in understanding the electro-chemo-mechanical behavior of lithium-ion batteries by electron microscopy
Y Li, X Cheng, Y Zhang, K Zhao
Materials Today Nano 7, 100040, 2019
Hierarchical porous NiCo 2 O 4 nanograss arrays grown on Ni foam as electrode material for high-performance supercapacitors
Z Wang, Y Zhang, Y Li, H Fu
Rsc Advances 4 (39), 20234-20238, 2014
Interfacial lithiation induced leapfrog phase transformation in carbon coated Se cathode observed by in-situ TEM
Y Li, J Lu, X Cheng, H Shi, Y Zhang
Nano Energy 48, 441-447, 2018
Enhancing capacitance behaviour of CoOOH nanostructures using transition metal dopants by ambient oxidation
Y Chen, J Zhou, P Maguire, R O’Connell, W Schmitt, Y Li, Z Yan, Y Zhang, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 20704, 2016
In situ SEM observation of structured Si/C anodes reactions in an ionic-liquid-based lithium-ion battery
H Shi, X Liu, R Wu, Y Zheng, Y Li, X Cheng, W Pfleging, Y Zhang
Applied Sciences 9 (5), 956, 2019
Unveiling the intrinsic reaction between silicon-graphite composite anode and ionic liquid electrolyte in lithium-ion battery
R Wu, X Liu, Y Zheng, Y Li, H Shi, X Cheng, W Pfleging, Y Zhang
Journal of Power Sources 473, 228481, 2020
Assembled graphene nanotubes decorated by hierarchical MoS2 structures: Enhanced lithium storage and in situ TEM lithiation study
Y Li, Z Liu, X Cheng, X Liu, B Zhang, D Sun, R Wang, Y Zhang
Energy Storage Materials 9, 188-194, 2017
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