Lars Börjesson
Lars Börjesson
Professor Condensed Matter Physics, Chalmers University of Technology
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Spectroscopy of single hemoglobin molecules by surface enhanced Raman scattering
H Xu, EJ Bjerneld, M Käll, L Börjesson
Physical review letters 83 (21), 4357, 1999
Accelerating effects of colloidal nano-silica for beneficial calcium–silicate–hydrate formation in cement
J Björnström, A Martinelli, A Matic, L Börjesson, I Panas
Chemical physics letters 392 (1-3), 242-248, 2004
Quantifying glass transition behavior in ultrathin free-standing polymer films
J Mattsson, JA Forrest, L Börjesson
Physical Review E 62 (4), 5187, 2000
Correlation between free volume and ionic conductivity in fast ion conducting glasses
J Swenson, L Börjesson
Physical review letters 77 (17), 3569, 1996
Structural and magnetic properties of isovalently substituted multiferroic BiFeO: Insights from Raman spectroscopy
J Bielecki, P Svedlindh, DT Tibebu, S Cai, SG Eriksson, L Börjesson, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (18), 184422, 2012
Structure and Ionic Conduction in (AgI) x (AgP O 3) 1− x Glasses
JD Wicks, L Börjesson, G Bushnell-Wye, WS Howells, RL McGreevy
Physical review letters 74 (5), 726, 1995
Structural changes of through the liquid-glass transition range: A Raman-scattering study
AK Hassan, LM Torell, L Börjesson, H Doweidar
Physical Review B 45 (22), 12797, 1992
Raman spectroscopy of Mode assignment and relationship between Raman line intensities and structural distortions
MV Abrashev, J Bäckström, L Börjesson, VN Popov, RA Chakalov, ...
Physical Review B 65 (18), 184301, 2002
Formation of silicon structures by plasma‐activated wafer bonding
P Amirfeiz, S Bengtsson, M Bergh, E Zanghellini, L Börjesson
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 147 (7), 2693, 2000
Conformational evolution of TFSI in protic and aprotic ionic liquids
A Martinelli, A Matic, P Johansson, P Jacobsson, L Börjesson, A Fernicola, ...
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 42 (3), 522-528, 2011
Raman-active phonons in Bi 2 Sr 2 Ca 1− x Y x Cu 2 O 8+ d (x= 0–1): Effects of hole filling and internal pressure induced by Y doping for Ca, and implications for phonon …
M Kakihana, M Osada, M Käll, L Börjesson, H Mazaki, H Yasuoka, ...
Physical Review B 53 (17), 11796, 1996
Structure of borate glasses from neutron-diffraction experiments
J Swenson, L Börjesson, WS Howells
Physical Review B 52 (13), 9310, 1995
Two-step relaxation decay in a strong glass former
D Sidebottom, R Bergman, L Börjesson, LM Torell
Physical review letters 71 (14), 2260, 1993
Vibrational properties of protons in hydrated
M Karlsson, ME Björketun, PG Sundell, A Matic, G Wahnström, D Engberg, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (9), 094303, 2005
Physical properties of proton conducting membranes based on a protic ionic liquid
A Martinelli, A Matic, P Jacobsson, L Börjesson, A Fernicola, S Panero, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111 (43), 12462-12467, 2007
Ion pairing in polymer electrolytes; A comparative Raman study of NaCF3SO3 complexed in poly (propylene-glycol) and dissolved in acetonitrile
S Schantz, J Sandahl, L Börjesson, LM Torell, JR Stevens
Solid State Ionics 28, 1047-1053, 1988
Charge-transfer and compression effects of isomorphous substitutions in YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7
M Kakihana, SG Eriksson, L Börjesson, LG Johansson, C Ström, M Käll
Physical Review B 47 (9), 5359, 1993
Polymerized complex synthesis and intergranular coupling of Bi‐Pb‐Sr‐Ca‐Cu‐O superconductors characterized by complex magnetic susceptibility
M Kakihana, M Yoshimura, H Mazaki, H Yasuoka, L Börjesson
Journal of applied physics 71 (8), 3904-3910, 1992
Structure of mixed alkali/alkaline-earth silicate glasses from neutron diffraction and vibrational spectroscopy
C Karlsson, E Zanghellini, J Swenson, B Roling, DT Bowron, L Börjesson
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (6), 064206, 2005
Relaxational and vibrational dynamics in the glass-transition range of a strong glass former B 2 O 3
A Brodin, L Börjesson, D Engberg, LM Torell, AP Sokolov
Physical Review B 53 (17), 11511, 1996
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