Nancy Shappell
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Citované v
Polyamine and polyamine analog regulation of spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase in MALME-3M human melanoma cells.
M Fogel-Petrovic, NW Shappell, RJ Bergeron, CW Porter
Journal of Biological Chemistry 268 (25), 19118-19125, 1993
Bioassay of estrogenicity and chemical analyses of estrogens in streams across the United States associated with livestock operations
DA Alvarez, NW Shappell, LO Billey, DS Bermudez, VS Wilson, ...
Water research 47 (10), 3347-3363, 2013
Surveillance of plasticizers, bisphenol A, steroids and caffeine in surface water of River Ganga and Sundarban wetland along the Bay of Bengal: occurrence, sources …
P Chakraborty, NW Shappell, M Mukhopadhyay, S Onanong, KR Rex, ...
Water Research 190, 116668, 2021
Estrogenic activity and steroid hormones in swine wastewater through a lagoon constructed-wetland system
NW Shappell, LO Billey, D Forbes, TA Matheny, ME Poach, GB Reddy, ...
Environmental science & technology 41 (2), 444-450, 2007
Effects of dietary calcium and age on parathyroid hormone, calcitonin and serum and milk minerals in the periparturient dairy cow
NW Shappell, JH Herbein, LJ Deftos, RJ Aiello
The Journal of nutrition 117 (1), 201-207, 1987
Comparative biological effects and potency of 17α-and 17β-estradiol in fathead minnows
NW Shappell, KM Hyndman, SE Bartell, HL Schoenfuss
Aquatic toxicology 100 (1), 1-8, 2010
Destruction of estrogens using Fe-TAML/peroxide catalysis
NW Shappell, MA Vrabel, PJ Madsen, G Harrington, LO Billey, H Hakk, ...
Environmental science & technology 42 (4), 1296-1300, 2008
ELISA for sulfonamides and its application for screening in water contamination
WL Shelver, NW Shappell, M Franek, FR Rubio
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56 (15), 6609-6615, 2008
Comparing biological effects and potencies of estrone and 17β-estradiol in mature fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas
AA Dammann, NW Shappell, SE Bartell, HL Schoenfuss
Aquatic Toxicology 105 (3-4), 559-568, 2011
Regulation of spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase by intracellular polyamine pools: evidence for a functional role in polyamine homeostasis
NW Shappell, MF Fogel-Petrovic, CW Porter
FEBS letters 321 (2-3), 179-183, 1993
Estrogenic activity in the environment: municipal wastewater effluent, river, ponds, and wetlands
NW Shappell
Journal of Environmental Quality 35 (1), 122-132, 2006
Differential effects of the spermine analog, N1, N12-bis (ethyl)-spermine, on polyamine metabolism and cell growth in human melanoma cell lines and melanocytes.
NW Shappell, JT Miller, RJ Bergeron, CW Porter
Anticancer research 12 (4), 1083-1089, 1992
Epimerization of ergopeptine alkaloids in organic and aqueous solvents
DJ Smith, NW Shappell
Journal of Animal Science 80 (6), 1616-1622, 2002
Endoplasmic reticulum lumenal proteins of rat mammary gland. Potential involvement in lipid droplet assembly during lactation
D Ghosal, NW Shappell, TW Keenan
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects 1200 (2), 175-181, 1994
Ergovaline toxicity on Caco-2 cells as assessed by MTT, alamarBlue, and DNA assays
NW Shappell
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Animal 39 (7), 329-335, 2003
Response of C2C12 mouse and turkey skeletal muscle cells to the β-adrenergic agonist ractopamine
NW Shappell, VJ Feil, DJ Smith, GL Larsen, DC McFarland
Journal of animal science 78 (3), 699-708, 2000
Distribution of animal drugs between skim milk and milk fat fractions in spiked whole milk: Understanding the potential impact on commercial milk products
H Hakk, NW Shappell, SJ Lupton, WL Shelver, W Fanaselle, D Oryang, ...
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 64 (1), 326-335, 2016
Effects of liquid swine manure on dissipation of 17β-estradiol in soil
KK Zitnick, NW Shappell, H Hakk, TM DeSutter, E Khan, FXM Casey
Journal of hazardous materials 186 (2-3), 1111-1117, 2011
Distribution of animal drugs among curd, whey, and milk protein fractions in spiked skim milk and whey
NW Shappell, WL Shelver, SJ Lupton, W Fanaselle, JM Van Doren, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 65 (4), 938-949, 2017
Estrogenicity and nutrient concentration of surface waters surrounding a large confinement dairy operation using best management practices for land application of animal wastes
NW Shappell, KH Elder, M West
Environmental science & technology 44 (7), 2365-2371, 2010
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