Tobias Schwartz
Tobias Schwartz
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Citované v
Cultivating energy literacy: results from a longitudinal living lab study of a home energy management system
T Schwartz, S Denef, G Stevens, L Ramirez, V Wulf
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2013
What people do with consumption feedback: a long-term living lab study of a home energy management system
T Schwartz, G Stevens, T Jakobi, S Denef, L Ramirez, V Wulf, D Randall
Interacting with Computers 27 (6), 551-576, 2015
Uncovering practices of making energy consumption accountable: A phenomenological inquiry
T Schwartz, G Stevens, L Ramirez, V Wulf
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 20 (2), 1-30, 2013
Sustainable energy practices at work: understanding the role of workers in energy conservation
T Schwartz, M Betz, L Ramirez, G Stevens
Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction …, 2010
Energypulse: tracking sustainable behavior in office environments
M Jahn, T Schwartz, J Simon, M Jentsch
Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on energy-efficient …, 2011
Integrating usability-engineering into the software developing processes of SME: A case study of software developing SME in Germany
D Hering, T Schwartz, A Boden, V Wulf
2015 IEEE/ACM 8th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of …, 2015
Putting the user in charge: end user development for eco-feedback technologies
T Jakobi, T Schwartz
2012 Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability (SustainIT), 1-4, 2012
Usability-Hindernisse bei Software entwickelnden KMU.
D Hering, X Kraft, T Schwartz, V Wulf
MuC (Workshopband), 9-18, 2013
Role-based eco-info systems: An organizational theoretical view of sustainable HCI at work
N Castelli, N Schönau, G Stevens, T Schwartz, T Jakobi
consumers@ work: Zum neuen Verhältnis von Unternehmen und Usern im Web 2.0
T Beyreuther
Campus Verlag, 2012
Soziale Dimensionen von Smart Metering am Arbeitsplatz.
M Betz, T Schwartz
MKWI 2010, 341ff, 2010
A dialectic view on Open Innovation
G Stevens, T Schwartz, J Meurer
Participatory design workshops to evaluate multimodal applications
S Denef, L Ramirez, T Dyrks, T Schwartz, AA Al-Akkad
Proceedings of the 5th Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction …, 2008
Praxisgerechte Unterstützung kooperativer Aneignung am Beispiel der Eclipse IDE
T Schwartz
Siegen, Universität Siegen, 2007
Appropriation: A work practice perspective to provisioning
G Stevens, S Draxler, T Schwartz
Positionpaper accepted on the Symposia about Application Provisioning …, 2007
Know thyself: monitoring and reflecting energy consumption
M Betz, T Schwartz, L Ramirez
Workshop" Know Thyself-Monitoring and Reflecting on Facets of One's Life" 2010, 2010
Findings of an Action Research on implementing an Integrated Energy Management in a German SME.
N Schönau, T Schwartz, T Jakobi, N Castelli, G Stevens
EnviroInfo, 581-588, 2014
Kompetenzen offener Innovationsentwicklung
G Stevens, J Meurer, B Nett, T Schwartz
na, 2012
Smart Metering für Büroarbeitsplätze - BUIS als soziotechnische Gestaltungsherausforderung
T Schwartz, M Betz, G Stevens
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 278, 2011
EUD@ Smart Homes-Smart Refurbishment of Rented Apartments to Improve Energy Efficiency
T Jakobi, G Stevens, T Schwartz
IS-EUD 2011, Workshop on EUD for Supporting Sustainability in Maker Communities, 2011
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